The 2020 Presidential Election

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eyephone said:
morekaos said:
Seriously, I just got back from 3 weeks in Avalon, you may have noticed my traffic dropped off late June through the 4rth of July.  I tried to stay off the net as much as I could...have another Margarita for me and enjoy your time away!!!
Kick back. Big time in Catalina?

100%, leave the boat on mooring for 3-4 weeks and my family lives out there.  I either work offsite but commute back and forth.  So nice.

I don't think I can remember a president who singles out certain people to have them booed at. That is crazy. Is that charisma?

What's so funny is when he is calling out their names, when Trump gets to "Pressley", the crowd isn't sure who that is and doesn't boo as loudly. Could it be because the name doesn't sound ethnic enough for them? What is the spin on that type of behavior? Trump really comes off as a bully with his antics.
irvinehomeowner said:

I don't think I can remember a president who singles out certain people to have them booed at. That is crazy. Is that charisma?

What's so funny is when he is calling out their names, when Trump gets to "Pressley", the crowd isn't sure who that is and doesn't boo as loudly. Could it be because the name doesn't sound ethnic enough for them? What is the spin on that type of behavior? Trump really comes off as a bully with his antics.

Should Melania be sent back? (using Trump?s new slogan)
irvinehomeowner said:

I don't think I can remember a president who singles out certain people to have them booed at. That is crazy. Is that charisma?

What's so funny is when he is calling out their names, when Trump gets to "Pressley", the crowd isn't sure who that is and doesn't boo as loudly. Could it be because the name doesn't sound ethnic enough for them? What is the spin on that type of behavior? Trump really comes off as a bully with his antics.

He did it with Hillary...he is looking to do the same in 2020, just looking for his target.
Irvinecommuter said:
irvinehomeowner said:

I don't think I can remember a president who singles out certain people to have them booed at. That is crazy. Is that charisma?

What's so funny is when he is calling out their names, when Trump gets to "Pressley", the crowd isn't sure who that is and doesn't boo as loudly. Could it be because the name doesn't sound ethnic enough for them? What is the spin on that type of behavior? Trump really comes off as a bully with his antics.

He did it with Hillary...he is looking to do the same in 2020, just looking for his target.

there is "fine people" on both sides of whether or not to send her back 

this would be the all-aloof , high and mighty , above the fray,  centrist point of view  :)
fortune11 said:
Irvinecommuter said:
irvinehomeowner said:

I don't think I can remember a president who singles out certain people to have them booed at. That is crazy. Is that charisma?

What's so funny is when he is calling out their names, when Trump gets to "Pressley", the crowd isn't sure who that is and doesn't boo as loudly. Could it be because the name doesn't sound ethnic enough for them? What is the spin on that type of behavior? Trump really comes off as a bully with his antics.

He did it with Hillary...he is looking to do the same in 2020, just looking for his target.

there is "fine people" on both sides of whether or not to send her back 

this would be the all-aloof , high and mighty , above the fray,  centrist point of view  :)

i'm personally not a fan of the "send her back" chants

they should have been saying "throw her out" since "send her back" implies we need to pay for her transportation!
Kings said:
i'm personally not a fan of the "send her back" chants

they should have been saying "throw her out" since "send her back" implies we need to pay for her transportation!

I wouldn't be surprised if those browsing around TI for the real estate stuff get turned off by these racists lurking here

Irvinecommuter said:
morekaos said:
Yes yes, everybody is a racist and everything is racial.  Lets now only point out those that are not racist since they are the minority in the world, the real unicorns. Or better yet everyone should be racist...then no one will be. This racist thing is getting old, it is losing its punch when used to shame everyone who doesn't agree with you into shutting up and getting in line, comrade.  Racist used to be a real horrible, extreme label to call someone, now it gets thrown around like a used rag.

It is still a horrible and extreme label to call's just that Trumpsters take it as a badge of courage and view classic racists remarks as totally okay.  Trumpsters love Trump because he says what they have always thought but was social prohibited from saying.

The bar is so low for Trump and Trumpsters that nothing matters except they get to feel victimized and attack anyone they want however they want. 

It's fine, you already said that you don't care if Trump is racist so I don't expect you to care or understand.

This is exactly what I was getting at.  By overusing the term it has lost its impact...and meaning.

Media cried wolf: Calling every Republican a racist lost its bite

Once upon a time in the world of cable news, a guest or host or anchor calling anyone a racist would have considerable impact.

From what we've seen this week, when it comes to that word, those days are long gone. A person simply can't turn on the news or scroll Twitterfor even more than a minute before hearing the word "racist" or "racism."

For example, CNN and MSNBC said the word "racist" more than 1,100 times from Sunday to Tuesday, according to a tally conducted by Grabien Media, an online media production and news prep service.

Now we're seeing it again ? and again, and again. Thousands of times in the past week we've heard or read to the word "racist" or have seen it blatantly implied.

Call it, "The Media That Cried Wolf."

And we all know what happened to the boy who cried wolf too often: People stopped listening.
no, that simply means you now have the permission slip to be an actual racist without really worrying about being called a racist ... this is called immunization
Kings said:
i'm personally not a fan of the "send her back" chants

If Trump was smart, he would have quieted the crowd and told them not to chant "send her back". Instead, he encouraged it.

That's *NOT* charisma.
The funniest part of this is that it?s completely wiped the dem candidates off the map. Who are they running again? The four horseman (Smith) have sucked all the air out of the room and they aren?t even running.
We got it under control. Maybe we don?t have to say anything.

Another Trump initiative is to free ASAP Rookie (uh ok). Who is that guy?
Kings said:
why would they ask trump to free him when everyone knows he's a racist?  :o

Come on. It?s Kim and Kanye connection.  ;)

Like I previously said. We don?t have to do anything and we can just laugh! 
eyephone said:
Kings said:
why would they ask trump to free him when everyone knows he's a racist?  :o

Come on. It?s Kim and Kanye connection.  ;)

Like I previously said. We don?t have to do anything and we can just laugh!

FoxNews Article: Justin Bieber calls out Trump for helping A$AP Rocky but not letting 'kids out of cages'

Justin Bieber called out President Donald Trump for helping to free rapper A$AP Rocky from prison in Sweden but seeming to care much less for children being detained at the border.
just your 2020 dem nominee sucking face with a young girl on stage this weekend!
