Talk Irvine Get Together

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[quote author="roundcorners"]You Are Invited <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

Talk Irvine - 2010 Woodbury Collection - Get Together

Map & Directions

Above is a map of the picnic tables within Woodbury Court...

Here is Woodbury Court's website, in case you need to directions...

Saturday, Jan 30th, 2-5pm

I'll be down early to set up, and grill, say around 12:30 after I put the baby down. I'll probably set up the tables in the morning to ensure the spot. I probably need to take off right at 5 for bath time, but feel free to stick around. Take what you bring and clean up what you see... ^_^

If you need to get a hold of me, PM me for my cell number...

Looking forward to seeing everyone there![/quote]

Let's move this to the top! Really looking forward to seeing everyone...
[quote author="roundcorners"]

Another map of where Woodbury Court is in relation to all the model homes, we're pretty much in the middle, walking distance to Sonoma and La Casella...[/quote]

this too...
A big thanks to RC & his wonderful family for going out of their way to do so much in making this get-together happen. It was great finally meeting you guys. We were also pleased to see: Aquabliss & Mrs. Aquabliss (for the first time!), The Zovalls & friend (thank you guys!), ISM (great salad!), Trojan (you better eat up the food I sent you home with!), and Deuce & adorable Deuce Jr. (great seeing you guys again!) Thanks for coming out, everyone.
Nice to finally meet ya Socal & Mr Socal...! I'm so glad everything turned out, good to see familiar faces and new ones, we definitely have to do it again...
Sorry I missed this... i didn't get over to Woodbury until 4pm. Maybe next time when it's not so hectic... Deuce reminding me around 2pm but I was still in the middle of a bunch of stuff.
Thanks to everyone for hosting and it was good to see old friends and meet some new people, too. Will look forward to doing again sometime soon when this terrible winter weather warms up. <!-- s;-) -->;-)<!-- s;-) -->

I am bummed I couldn't make it. Son's football practice made me pass (literally). Will certainly try for the next one. Thanks to all for organizing.
I was really bummed too that i couldn't make it. Thanks to all of you who organized the event. I was really happy to get a chance to meet RC and his wife before my niece's birthday party. Have any of you seen RC's little 1 year old? He has to be the cutest baby I've ever seen in my life, especially the way he is decorated.

Sorry RC, he looks nothing like you. lol <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
LOL...! thanks P... good to see you made it back ok... the wife & I wanted a girl, cause girls cloths look so much cutier, but he does get his look from mom... you'll have your boys soon enough to "decorate"..!

Post some pictures & we're praying for you guys <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
[quote author="irvinehomeowner"]What time were you guys there until? I was driving through that section around 5:15pm.[/quote]
I think we departed around 4:30ish. It was getting chilly. It was good seeing some of the regulars and the new folks like RC and family.