The 2020 Presidential Election

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irvinehomeowner said:
Hey eye... if Biden loses his spot... who do you think would make a good candidate?

Good question. Michelle Obama?

From what I read the accuser changed her story? Now she says Biden assaulted her, but way back when she did not.
eyephone said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Hey eye... if Biden loses his spot... who do you think would make a good candidate?

Good question. Michelle Obama?

From what I read the accuser changed her story? Now she says Biden assaulted her, but way back when she did not.

News says Michelle is not interested. But you never know.

Maybe Andrew Yang can get back in there... Ken... go make some calls!
irvinehomeowner said:
eyephone said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Hey eye... if Biden loses his spot... who do you think would make a good candidate?

Good question. Michelle Obama?

From what I read the accuser changed her story? Now she says Biden assaulted her, but way back when she did not.

News says Michelle is not interested. But you never know.

Maybe Andrew Yang can get back in there... Ken... go make some calls!

Mark Cuban? (SHARK bite)
irvinehomeowner said:
eyephone said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Hey eye... if Biden loses his spot... who do you think would make a good candidate?

Good question. Michelle Obama?

From what I read the accuser changed her story? Now she says Biden assaulted her, but way back when she did not.

News says Michelle is not interested. But you never know.

Maybe Andrew Yang can get back in there... Ken... go make some calls!

The optimistic side of me wish Yang can get back in there, but the pragmatic side knows the only Andrew that has a chance is Andrew Cuomo.

Like it or not, Andrew Cuomo is the perfect example of the power of the mass mainstream medias.

This is unfortunately how American politics work. Name recognition over nuances & issues.
Any opponent of Newsom need only to show what California has become with our policies of no-bail, drug addiction tolerance, early release of felons, $900 limit before crime becomes punishable, homelessness etc on and on ad infinitum and he's toast. Yes, most of these issues were voted into law by initiative, but the splash they've made on society gets on everyone wet, no matter what.

If Biden goes, one can't trust the DNC machine politicians put push someone new, exciting, and worth voting for. Bloomberg might be floated back up the list if Cuomo says no. Blegh. Bernie will never, ever, EVER get the podium. Too bad, because it's the match up that needs to occur IMHO. Michelle says no now, but we'll see. Other than pushing Hillary back on stage, Michelle O would be a genuine "Hail Mary" type of play.

FYI: I'd say the same thing here if this was the RNC in 2016. They'd burp up Mittens or someone equally as bland to replace Trump had "Access Hollywood" stuck as intended. Disrupting a "peoples choice" candidate any later than July would be a real problem for 2020 Dems, so I'm expecting this to either get the story or the candidate to get buried well before then.

Fun times. 
Trump wins or loses based on death toll and economic impact come end of October.

Hence you see the chronic narrative spinning about the best economy ever until we locked it down an the push to suppress frank virus discussion.

If the pandemic re-surges in the fall, he's toast.

His only real hope is the death toll stays barely over 100K and the troll bot look they're counting hospice deaths as covid deaths sticks.
Soylent Green Is People said:
Any opponent of Newsom need only to show what California has become with our policies of no-bail, drug addiction tolerance, early release of felons, $900 limit before crime becomes punishable, homelessness etc on and on ad infinitum and he's toast. Yes, most of these issues were voted into law by initiative, but the splash they've made on society gets on everyone wet, no matter what.

Or they could see how California has done better than NY in controlling the outbreak. :)

I just want someone with better hair in the Oval office. :)

Has anyone noticed that PM Boris Johnson and Trump are like twins? Except Boris doesn't do the comb around.
BoJo is 55. The Tang Menace is 73. BoJo can look at American TV and see his inevitable future.

Not to turn this around, as the CV thread is over in another column, CA hasn't really done miracle work here. The main killer isn't Coronavirus (per-se) but "underlying conditions" which hasten the impact (weight, lifestyle, age, etc) It's not unreasonable to think that Californian's on balance are a bit healthier than those in other states (a theory at this stage...) which trends for a lower death rate. As well we have far more private transportation than functional public transportation. Uber/Lyft/Cab use in NYC + Subways + mass international travel hubs = more cases, more deaths.

Back to politics, Gavin doesn't deserve credit in this case if the above theory holds. We'll see.
Elon Musk for President!

"If somebody wants to stay in their house, that's great and they should be able to," he continued. "But to say they cannot leave their house and that they will be arrested if they do, that's fascist. That is not democratic ? this is not freedom. Give people back their goddamn freedom." - Elon Musk
Happiness said:
Elon Musk for President!

"If somebody wants to stay in their house, that's great and they should be able to," he continued. "But to say they cannot leave their house and that they will be arrested if they do, that's fascist. That is not democratic ? this is not freedom. Give people back their goddamn freedom." - Elon Musk

He is too smart to want that job!
Well that'll help....

Special election: Mike Garcia's team declares victory for California US House seat

LOS ANGELES - A former Navy combat pilot built a double-digit lead in the fight for an open U.S. House seat north of Los Angeles, positioning Republicans to capture a Democratic-held congressional district in California for the first time in over two decades.

By Wednesday morning, Garcia's team declared a victory.
And how would that plan have differed from our response?

The US was the first of all western countries to take many of the actions. 
spootieho said:
And how would that plan have differed from our response?

The US was the first of all western countries to take many of the actions.

The wide spread of misinformation by the President did not help. (It is just a cough, it is like a flu, it is a hoax, Lysol injection)

According to reports, the intelligence community told Trump about the covid virus in January or sooner. (Take action!)
Eric Trump went on Fox saying that the Covid virus will go away after the election. (Uh yeah)

I do not knowing if he is saying the covid virus is fake or if the media will not talk about about the covid virus after the election. Lol (interesting guy)

When taking HCQ and Zinc early - not when your in a full blown sick stage - it has been shown to be successful as a preventative, not a cure. The studies so far on this have been on late stage patients, not as a preventative which is part of the reason why it's being pushed in the news as a "failed cure".

There are successful studies in France and Costa Rica, as well as anecdotes from L.A. area doctors and a Texas Elder Care facility about HCQ as a way to reduce early symptoms.  Would I want to take this as a precaution? No. Does it warrant further studies as an early stage preventative? Of course.

Odd to read the blowback on this. If HCQ was bad for you, shouldn't the hard left be thrilled that the Cheeto Hitler was poisoning himself?

My .02c