The 2020 Presidential Election

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Kenkoko said:
Kings said:
imagine being a small business, thinking you might finally make it through the covid shutdowns, and then your shop gets burned down and looted anyway.

Or imagine being a Black American family, finally recovering from the last recession. Then COVID hits. You find out the system is still stacked against you, black-white wealth gap is unchanged after half a century of "progress". White households still have 10 times more wealth than black households. And your president is on Twitter fanning the flame of white supremacy.

damn white people!

Rioters Destroy Bar That Black Minneapolis Firefighter Bought with His Life Savings

Rioters protesting the death of Minneapolis resident George Floyd, an African-American man who died after being arrested and pinned to the ground by officer Derek Chauvin, destroyed a bar owned by a black former firefighter Wednesday night.

Korboi Balla had invested his life savings in the bar and was planning to open it before the coronavirus pandemic caused mass business closures. Balla then moved the opening date to June 1, when Minnesota plans to lift restrictions on restaurants, but the bar has since been wracked and looted in the riots, CBS first reported.

CBS was filming a segment at the bar when looters entered through the back of the establishment to try to steal Balla?s safe.

?I don?t know what we?re going to do,? Balla said in an interview. ?It hurts, man. It?s not fair, it?s not right. We?ve been working so hard for this place. It?s not just for me, it?s for my family.?
Complaining about wealth inequality during the past 25 years? Hmmm. Who was in charge during a vast portion of that time of income growth?

Also, since much of that "wealth" is centered around Facebook, Apple, Netflix, and Google stock growth, as a measure of everyone's commitment to the cause of economic justice, please destroy your iPhone, MacBook Pros, Chromebooks and stop binging TV.

Locally a great deal of wealth has been created through real estate. How many rent their properties at below market rates to low and moderate income tenants? Anyone.... Bueller.... Bueller?


Yes. It's fair to say that nationally the protesters are racially and age mixed. You can't watch any of the Floyd murder videos and not be pissed. You can also see authentic (not Bot driven) anger globally about this murder. The rioters? Not something I've really watched carefully so I don't know about the total racial balance of the looters.

This is the 21st Century version of the Rodney King arrest video. There will likely be a 21st Century version of the Reginald Denny video as well.

Nothing is new under the Sun.

My .02c
Kings said:
damn white people!

It very well may be the only thought that goes through an angry person's mind when they pull the trigger or smash your car window.

See you do get it. That's what happens when you stoke racism - you get angry mob.

Soylent Green Is People said:
Complaining about wealth inequality during the past 25 years? Hmmm. Who was in charge during a vast portion of that time of income growth?

Also, since much of that "wealth" is centered around Facebook, Apple, Netflix, and Google stock growth, as a measure of everyone's commitment to the cause of economic justice, please destroy your iPhone, MacBook Pros, Chromebooks and stop binging TV.

Locally a great deal of wealth has been created through real estate. How many rent their properties at below market rates to low and moderate income tenants? Anyone.... Bueller.... Bueller?


My .02c

Break away from the partisan mode of thinking for a bit. Think bigger. There is only one party in the United States, one that serves the corporate elites. And it has two wings: Republican and Democrat.

Look at all the bailouts of the past decade. How establishment corporatism took over. Nothing fundamentally has changed for income inequality under either D or R.

More and more people are waking up to that reality. This isn't just limited to the US. We are in the midst of an worldwide low grade revolution.

A long standing order is crumbling. The populist uprising is coming. You can see it in the form of riots, protests, or demand for socialism. That can be dangerous.

nosuchreality said:
Soylent Green Is People said:
Pretty strong stuff out of Killer Mike. Glad to hear it spoken today.

The Black community leaders alike need to step up and call for calmness in their community.

The president need to stop tweeting and ignites more hates.

This is exactly what the external threats ( International Enemies) looking to exploits.

My .02c

Good stuff out of Killer Mike.  Much like the last time he was on Bill Maher.
Compressed-Village said:
nosuchreality said:
Soylent Green Is People said:
Pretty strong stuff out of Killer Mike. Glad to hear it spoken today.

The Black community leaders alike need to step up and call for calmness in their community.

The president need to stop tweeting and ignites more hates.

This is exactly what the external threats ( International Enemies) looking to exploits.

My .02c

Good stuff out of Killer Mike.  Much like the last time he was on Bill Maher.

Can people see what is happening here? Who is paying these people? The rioters have ear pieces, military grade radios and repeaters on heir vehicles - who are they communicating with? Who is their command and control? International External Threats is in full swing.
Compressed-Village said:
The rioters have ear pieces, military grade radios and repeaters on heir vehicles - who are they communicating with? Who is their command and control?

It's a Democratic ploy!!!

I've seen too many movies/books where riots are actually incited and carried about by parties who want to upset the political balance.

This is a calculated plan... first biological, then economical... and finally societal.

(how does eye say it... for entertainment purposes only)
irvinehomeowner said:
Compressed-Village said:
The rioters have ear pieces, military grade radios and repeaters on heir vehicles - who are they communicating with? Who is their command and control?

It's a Democratic ploy!!!

I've seen too many movies/books where riots are actually incited and carried about by parties who want to upset the political balance.

This is a calculated plan... first biological, then economical... and finally societal.
irvinehomeowner said:
Seems like that Tweet did the opposite.

Hope this doesn?t continue to escalate.

Now after all this has happened... it is still my opinion that Trump's tweet did not help one bit... and probably just made it worse.

It's just like when you tell someone not to do something and they do it to spite you.

The boss man tells you "if you loot, we will shoot"... what do you think they are going to do?
irvinehomeowner said:
Now after all this has happened... it is still my opinion that Trump's tweet did not help one bit... and probably just made it worse.

It's just like when you tell someone not to do something and they do it to spite you.

The boss man tells you "if you loot, we will shoot"... what do you think they are going to do?
Trump is a gambler. He has no control over the local police. The police was instructed to surrender by the local governments. Trump was caught bluffing.
Same happened to his threat to use the military. He said a word and shied away from it.
adventurous said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Now after all this has happened... it is still my opinion that Trump's tweet did not help one bit... and probably just made it worse.

It's just like when you tell someone not to do something and they do it to spite you.

The boss man tells you "if you loot, we will shoot"... what do you think they are going to do?
Trump is a gambler. He has no control over the local police. The police was instructed to surrender by the local governments. Trump was caught bluffing.
Same happened to his threat to use the military. He said a word and shied away from it.

The military is there with other agencies such as the DEA. Please tell the truth!
adventurous said:
eyephone said:
The military is there with other agencies such as the DEA. Please tell the truth!
DEA, ICE, FBI, TSA are not military

Military personnel in Washington, D.C., at least some of whom were not wearing identifiers, extended the perimeter around the White House on Wednesday, blocking off access to LaFayette Square, where police clashed with protesters earlier this week.

Low flying military helicopters descend on Washington D.C. to disperse protesters
You are saying the military protected the President of the United Stated from the aggressive rioters by the White House, since the D.C. police failed to control the rioters?
adventurous said:
You are saying the military protected the President of the United Stated from the aggressive rioters by the White House, since the D.C. police failed to control the rioters?

Your first said not military. But now you admit there was military.