The Investigation

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This is another long but comprehensive article about Jim Comey's actions leading up to the election.  Many Democrats blame him for Hillary's loss, which I tend to think has some merit.  Nobody will ever know for sure.

Despite Comey Assurances, Vast Bulk of Weiner Laptop Emails Were Never Examinedhttps://www.realclearinvestigations...k_of_weiner_laptop_emails_never_examined.html

What this article illustrates is that the FBI team in charge of the Hillary e-mail investigation had no intention of reopening this case.  They sat on the discovery of the Wiener laptop for a month, which is why, when Comey was forced to make an announcement, it was only a week before the election. 

Agents in the NY field office were threatening to leak discovery of the laptop to the press and a top DOJ official caught wind of it, not only telling the FBI leadership to get their asses in gear, but to notify Congress in writing (ensuring it would leak to the press anyway).  Basically, Comey had no choice but to comply by reopening the investigation.... and yet... a thorough and conclusive examination of the e-mails on the laptop never occurred.

Despite Comey's sworn testimony that the FBI forensics team created new technology that could scan 300,000+ e-mails for duplicates in a week, it was not true.  None of the e-mails were exact duplicates because Huma had forwarded them to her personal e-mail address.  It would require labor intensive scrutiny by actual people to determine the content of the e-mails.

Yet the review they conducted for classified info was a sample of only about 1% of the e-mails on the laptop.
14 days, thank you mueller! yuuuge win in russian collusion investigation!

Former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos sentenced to 14 days in prison for lying to FBI

Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos was sentenced Friday to 14 days in prison for lying to the FBI during Special Counsel Robert Mueller?s probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Papadopoulos was also sentenced to 13 months supervised release, 200 hours community service and a $9,500 fine. Before his sentencing, the former adviser said he was ?deeply embarrassed and ashamed.?
?My entire life has been turned upside down, I hope to have a second chance to redeem myself,? he said. Mueller?s team had pushed for a six-month prison sentence, while Papadopoulos? defense had requested probation.

Papadopoulos served as a foreign policy adviser to President Trump?s 2016 campaign, and was the first to plead guilty in the Mueller probe. According to the indictment, Papadopoulos was told by a Maltese professor in April 2016 that Russian officials had ?dirt? on Hillary Clinton in the form of ?thousands of emails.?

He later attempted to use his links to the professor and Russian nationals to attempt to set up a meeting between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin. He admitted to lying about those contacts to Mueller?s team, which investigators said led them to miss a chance to interview the professor, Joseph Mifsud.
Gallup chief: Americans have 'dismissed' idea that Trump acted illegally with Russia
Gallup Editor-in-Chief Frank Newport said on Tuesday that Americans have come to reject the idea that President Trump did anything criminal with regards to Russian interference in the 2016 election.

"A lot of Americans have kind of dismissed the idea that he [Trump] colluded to the extent that he did something illegal," Newport told Hill.TV's Joe Concha on "What America's Thinking."

"A lot more Americans would say he did something wrong, but it wasn't illegal," he continued.

Newport was referring to a Gallup poll released last week that found that only 29 percent of respondents said they believed Trump acted illegally concerning Russian involvement during the 2016 campaign.
Maybe you should thank George P. for kick starting the investigation.

Kings said:
14 days, thank you mueller! yuuuge win in russian collusion investigation!

Former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos sentenced to 14 days in prison for lying to FBI

Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos was sentenced Friday to 14 days in prison for lying to the FBI during Special Counsel Robert Mueller?s probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Papadopoulos was also sentenced to 13 months supervised release, 200 hours community service and a $9,500 fine. Before his sentencing, the former adviser said he was ?deeply embarrassed and ashamed.?
?My entire life has been turned upside down, I hope to have a second chance to redeem myself,? he said. Mueller?s team had pushed for a six-month prison sentence, while Papadopoulos? defense had requested probation.

Papadopoulos served as a foreign policy adviser to President Trump?s 2016 campaign, and was the first to plead guilty in the Mueller probe. According to the indictment, Papadopoulos was told by a Maltese professor in April 2016 that Russian officials had ?dirt? on Hillary Clinton in the form of ?thousands of emails.?

He later attempted to use his links to the professor and Russian nationals to attempt to set up a meeting between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin. He admitted to lying about those contacts to Mueller?s team, which investigators said led them to miss a chance to interview the professor, Joseph Mifsud.
TRUMP ? ?3000 people did not die in the two hurricanes that hit Puerto Rico. When I left the Island, AFTER the storm had hit, they had anywhere from 6 to 18 deaths. As time went by it did not go up by much. Then, a long time later, they started to report really large numbers, like 3000...?

this latest tweet is not just  Trump being Trump -

The President of the United States just denied the official death toll from Hurricane Maria and blamed it on Democrats.

This is among the lowest statements made by any American president

Yet we know his cult members will buy it hook , line and sinker .

This is what our ?democracy? has deranged down to at this point in times .

But those tax cuts and gorsuch and kavanaugh, boy they are sure worth it  !!
fortune11 said:
this latest tweet is not just  Trump being Trump -

Are you sure?

So every argument boils down to this :)

GOP: *throws you down a pit*
DEM: my leg's broken
GOP: I'm sure you have proof. I'll wait
GOP:  so sick of people always bringing up pits
GOP:  wow victim card much
GOP:  that talk's exactly why you got thrown down a pit
fortune11 said:
TRUMP ? ?3000 people did not die in the two hurricanes that hit Puerto Rico. When I left the Island, AFTER the storm had hit, they had anywhere from 6 to 18 deaths. As time went by it did not go up by much. Then, a long time later, they started to report really large numbers, like 3000...?

this latest tweet is not just  Trump being Trump -

The President of the United States just denied the official death toll from Hurricane Maria and blamed it on Democrats.

This is among the lowest statements made by any American president

Yet we know his cult members will buy it hook , line and sinker .

This is what our ?democracy? has deranged down to at this point in times .

But those tax cuts and gorsuch and kavanaugh, boy they are sure worth it  !!

Even the sycophants are staying away from this dip$hitery. DeSantis distanced himself from Trump on this! Imagine that. He won't do much more than that though, which is already a bridge too far for him. Otherwise, he'll receive the wrath of Breitbart crowd, and maybe even Trump.
Any chance Reps (Freedom Caucus) vote against welfare for repairing/rebuilding areas affected by Hurricane Florence. Remember, we couldn't afford it for Hurricane Sandy, or so was the argument.
Say what you will about The Donald and the tweets - but dig deeper with me please:

As of July 9th, 2018 the "official estimated death toll" from Hurricane Maria was 1,427

( a 14mb file to sift through if there's any interest )

By August 2018, a study commissioned by Puerto Rico through George Washington University reported the number as 2,975 - still an estimate. Note that the deaths "could be attributed directly or indirectly to Hurricane Maria".

So there are wildly variable numbers that could or could not be verified. The variable numbers are similar to how the 9-11 Attack victims are counted. People list 9-11 dead at "3,000"....  but should we also add in those clean up volunteers who are dying now due to dust inhalation? How about people who couldn't get on the NYC subway on 9-11 and get their insulin refills, causing them to die earlier than expected? Note this scenario is part of the calculations being used to come up with Puerto Rico's estimated death toll numbers.

What I hoped would have come out of these investigations?:

Could have any of the deaths been prevented with better preparation?
Were any deaths directly attributed to the initial and ongoing Federal response?
How much of the blame lies with the local and territorial government?
What were conditions like in the months leading up to the hurricane making landfall?

and generate some solutions based on those solid and verifiable facts. These issues aren't discussed because it takes real thinking and doesn't make for easy headlines.

The President is right to challenge these unsubstantiated estimates. It's a fools game, because it will never be a clearly articulated message that will "win" IMHO

My .02c

Accepting every criticism above of the estimates of deaths directly and indirectly related to the hurricane, now reconcile that with Trump's tweets on the topic, please.
how many deaths are attributable to corruption and incompetence by local officials?

Administration of Trump-bashing Puerto Rican mayor reportedly facing FBI corruption probe

The administration of the mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico, who shot to international fame after criticizing President Trump for not doing enough to help Hurricane Maria victims, is being investigated by the FBI on corruption charges, according a local news outlet.

Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz and her administration are under fire for allegedly obstructing critical supplies from reaching victims of the category-4 hurricane that leveled much of the tiny U.S. territory nearly nine months ago.

Donations sent to Puerto Rico were found rotting in parking lot

Donated food sent to Puerto Rico in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria were left to rot in a parking lot of a government facility, CBS News correspondent David Begnaud reported Friday. Additionally, about 10 containers filled with non-perishable supplies sat at the government facility for 11 months.

Trump Is Right! Stockpile of Bottled Water Found Hidden in Puerto Rico

A massive stockpile of bottled water has been found one year after Hurricane Maria there. Hundreds of thousands of water bottles meant for victims of Hurricane Maria are still sitting at a Puerto Rico airport nearly a year after the storm, and there are photos showing the bottles in boxes covered on a blue tarp on a runway.
You're conflating issues. "How many deaths resulted?" is a different question than "Who is responsible for the deaths that occurred?" Trump is disputing the death toll.
For those Trump enthusiasts who feel compelled to defend ("Trumpsplain") Trump, you should read Gaslighting America: Why We Love It When Trump Lies to Us:

I highly recommend it.
Perspective said:
You're conflating issues. "How many deaths resulted?" is a different question than "Who is responsible for the deaths that occurred?" Trump is disputing the death toll.

the point is that nobody knows for sure what is going on down there.  we don't know where supplies are going, we have corrupt officials, and we have 10 different "studies" saying there are 5 to 5,000 deaths.
Perspective said:
For those Trump enthusiasts who feel compelled to defend ("Trumpsplain") Trump, you should read Gaslighting America: Why We Love It When Trump Lies to Us:

I highly recommend it.

trump is officially the greatest book seller in all of history.  seems like every week there is a new book that comes out.  make america read again!