The 2020 Presidential Election

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SGIP omitted one big factor of the blowback. Healthy people died taking HCQ in test trials. It is not safe to recommend taking HCQ as a preventative measure.

This criticism didn't just come from Trump opposing liberals. It came from Fox News's Neil Cavuto. He was stunned by Trump's announcement that he's taking hydroxychloroquine: "If you are in a risky population here, and you are taking this as a preventative treatment ... it will kill you. I cannot stress enough. This will kill you."

So many supporters of President Trump, when asked about his many bizarre/false/untruthful statements, dodge the question by saying, "Focus on what he's done, not always what he says."

The problem: Whether one likes it or not, the words of the #POTUS matter.

To make matters worse, President Trump's response to Fox New's criticism is to cancel Fox News.

That is not the right response from a sitting President handling a global pandemic.

Good news: covid19 is a selection mechanism against stupidity.

Bad news: even those who aren't stupid will suffer.

This blow-back is well deserved.
I read some of the fact checking some time ago on that DB article, it's come out that the "reported interest" was about $1,500. A "rounding error" level commitment considering other investments. Article about this:

To be clear, I'm not promoting this line of thinking to vie HCQ as a cure or a preventative, but a matter of choice.

Curious, is Neil Cavuto a medical professional or a TV commentator? No matter the network, I'd prefer to take medical advice as a whole from a few viewpoints, not just the loudest.

As for the healthy people deaths perhaps that is a reference to the trials in Brazil - the ones where healthy persons were given very high doses of HCQ - so, yeah, with high doses even Dihydrogen Monoxide can be fatal. Not talking about that so much as the clinical trials with standard doses as a preventative.

This study below was an "overview" of veterans in late stages of death, not at the early outset. One could view this study as a case of poor science review, not as investigative in purpose.

And sure, there are yayhoo's who decide to drink bleach or Lysol based on a complete misunderstanding of what was being said at the time. This happened earlier with people trying to imitate what their favorite YouTube star or low rent Celebutard is doing. Case in point: anyone remember the "Cinnamon Challenge"? Plain and simple: You can't fix stooopid, or keep it from flourishing no matter one might think. Life, as we know, finds a way.

More will be learned out of this. If someone wants to self medicate, so what (the Cannabis argument in a nutshell....), and if you want to imitate someone, the fault of a bad outcome is yours and yours alone.

My .02c

Soylent Green Is People said:
the fault of a bad outcome is yours and yours alone.

That's unfortunately no longer true with COVID-19.

Like I said, the bad news of Covid-19 is that even those who aren't stupid will suffer.

Emboldening people to take HCQ as a preventative further enables the "new woke" crowd.

Not wearing a mask, outright denying vaccines and refusing to abide by social distancing guidelines are slowly becoming badges of honor & signaling devices for a growing contingent too eager to show off their special status as "non-sheeple."
I guess it's now OK to bring up in a politically mixed group that VP Wanna-Be Stacey Abrams is morbidly obese.

Before doing so, I'd recommend finding something to shelter behind. So many heads could suddenly rage-splode, it'd be a shame if any of it was to get on you. That stuff's hard to wash out.

My .02c
Soylent Green Is People said:
I guess it's now OK to bring up in a politically mixed group that VP Wanna-Be Stacey Abrams is morbidly obese.

Before doing so, I'd recommend finding something to shelter behind. So many heads could suddenly rage-splode, it'd be a shame if any of it was to get on you. That stuff's hard to wash out.

My .02c

You sound mad? Just like after the midterms..
Everything will be okay. Let the record speak for itself.
What is the next conspiracy theory? Lol
Soylent Green Is People said:
I guess it's now OK to bring up in a politically mixed group that VP Wanna-Be Stacey Abrams is morbidly obese.

Before doing so, I'd recommend finding something to shelter behind. So many heads could suddenly rage-splode, it'd be a shame if any of it was to get on you. That stuff's hard to wash out.

My .02c

Oh, she flat out FAT, Obese, Over weight, lard ass.

Oops was I too frank?
That?s why the rules in the a House were changed so 435 members don?t have to report to work anymore. The actual government workers who run the chamber are there though.
This makes trump look more presidential.  That presidential seal is good looking.  He needs to do it to keep our cases down, and set an example for the rest of the people.  He says he doesn't wear a mask for the press because he doesn't want to look weak, but if it saves lives, he should eat his pride and just do it.

They really need to take Twitter away from Trump:

these THUGS are dishonoring the memory of George Floyd, and I won't let that happen. Just spoke to Governor Tim Walz and told him that the Military is with him all the way. Any difficulty and we will assume control but, when the looting starts, the shooting starts. Thank you!"

Or at least have someone filter his tweets. I understand he doesn't condone what happened to Floyd but at the same time, this tweet can be misconstrued as supporting more authoritative violence to dissuade violence which is what gets the police in trouble in the first place.

Twitter was correct in labeling his tweet:

Some users reported the tweet to Twitter as a rule violation.

Less than two-and-a-half hours later, Twitter took action. "This Tweet violates our policies regarding the glorification of violence based on the historical context of the last line, its connection to violence, and the risk it could inspire similar actions today," the company said.

"We've taken action in the interest of preventing others from being inspired to commit violent acts, but have kept the Tweet on Twitter because it is important that the public still be able to see the Tweet given its relevance to ongoing matters of public importance."

Forget US vs China... it's Trump vs Twitter.
Regulate twitter?
Sorry in my opinion Twitter did nothing wrong. I am sorry the other social media platforms do not take responsibility for its content like Facebook.
White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany defended her record of voting by mail for more than a decade, while opposing expanded absentee ballot access.
Several states have moved to give voters who fear coronavirus greater access to absentee ballots, a move Republicans have vehemently opposed.
President Donald Trump, who also voted absentee this year, is among the most visible opponents of expanded mail-in ballots.

Another double standard!
1. Trump can vote absentee this year, but other Americans can not?
2. White House Press secretary under Trump voted by mail for more than a decade, but it is not okay for Americans to do so?

eyephone said:
likely referring to Trump's 2018 disbandment of the team directly responsible for handling a pandemic response.

Fact check label. :)

I already posted about this... it's not entirely true that Trump "disbanded" this team.