The Investigation

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Mmmmmmm.... as expected a great big Nothingburger... with a side of Freedom Fries for all.

I like that Muller kept tight control over leaks during the investigation. Having watched the terribly handled Clinton impeachment process and comparing it to this go round, Muller's way was in the end the right way of getting to the bottom of this whole manufactured "scandal". Consider yourselves lucky to have witnessed a near coup de etat by those enraged that HRC wasn't coronated as planned. This was the Deep States "insurance policy" that just wasn't going to payout.

Let's hope the Country can move past this, as adults should, and find something better to do with their time. Americans survived and thrived after Nixon and Clinton, as the should do with Trump now that the "collusion" hoax has been dealt with.

My .02c
Soylent Green Is People said:
Mmmmmmm.... as expected a great big Nothingburger... with a side of Freedom Fries for all.

I like that Muller kept tight control over leaks during the investigation. Having watched the terribly handled Clinton impeachment process and comparing it to this go round, Muller's way was in the end the right way of getting to the bottom of this whole manufactured "scandal". Consider yourselves lucky to have witnessed a near coup de etat by those enraged that HRC wasn't coronated as planned. This was the Deep States "insurance policy" that just wasn't going to payout.

Let's hope the Country can move past this, as adults should, and find something better to do with their time. Americans survived and thrived after Nixon and Clinton, as the should do with Trump now that the "collusion" hoax has been dealt with.

My .02c

How did this start? Some person had too much to drink and open his mouth to a foreign diplomat. Also, if Trump didn?t fire Comey. There would have been no investigation.
The two dozen indictments and plenty of people serving hard jail time is just a nothingburger , yes. People can read what they want with their biased lenses and come to their own conclusions.  I can tell you not many votes for 2020 are turning based on this report anyways .

What the Mueller probe established, according to what we have heard so far, is that the Russians hacked the DNC and engaged in an aggressive, covert campaign to influence our election. And we have Trump standing meekly next to Putin in Helsinki  and accepting his denials.

The indictments that came in dribs and drabs over two years normalized everyone to the scale of the crime . Wonder how the reaction would have been had mueller deliver all the indictments in one shot at the very end...

I just hope when trump and the MAGA movement  gets an ass kicking in 2020 , people here can come to terms with it and move on and submit to reality !
BTW  is mueller still a political hack and a witch hunt maniac ? Or are republiicans now going to start worshipping him ? What happened to all the deep state conspiracy theories ?

What will trump run on now ? The only issue where he plays the ?victim ? has been taken away from him .

morekaos said:
This is not "guilty till proven innocent". I would give her the benefit if she or this new one had just one witness to back up even an inkling of their stories.  So far, neither one can.  In fact quite the opposite seems true,  their "best friends" can't recall either incident ever happening. Now creepy porn lawyer want in on the action.  This whole thing looks more and more like a political hit job. 

and on the same day that Trump is cleared..creepy porn lawyer is delightful.

Trump?s perfect day just got even better: Michael Avenatti is charged with extortion after 'demanding $25M from Nike to keep quiet about claims of employee misconduct he planned to release during NCAA tourney'
I'm glad there was no collusion.
I'm still not voting for trump in 2020 though.

He'll have to do something extra good if he wants my vote....less than 2 years left.
Same here. Money and time well spent to find the truth.

If Trump voices is lesser divisiveness, he will likely win in 2020. Policies and NOT personality will decide his office in next election for the White House.
Compressed-Village said:
Same here. Money and time well spent to find the truth.

If Trump voices is lesser divisiveness, he will likely win in 2020. Policies and NOT personality will decide his office in next election for the White House.

Not really. This administration is a complete joke like the tax cuts.
There is still plenty of time for Trump to lose the 2020 election. May I recommend reading up on GHW Bush and his 90% approval rating, yet only a few months later was defeated in the 1990 election. As once said by Solomon, there is nothing new under the sun.

It seems like it's Trump's to lose today, but if the D's were to have a Biden/Michelle Obama ticket, there's a real horse race that Trump would not be able to overcome. In full disclosure, I had hoped 2016 would have been a Trump/Sanders affair just to highlight the differences in political philosophy brewing back then. If Biden blows his chance, then perhaps I'll finally get the race I wanted to watch!

If any of those on the Left here in Irvine still have their Mueller votive candles, I'm willing to buy one from you. Those have to be the funniest tchotchke's ever created for a political movement. Sure, I could order one off of e-bay, but it wouldn't be the same as looking into the eyes of someone who seriously and faithfully first purchased it in hopes that it would empower the investigation.

My .02ci
Soy never will adress what caused the initial probe.

Way to grow your business. (perfectly legal statement and don?t pm me)
I think it?s good that SC realtor doesn?t get involved with sticky topics like this one. (Stay away from the mud throwing)

In other words. If my business got referrals from the TI forum. I would not get involved in this topic like he has.
FYI - it?s common practice for law enforcement to look at other things than the original scope. If they come across other things during an investigation or inquiry.
By the modern definition, today is one of the greatest days ever for conservatism :)

? conservatism is when something triggers the libs and the more the libs are triggered the conservatismer it is ?

? Edmund Burke