The Elephant in the room

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inv0ke-epipen said:
He gave a speech at a rally, people proceeded to walk directly to capitol and  breach it. Is it that hard to put 1 and 2 together?

Anything short of full condemnation from him of his supporters and admitting to fanning the flames of a conspiracy is continuing to encourage violence.

I know you probably get this, and can read between the lines on Trump speech and actions. Or maybe you can?t? Not all of us are equally abled. the words in that speech that specifically directed the crowd to do what it did....(hint:...there aren't any)
morekaos said:
inv0ke-epipen said:
He gave a speech at a rally, people proceeded to walk directly to capitol and  breach it. Is it that hard to put 1 and 2 together?

Anything short of full condemnation from him of his supporters and admitting to fanning the flames of a conspiracy is continuing to encourage violence.

I know you probably get this, and can read between the lines on Trump speech and actions. Or maybe you can?t? Not all of us are equally abled. the words in that speech that specifically directed the crowd to do what it did....(hint:...there aren't any)

There doesn?t need to be. Trump claiming the election being stolen is the incitement, and failing to condemn insurgents is the greenlight for violence to continue.

This is clear to me, if it?s not for you I guess we?ll just need
to agree to disagree here.
icey said:
Inciting violence has nothing to do with First Amendment rights

I did not vote for Pence. Pence was a congressman and then became VP. He has kids that are in the military. That being said, I might not agree with his views, but I respect him. Keyword respect!

The things that Trump supporters said and chanting about Pence was wrong and nasty. The funny thing is they call themselves patriots. But patriots do not do that kind of crap at the capital and threaten people.
Rudy called for "trial by combat" right before Trump took the stage

There were both implicit and explicit marching orders given. I don't think gray language, plausible deniability, or just acting dumb (Acting?) are going to convince anybody.

Agree with you on what Twitter was.

I had an account starting in early 2009 and dumped it for many reasons - some related to employment issues, weird and unsolicited DM's, as well as how generally toxic Twitter had become. Same with FB, etc.

Dog pictures, memes, news (not opinion) is how it started out, but now it's much much more - a mirror into the souls of men so to speak. I'd rather spend time on other things frankly. It was a great idea, but as to where it's gone now I don't see how there could be much of a way back to balance.
icey said:
Rudy called for "trial by combat" right before Trump took the stage

There were both implicit and explicit marching orders given. I don't think gray language, plausible deniability, or just acting dumb (Acting?) are going to convince anybody.

Ahhh so now it is a conspiracy with Rudy shouldering the blame...thin, very thin.  Get a tape of specific orders and you may have something. This is all subjective and weak.
No,  I don't think they sugar coated it because they didn't show a death scene, I think they sugar coated it because they whitewashed out all the aggression, destruction and violence leading up to it.

While many walked around like a theme park taking selfies, there was lots of aggression and violence. 

So while the video seems to have been all over by the fatal shooting at the Senate Lobby, they some how manage not show how the two windows in the doors behind officers originally got shattered before they got out of the way.  The video has edited out basic violence repeatedly throughout it's entire play.

Soylent Green Is People said:

But it does deserve a degree of nuance and understanding. Here's an example why: 

Ahhnold The

Governator put out a video calling the storming of the Capitol the equivalent of "Kristallnacht" which occurred in 1938. That event was the State (for the most part) and civilians (still bad) setting out on a pogrom against a specific ethnic group. The uninformed Left and MSM pushed that video out on as many platforms as possible as a great truth.  The problem here is that the DC mayhem was in no way akin to "Kristallnacht".

This riot was in many ways closer to the "Reichstag Fire" which happened in 1933. At that time the Reichstag Fire was an act of vandalism disguised as a threat against government, that resulted then - as it is happening now - in the mass round up of undesirables and the suppression of individual liberty. Is that not something we're seeing with the various de-banking of political entities (Trump campaign), de-connecting (Parler, Twitter shut downs, etc), and de-employing by unaccountable tech, business, and government bureaucrats? I know there were boycotts against professional sports teams for bending the knee, but an actual government ban against it? Were any politicians supporting the summertime riots forced from office yet - as there are now with the DC riots? The incoming government is planning on a heavy hand against these rioters and anyone who supported this President. That's why the Lincoln Project has re-started their list of undesirables - those who worked in the Trump Administration who will essentially be hounded by them.

For the curious - read up here:

So much of what the Governator and his enablers promote in that video is historically false. It's read now as "fact" by many which to me, is a dangerous path to head down.

To make this clear - There was no justification for the vandalism we saw. In no way am I suggesting rioters should escape from being locked up and eventually convicted if found guilty. Had the protestors walked to the Capitol, surrounded it, chanted away then left, no harm - no foul - a great 1st Amendment demonstration. That's something I would hope every reader can accept no matter your party politics. Once they crossed over the property line, it was a line too far.  If we don't take the time to carefully and completely review this event - understanding it's nuances to use the vernacular of @Icey - we run the great risk of free association, free expression (press) and free speech being taken away from all American's under the guise of protecting the state from bad actors.

This happened once before. To say it can't happen again is blindness.

My .02 on this. 
What's truly amusing is Republican members of Congress being upset over Twitter banning an account whose tweets they claimed they didn't read.

The people breaking in were literally wearing trump capes, hats, shirts, codpieces, you name it.

They have tied themselves to Trump, making it clear who they are doing this for. It?s up to Trump to distance himself from them and their cause or to share the blame.

He can?t have his cake and eat it too.
nosuchreality said:
No,  I don't think they sugar coated it because they didn't show a death scene, I think they sugar coated it because they whitewashed out all the aggression, destruction and violence leading up to it.

While many walked around like a theme park taking selfies, there was lots of aggression and violence. 

So while the video seems to have been all over by the fatal shooting at the Senate Lobby, they some how manage not show how the two windows in the doors behind officers originally got shattered before they got out of the way.  The video has edited out basic violence repeatedly throughout it's entire play.

Based on the deflecting Republican responses here, your opening statement in this thread has proven to be true:

a lot of Republicans are trying to play off the insurrection.
What Trump fanatics think will happen if they don?t unseat the federal government?

\>the year is 2048. comrade alexandria ocasio cortez is serving zer (gendered pronouns were outlawed in 2027) 5th \term as supreme czar chancellor president of the united states.

\>despite coronavirus being eradicated 20 years ago we are still under national lockdown.

\>i have been forcibly gay married to my native american neighbor Willow Tree.

\>while feeding my dog FDA mandated vegan kale bars, i accidentally call out "here boy".

\>the PC police burst into my house for committing a class 3 microagression.

\>they take me to a voluntary detention park, which i immediately leave thanks to the prison reform act of 2032 outlawing walls.

\>the guard raises zis solar powered gun, but i am able to escape thanks to its 30 minute charge up time.

\>when i arrive home, i discover an illegal mexican immigrant has taken my job, husband, kids, and steam account.

\>knowing he (sorry, ze) is now legally entitled to my identity, i solemnly hand over my ID and credit cards.

\>as i walk away, i hear him yell "allahu ackbar", as he suicide bombs my house.

\>shit, i think. that's the 5th house this week.

\>with nowhere to go, i drag myself to the city slums, where the country's remaining white population lives.

\>a single tear rolls down my cheek, as i silently think to myself, "if only i hadn't voted biden"
Holey smokes inv0ke-epipen... where did you get that nonsense? Yikes.

There's only so much of the same thing over and over and over and over again that one might want to watch. That's why the shorter version was originally posted. No less true today is the old phrase that "Brevity is the soul of wit".

So if you want the full-er-ish video from the person who shot the original 35min version, here's the source:

Now with 20 more minutes of bonus violence for those who prefer less sugar coating.

Noted ANTIFA member John Sullivan incorporated much of the original source video into a longer format version coming in at 1 hour and 28 minutes.

At some point we should expect the complete PBS version by Ken Burns, narrated by the ever reliable Peter Coyote.

Watch to your fill, but all I preferred to bring up was a 35 minutes or less bit of mayhem.

My .02c
morekaos said:
Yah well, ?no movement is perfect?...right?

The Trump movement concerns me
much more, been plenty of race riots in America, but breaches of the Capitol? Much less historical context to help us predict what happens next. That, for me, makes it concerning.

The other distinction is that Trump rioters are fighting for a man more than a cause. The cause du jour is election fraud but I believe they would jump in any direction Trump points.

BLM is fighting instead for a cause. No Biden capes to be seen in that crowd.

What that distinction means, I don?t know, but causes do seem to be subject to meeting some semblance of righteous purpose to achieve mass buy-in, whereas the whims of a man can be cruel and arbitrary. Democratic vs dictatorial.
@Soy Playlist is a raw catalogue I came across of vids from the day. Watched about 30-40 minutes of various vids. Been trying to ingest raw data whenever I can spend the time to, in order to avoid unreliable narrators.
Editing can make all the difference in the world, I feel seeing raw vids is more helpful to get closer to the truth of the moment.
Again, subjective but I can respect your point of view. I still see it all as baloney and theater. The game will go on. I actually look forward the the cat fight that is breaking out in Congress...popping popcorn now !!!