The 2020 Presidential Election

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Soylent Green Is People said:
You don't de-escalate violent protestors. You step on them. That's what I want out of a Federal response no matter the party in power. Even a former head of the NAACP, a resident of the city wanted the "protestors" out (using words much, much stronger than thugs btw).

Isn't this how police brutality comes about? Knowing police officers personally, they have to draw a fine line with being authoritative and physical to protect the public and themselves... but then it's not always clear when they go too far... because not going far enough could mean someone innocent dying.

I'm not condoning what happened, but on the other side of it, I've seen cases of police not being physical enough and then dying as a result.

I'm with Ken, it's not the Prez' responsibility to name call or threaten... especially on Twitter.
Soylent Green Is People said:
True life example:

Soylent Yellow gets ballot information for OC, but is living in LA. Because Soylent Yellow used to live in New York, voting data still flows to our home in OC.

If Soylent Yellow was to register in LA, by November, the Registrar would be sending one to LA and one to OC because their database will not be updated in time. If NY were to adopt similar measures to what California has, Soylent Yellow would also get a NY ballot mailed to her. 3 Mailed ballots - and depending on who "harvests them" it's pretty clear fraud might occur.

There are 39m people in California. Assume 1/3 of those are registered to vote - about 12m give or take as that's fairly close to how many voted in 2016 in California.

Out of those 12m, how many might have the same number of ballots sent as we might receive? Anyone reading this recently move, buy another home, have a 2nd mailing address? If one cannot see the problem of sending out ballots without first being requested by the voter, I'm not sure what can then be done.

But you're assuming the worst. I don't think the effort to perform enough voter fraud for a presidential election to make a difference is worth the result, which is why the research says it's rare.

One could claim it would be just as easy to create false IDs and fraud the in-person process (the staff barely looks at my ID when I voted in person... before that, they didn't even check ID... just asked for my address).

It would be much easier to rig the election by using Facebook (I still have no idea how that worked). :)
irvinehomeowner said:
Happiness said:
Joe Biden tells black people they "ain't black" unless they support Biden:

To be fair... this is why I find it hard to vote for Biden too. It's becoming a lesser of two evils election... just like the last one.

I had a lengthy exchange with a relative about a certain rising star Democrat as VP which, IMHO will cost the Dems the election.  I ended by pointing out every statement he made was 'not as bad as Trump' and  the same logic that the swing voters in those flippable States will rely on to justify picking Trump.

nosuchreality said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Happiness said:
Joe Biden tells black people they "ain't black" unless they support Biden:

To be fair... this is why I find it hard to vote for Biden too. It's becoming a lesser of two evils election... just like the last one.

I had a lengthy exchange with a relative about a certain rising star Democrat as VP which, IMHO will cost the Dems the election.  I ended by pointing out every statement he made was 'not as bad as Trump' and  the same logic that the swing voters in those flippable States will rely on to justify picking Trump.

People do not want to elect the used car sales man again.
To be clear, there are reasons to protest. That's something we can all agree on.

With protestors rioters there are only 3 ways forward:

1) Burn, baby burn - until passions subside. Drive through Central Los Angeles in 2020 as I do. You'll see very little rebirth from those riots. Remember the same area was clubbed by the Watts riots in the 60's, only to see it again in 1994, and soon in 2020.

2) Self protection - Example: Korean Shop Owners firing pock shots at vandals as the Police and Fire support fades back.  Is this really what should be done? Even as a 2nd amendment proponent, this isn't the way forward.

3) Significant Federal or National Guard intervention. It worked in Little Rock Arkansas when there was a fight over integration. It worked in Selma, when African American's were denied the right to vote. It worked in California when Brown (Sr.) had the National Guard restore order in Watts. It worked in Seattle during the 1999 WTO riots.

Will this work every single time? Of course not. Is it better than creating a permanent slum? I'd say so. Is it better than purposeful shootings in self defense? Yes, I also think so.  Early and thorough intervention takes the anarchists off the playing table, giving authentic protestors some expectation of free expression without the stain of looting to obscure their messaging.

If there is an alternative to the "right now" - not some long term pie in the sky fix it proposal - it would be great to read about it. 

My .02c
Soylent Green Is People said:
1) Burn, baby burn - until passions subside. Drive through Central Los Angeles in 2020 as I do. You'll see very little rebirth from those riots. Remember the same area was clubbed by the Watts riots in the 60's, only to see it again in 1994, and soon in 2020.

In all of those instances you cited, the aggrieved folks mainly burned their own neighborhoods down. Seems rather counterproductive to me. Back in 94 I was driving south of the Santa Monica freeway on my way to Freestyle Photography marveling at the burnt out buildings on every street corner and wondering why the oppressed didn't go burn down the Palisades, Bel Air or Simi Valley instead of their own areas.
I guess Trump is more concerned about Mike Flynn than covid.
He does not get it. The American people do not care about Mike!
imagine being a small business, thinking you might finally make it through the covid shutdowns, and then your shop gets burned down and looted anyway.
Soylent Green Is People said:
To be clear, there are reasons to protest. That's something we can all agree on.

With protestors rioters there are only 3 ways forward:

You forgot to name the 4th:

4. Tweet using name calling and threats of gun violence.

The 5th path, perp walk the first clown, then the next 3 idiots in blue that day.  The DA can pull his slow lying ass about never moving this fast out of the way, and let them chill in solitary for their protection while, they do a 72 hr psych hold or any other BS to keep them in while they button up the case.  And it?s seems like plenty of people sit in jail while the DA figures out the charges.

Kings said:
imagine being a small business, thinking you might finally make it through the covid shutdowns, and then your shop gets burned down and looted anyway.

Or imagine being a Black American family, finally recovering from the last recession. Then COVID hits. You find out the system is still stacked against you, black-white wealth gap is unchanged after half a century of "progress". White households still have 10 times more wealth than black households. And your president is on Twitter fanning the flame of white supremacy.

History is repeating itself. The riots now pale in comparison to what will happen when the racist officer that killed Mr. Floyd is found not guilty.

Just like in the Rodney King case, where prosecutors could have charged the officers with simple assault and gotten convictions but goaded on by activists, they charged the officers with torture. The burden of proof for torture was too high, the officers were found not guilty, and LA burned.

Its a slam dunk to get a manslaughter conviction against the racist piece of shit officer who killed Mr. Floyd. But the activists demand he be charged with murder. The activists have just set up an acquittal of the officer. Then the real riots will start.

NoSuchReality has got it right. An early proactive perp walk would have done wonders.

For those upset with Trump calling Thugs the T word, guess who called rioters in Baltimore the T word back in 2015? (Spoiler Alert: Not The VP at that time..)

Time, apparently, is a circle.

My .02c
Soylent Green Is People said:
For those upset with Trump calling Thugs the T word, guess who called rioters in Baltimore the T word back in 2015? (Spoiler Alert: Not The VP at that time..)

Time, apparently, is a circle.

My .02c

Not upset about the Thugs word personally, probably because I'm not black.

I'm upset at the extreme polarization President Trump continues to provoke.

I know you disagree, but America is full of low information voters who will decide the election. Just look at how much reactions (both ways) Trump got out of just tweeting 2 words in caps. "CHINA" "THUGS"

Many people are so filled with blind rage about Trump that they can't see that Trump is not the cause of all of our problems.

Trump is a just symptom of a disease that has been building up in our communities for years and decades.

It won't matter what Biden has done or will be capable of doing. Trump has successfully divided us so much that half the country will show up to vote "Not Trump" regardless of how they feel about Biden.

And we all lose in this dumbed-down, picking the lesser of the 2 evils, election.
Kenkoko said:
Soylent Green Is People said:
For those upset with Trump calling Thugs the T word, guess who called rioters in Baltimore the T word back in 2015? (Spoiler Alert: Not The VP at that time..)

Time, apparently, is a circle.

My .02c

Not upset about the Thugs word personally, probably because I'm not black.

I'm upset at the extreme polarization President Trump continues to provoke.

I know you disagree, but America is full of low information voters who will decide the election. Just look at how much reactions (both ways) Trump got out of just tweeting 2 words in caps. "CHINA" "THUGS"

Many people are so filled with blind rage about Trump that they can't see that Trump is not the cause of all of our problems.

Trump is a just symptom of a disease that has been building up in our communities for years and decades.

It won't matter what Biden has done or will be capable of doing. Trump has successfully divided us so much that half the country will show up to vote "Not Trump" regardless of how they feel about Biden.

And we all lose in this dumbed-down, picking the lesser of the 2 evils, election.

If ?THUGS? is what he see in angry citizen of USA? And the responds to his tweets is obvious, his words at times misinformation, misdirection and now poisonous. How do you think China / Iran / North Korea feel about him and his sanctions? The shooting wars will be within and external forces.

Be ready for worse chaos.
Happiness said:
Its a slam dunk to get a manslaughter conviction against the racist piece of shit officer who killed Mr. Floyd. But the activists demand he be charged with murder. The activists have just set up an acquittal of the officer. Then the real riots will start.

You omitted crucial facts. He is being charged with manslaughter and not exactly being charged with murder (1st or 2nd degree).

Officer Chauvin was charged with third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter -- two felonies where intent is a key element.

Most states separate murder into two degrees but Minnesota is one of a few states that allow prosecutors to consider the lesser charge of third-degree murder.

Under Minnesota law, third-degree murder is defined as causing death of a person "by perpetrating an act eminently dangerous to others and evincing a depraved mind," without regard for life and without intent to kill.

Under Minnesota law, second-degree manslaughter is described as when a person "an unreasonable risk, and consciously takes chances of causing death or great bodily harm to another."
Compressed-Village said:
If ?THUGS? is what he see in angry citizen of USA? And the responds to his tweets is obvious, his words at times misinformation, misdirection and now poisonous. How do you think China / Iran / North Korea feel about him and his sanctions? The shooting wars will be within and external forces.

Be ready for worse chaos.

This is like a game to him. No regard for consequences.

He just re-tweeted video of protesters smashing glass doors at CNN headquarters in Atalanta.  "In an ironic twist of fate, CNN HQ is being attacked by the very riots they promoted as noble & just. Oops"

Very presidential.
These protests are crazy to watch on TV.  People are going right up to the cops, yelling at them, flipping them off, spitting on them, throwing stuff at them, and the cops continue to stand down.

If there?s no consequences for this criminal behavior (looting, starting fires, smashing windows), you?re empowering these people to continue these actions.  I guess Minneapolis police are thinking that these guys just need to get it out of their system and everything will be ok?

One thing I noticed too the protestors are pretty racially mixed, I see a lot of whites and Hispanics protesting (and committing these criminal acts) as well.