woodburyowner said:eyephone said:Again, a bathroom or a kitchen upgrade probably would be a better roi than solar.
The ROI or solar is around like 10 plus years. If you work from home or have 2 hvac units it might be sooner. Also, look at the weather change. (Kind is gloomy and rainy. Seems like more cooler than before which may effect the panels. I hope they factor that in.)
The payback on a smaller system (ie. 4kw) is around 8 years and can go down to 6 years if you use an above average amount of electricity. This is not taking into account any price increases from SCE.
I'm not sure how you're getting 10 years.
It all depends. It depends on the SIZE of the system, brand, wall battery, etc.
Didn?t someone on TI say 10 years.