Kings said:
Irvinecommuter said:
Kings said:
Irvinecommuter said:
Kings said:
i see we're back to hating on morekaos again today.
the 2020 dem candidates must really be strong if he's all you guys can talk about :
I don't hate anyone..I would just like people to be honest. Trumpsters claim to love United States and are patriots when in reality they just want things to be way it was in the 1950s when women and minorities were seen but not heard. They don't want to hear about or the plight of the poor because hey they are poor.
Again, I said before...I would have much more admiration for libertarians if they just came out and said that they want a world where they can do whatever they want and everyone else can perish.
let's be honest about poor people then. there will always be poor people. the left loves to pander to poor people but won't do anything to actually help them because it's politically expedient to keep them in constant poverty and promise free stuff but never actually help them out of it.
meanwhile, under trump food stamp participation is at a 10 year low, unemployment at record lows, and trump is providing avenues for prison reform which has been a major issue nobody wants to touch.
Yes...but that has nothing to do with Trump. Did you give credit to Obama for pulling the country out of the Great Recession, 75 months of positive job growth, and for reducing the unemployment rate 5.3%?
The prison reform bill passed Congress 358-36 and 87-12...yeah that's Trump's doing.
You keep touting Trump's achievements and yet they are either the result of Congressional movement or a continuation of what happened under Obama.
mmmmm yes, 3 years later and we are still claiming achievements during trump's presidency are courtesy of obama LOL
1) Did you give credit to Obama for the economy during his presidency?
2) Trump did inject some stimulus into the economy with the tax cut but the effects were relatively low as compared to the projections and now we have an additional 1.2 trillion deficit. I will give him those gains but the whole "historical low" thing is silly.
Edit: the U-5 and U-6 has ticked up in the last few months...curious to see if that trend continues.
3) As I previously posted, Trump's achievements includes a continuation of economic growth, getting two Supreme Court justices approved by a GOP majority senate, and love letters with Kim.
BTW, I thought Trump was against the Fed having low rates during the Obama administration...why is he pushing for low rates now?