Toyota moving to Texas

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People leaving the state seems to also be related to the high cost of real estate/living in Cali.

Like morekaos, I'm a die-hard SoCalite but if not for family and friends in the area... I might have thought about moving up to Washington or Oregon.
Not true…every person and family I know who moved out of state could have easily stayed put. Home owners or more than capable of paying the rent. They all left for tax, political, family education or regulatory reasons…or a combination of all. Sad, lots of tax money went with them.
You can’t prove that with anecdotes. I know people who moved out of Cali for cheaper home prices because they stayed working remote… so there! Nyah Nyah Nyah! :)
You can’t prove that with anecdotes. I know people who moved out of Cali for cheaper home prices because they stayed working remote… so there! Nyah Nyah Nyah! :)
Exactly the point (not anecdotal) of the LA Slimes article I posted…little to do with affordability issues….

Wealthy Californians Are Fleeing The State​

New state-to-state migration data show that for the last several years, thousands more high-earning, well-educated workers have left California than have moved in. The reversal, largely in response to the state's high taxes and soaring cost of living, has begun to damage California's overall economy.
How to make bureaucratic fools who’ve never had a real job feel good about themselves and destroy jobs at the same time, like EV mandates…. win-win!…🥂🤦🏽‍♂️😢😢

California’s Minimum-Wage Hike Hasn’t Even Happened But It’s Already Killing Jobs

Already, with California’s looming minimum-wage tax on fast-food chains in the state, employers are tweaking costs by reducing hours, laying off workers and charging you more for that cheeseburger, fries and a drink that you crave.

Though the calendar says it’s still 2023, franchisees of the Pizza Hut chain have announced this week they’re laying off 1,200 drivers who used to deliver their piping-hot pies door-to-door. With the new higher wages, they can’t afford to keep drivers working.

Pizza Hut isn’t the only company making big changes in California’s massive fast-food market, which employs 557,000 workers at 30,000 outlets.

In order to meet the fast-food industry’s estimated $3 billion in added labor costs from the minimum-wage increase, popular chains such as Chipotle and McDonald’s plan “to pass the costs of higher wages in California to customers by raising menu prices,” The Business Insider reports.

For most Californians... taxes aren't lower for them in Texas:

Grain of salt but then you also have to deal with the heat.

TX has no state income tax and CA has the highest income tax in the nation. For sales tax, Texas has sales tax rates between 6.25 and 8.25 while CA has rates of 7.25 and 10.25. I guess the article is saying very low income people who own houses will pay more property tax in TX vs. CA (high 2s vs 1% in CA)? But property values are much lower in TX so this should be a wash. This article does not add up..
For most Californians... taxes aren't lower for them in Texas:

Grain of salt but then you also have to deal with the heat.
If it came out of the Boy Kings mouth you know it’s a lie…Two other studies say, NO….Opinions vary…😂😂😂

MARCH 27, 2023

Are Taxes Really Lower in California than in Texas?

WalletHub analysis seems to contradict a Tax Foundation burden ranking which placed the Golden State and Lone Star State 46th and 6th respectively.

Unlike California, Texas does not impose taxes on personal income or on the value of one’s vehicle. So, of the four tax categories WalletHub included, only Sales & Excise Taxes and Real Estate Taxes apply in the Lone Star State.

WalletHub estimates Sales & Excise Taxes of $4591 for the theoretical median household in Texas versus only $3292 in California. But sales tax rates are generally lower in Texas than in California. According to the Sales Tax Handbook, combined state and local sales taxes in California range from 7.25% to 10.75%. In Texas, the range is from 6.25% to 8.25% Neither state levies sales taxes on groceries. Gasoline taxes are also much higher in California, weighing in at 53.9 cents per gallon compared to 20 cents per gallon in Texas. Finally, cigarette taxes in California are double those in Texas.

WalletHub based its Sales & Excise Tax Burden estimates on a 2018 report from The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy which uses a different definition of middle income and relies on 2015 data. It thus misses large increases in gasoline and cigarette taxes California imposed after 2015, along with numerous local sales tax hikes.


TX has no state income tax and CA has the highest income tax in the nation. For sales tax, Texas has sales tax rates between 6.25 and 8.25 while CA has rates of 7.25 and 10.25. I guess the article is saying very low income people who own houses will pay more property tax in TX vs. CA (high 2s vs 1% in CA)? But property values are much lower in TX so this should be a wash. This article does not add up..
Well, the article is misleading, for sure. It's targeting the bottom 20% only, which says those making less than $20k annually. In this case, those CA residents only pay 1% state tax, which isn't much more than 0% in TX. That's why it claims those CA residents only pay 10.5% taxes. As to how those bottom 20% TX residents are paying 13%, I'm at a loss since it's saying TX sales tax is between 6.25% and 8.25%.
For your reading pleasure.....

If this is all simply a question of money, that's an open ended conversation. I consider this a question of quality of life (weather excluded....) Paying X per year for shiatty schools, lax law enforcement by prosecutors and judges, pronoun forcing and other DEI/Woke nonsense to be reason enough to move out of the Peoples Republic of California to anywhere else.
Not true…every person and family I know who moved out of state could have easily stayed put. Home owners or more than capable of paying the rent. They all left for tax, political, family education or regulatory reasons…or a combination of all. Sad, lots of tax money went with them.
Maybe you should read my post better... you are saying the same thing I am... that's it's not just bad business climate but a myriad of reasons why people have moved, high real estate costs being one of them. Even if they can afford it, why should they pay more for less if they can deal with the weather in TX?
But ALL my reasons are self-inflicted wounds. Either by dumb, short sighted politicians or the foolish voters that unwittingly elect these fools….the weather and home prices are largely out of our control.🙄🤦🏽‍♂️😂😂😂🦄🌈

Self-inflicted wounds that drives our best money earners right out the door…These people are not moving because houses cost too much….its taxes, regulation, crime and quality of life…all things controlled by the morons in charge…😡👎🏽😂😂

Why wealthy Californians are ditching their LA mansions in droves - and where they are fleeing

· Californians are packing up their mansions and moving to more affordable states

· Residents are citing the new 'mansion tax' as well as homelessness and crime

· Those fleeing include celebrities like Elon Musk, Mark Wahlberg and Joe Rogan

Gus Lira is a managing partner at a private jet partner company who recently decided he needed to get out of California Despite loving his oceanfront condo in Malibu - Lira was sick of the taxes, he told Business Insider.'For me, really the main reason, and for many of the people that I know, is just taxes,' Lira said. 'It's just crazy. California is making it very difficult for everybody.'

Mark Wahlberg revealed in 2022 that was going to join the exodus from California by leaving his longtime home in Los Angeles in favor of Nevada in a quest to eventually build 'Hollywood 2.0' in Sin City.
The 52-year-old actor said he had bid the Golden State farewell in hopes of giving his children a 'better life' in income tax-free Nevada.Wahlberg wasn't shy about admitting that his move out of California was about taxes, though he focused on how they would affect his businesses.

Joe Rogan moved his Spotify-backed show, as well as the rest of his life, to Texas.Rogan said he moved to Austin, Texas in 2020 to 'have a little bit more freedom.'

Ozzy Osbourne said in 2022 that he is quitting Los Angeles and moving back to the UK because he pays too much tax in California.

Scott Baio announced his plans to escape from California in May 2023 and placed his $3.85million home on the market, citing the state's disastrous homelessness and crime issues.

Elon Musk first publicly mentioned his plan to leave California for Texas in a string of furious tweets in May 2020 after a California county health official said that the plant could not reopen amid coronavirus shutdowns. The 52-year-old South African claimed that the state had become 'complacent' when it comes to innovation.

Jennifer and Chuck Balek - who have six children between them from past marriages - revealed that they were 'just so tired' of not being able to afford things on the West Coast. Rent on a 3,200ft property was coming in at $4,000 a month and gas costing $6 a gallon, the Baleks said. Overall, the family say the cost of living is probably a good 15 to 20 per cent lower in Texas.
Sure…we can afford to give illegals free medical, cell phones and a Sephora gift card….ask the Boy King😡🙄🌈🦄💩

Budget Buster​

California's Deficit Rises To $73B, Nearly Twice As High As Newsom Had Projected​

California’s updated budget shortfall is now believed to be $73 billion—$15 billion higher than prior estimates and a considerable leap from the $38 billion Gov. Gavin Newsom had anticipated, according to the state’s Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO).

I get you like being treated like a chump, but I don’t and neither do (zovall) a lot of people here😂😂😂

Then why stay? There has to be more reasons to stay than to leave or you would be gone.

That's really on you that you stick around. I don't want you to go but if you are going to keep complaining about being here... Texas is waiting.