The Elephant in the room

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Impeachment.... wow what a waste of time. These fools are going to squander the political capital they?ve gained in the last few days.
The American attention span is that of a goldfish. Give this 5-7 more days and it will be pretty much a "who cares?" to the general public. The playoffs are hear. Basketball is starting. Awards season is going to begin! Free bread. Circuses everywhere!

Sad, but it is what it is here on Planet Reality.
Pretend nothing happened (wait never mind) lol

DailyBeast via Yahoo: RedState Publishes, Then Retracts Bonkers Claim There Was No Capitol Riot

Let me be real clear. There was no riot in DC. There was no insurrection. There was no ?storming? of the Capitol Building,? wrote the piece?s author Mike Ford, a retired infantry office. ?There was a peaceful rally. There was a largely peaceful protest that was marred by some bad acts by a very few people. There was and is, absolutely nothing to be traumatized or intimidated by. It?s time to tell the press, the politicians and even our pastors, stop the gaslighting.?

The piece dismissed last Wednesday?s riot?which resulted in five deaths, including a police officer defending the building?as the actions of merely a ?couple of bozos.? The vast majority of the rioters, Ford claimed, ?were all staying inside the velvet guide ropes, surely not the actions of a rabid mob bent on violence or chaos.? The conservative writer also described the violence as being akin to ?some pushing and shoving along the barrier line,? and claimed the death of Capitol Police Officer Brian D. Sicknick was not ?officially connected to any illegal, violent act.?

After immediate backlash online from critics pointing out the article?s numerous factual inaccuracies and potentially dangerous suggestions, RedState deleted the post. ?Overnight, this article about January 6th was published,? the publication wrote in a note replacing the article?s text. ?Many details, opinions, and analysis contained in the piece were either incorrect or inappropriate. It has been retracted and we regret its publication.?

inv0ke-epipen said:
Impeachment.... wow what a waste of time. These fools are going to squander the political capital they?ve gained in the last few days.

10000% disagree

What you're basically advocating is appeasement
Listened to Sam Harris? podcast. Mirrors my thoughts exactly.

Edit: Nvm it goes off the rails and talks about meditation and stuff.

morekaos said:
AOC will effectively tear apart that caucus better than any repub could. Listen to the disdain in prancys voice. This will be epic and thoroughly entertaining! It?s why I love her so.

Right? It's almost as if the Democrats won the House, Senate, and Presidency under her watch

Fact of the matter is, her digital game is the best out there, she raises a ridiculous amount of money, and is smart as hell.

She was one of the big reasons Democrats turned out massive numbers in swing states to secure the victories. Her and Stacey Abrams' ground games are the best of the best.
Actually, they saw their majority in the house evaporate under her watch.  That razor thin majority is tenuous and the Squad will be flanking Pelosi for the next two years till they lose the majority in 2022.  I love her for similar reasons that I love Trump...she is a political hand grenade that will explode the Dem caucus and contribute to the Kaos.
Nope, wrong again, AOC was part of the 2018 blue wave that brought in the Justice Democrats/ Brand New Congress, which gave them that huge surge in the House in the first place

She is wildly popular and her politics is more appealing to a diverse base than the corporate Democrats
Speaking of 2015-2016, back to the original topic, here?s Republicans warning how bad Trump was.

All stars include Graham, Cruz, Paul, and McEnany


Theres only one Presidential candidate that has violence at their events - Marco Rubio, 2016

So again, there?s no need for nuance or rationalization here. Republicans knew what they signed up for and looked the other way.
icey said:
Nope, wrong again, AOC was part of the 2018 blue wave that brought in the Justice Democrats/ Brand New Congress, which gave them that huge surge in the House in the first place

She is wildly popular and her politics is more appealing to a diverse base than the corporate Democrats

Remember...this is under her watch that this happened....they expected to GAIN 15 seats...the opposite occurred.... under her watch.  She is an exceptional useful idiot...why I love her so.
Nope, still wrong. Blue Tsunami picked up 40 house seats in 2018 and still won the
morekaos said:
.And he surprised all of them as to how great Trump is..they all changed their tune.

Yep, the first President to be impeached twice. LOL

It shouldn?t be a waste of time.

The fact that it is speaks volumes about the current elected Republicans.  It is a real simple question, between the election and today, has the President veered from disputing the election to inciting an insurrection through misinformation.

It is a simple question. 

Trump today accepts no responsibility for what happened.

The biggest irony is they are rioting because they have been convinced  Dems have done what they are doing.
Not impeaching him is appeasement, it means the next guy can get away with this or even worse behavior again