Talk Irvine Get Together

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
[quote author="Panda "]RC.

I'm really sorry about this, but i just found out that my niece's birthday party will start in the afternoon and not in the morning on Saturday. It is a real bummer because I really wanted to be there.

That's too bad, Panda. If you end up getting done early, come say hello.

Well, hopefully, there's a chance we might have IrvineRenter and/or Zovall swing by. We have extended an invitation to them and I do hope they will accept.
[quote author="irvinehomeowner"]I'll try to get there if I don't get trampled by all the 2010 Collection lookie-loos. I'll bring something if I do.[/quote]

Cool. If we don't see you by 4:30, we'll check all the 3CWGs.
[quote author="Blueberry East"]Only one of us can come as it's Blueberry Junior's nap time.

I'll bring some Diet Coke/Pepsi.


May be Mr. Bren can babysit Junior so both of you can come.

For some really ODD reason, I picture the Disneyland Parking Lot Shuttle as the Woodbury Collection Shuttle...

So in looking at the route (map above) for the 30th... try to get the driver to stop on Rolling Green & Regal... there is this gate into Woodbury Court that Rolling Green runs into... it's always unlock... just walk up a bit and there be the party... <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
How bizarre, but I have to back out of this for almost exact same reason as panda --- just got the evite tonight for the 30 day party of my newest niece. So that afternoon I'll first give away a bunch of money in a red pocket, and then later give away a bunch more money when all my in-laws clean me out in poker. Always the same routine with family...

Sorry can't make it --- hope you all have fun. Let's schedule another one soon...I'll volunteer my backyard...
[quote author="ck"]How bizarre, but I have to back out of this for almost exact same reason as panda --- just got the evite tonight for the 30 day party of my newest niece. So that afternoon I'll first give away a bunch of money in a red pocket, and then later give away a bunch more money when all my in-laws clean me out in poker. Always the same routine with family...

Sorry can't make it --- hope you all have fun. Let's schedule another one soon...I'll volunteer my backyard... [/quote]

You got a backyard? That is right the ghetto part of Irvine has bigger lots. Your location is too far and not centralized enough. I am afraid to go there due to excessive beerglary.
[quote author="graceomalley"]
You got a backyard? That is right the ghetto part of Irvine has bigger lots. Your location is too far and not centralized enough. I am afraid to go there due to excessive beerglary.[/quote]

Wow --- this board is almost getting back to the good old IHB days. So in the last day we have arguing about schools, education levels, builders, commute times --- and for good measure we threw in references to beerglary, Kogi, and even an LV image posted! Wow, all we need is tenmagnet back...
BK is like MSG... great flavor but it could be harmful.

Only problem here is he and the missus need to get their own accounts, their posts look almost bi-polar.
Oh hi, I was planning to go to the new model homes all by my lonesome so this gathering sounds like a lot more fun. It looks like nobody signed up to bring salad yet? I'll bring that since it's basically all I eat these days. Spinach, mandarin oranges, cukes, tomatoes, carrotts, zucchini, grated parmesan, and TJ's Champage Pear Vinegarette.

By the way I also live at Woodbury Place if we want to reconsider using the clubhouse here.
[quote author="irvinesinglemom"]TJ's Champage Pear Vinegarette. [/quote]

ISM - that is good stuff, huh! I was surprised it has as few calories as it does. I love it. It's in my ice box right now.

It will be good to see you. I think there's a chance we might need a back-up plan in case of rain. I don't know if it will rain then but it's supposed to rain all next week, guys.
[quote author="irvinesinglemom"]Oh hi, I was planning to go to the new model homes all by my lonesome so this gathering sounds like a lot more fun. It looks like nobody signed up to bring salad yet? I'll bring that since it's basically all I eat these days. Spinach, mandarin oranges, cukes, tomatoes, carrotts, zucchini, grated parmesan, and TJ's Champage Pear Vinegarette.

By the way I also live at Woodbury Place if we want to reconsider using the clubhouse here. [/quote]

Alright! Thanks ISM... with you and Spin around, your Club House would be a sweet place to meet!

So, I understand that they changed the rules and like our club house, we need to get the fob key from the leasing office with a driver's license... would you mind checking to see if the 30th is free? Also, ask if you can have some friends over... how many, when and all that... again we don't want to get in trouble...

the plan is still from 2-5... I'll grill at home and bring over the food... it'll be great as long as someone's inside and can open the door for guests... the Woodbury Place club house by the way has a direct access from the parking lot, just go up the stairs.. you don't have to go thru the leasing office...
[quote author="roundcorners"]
[quote author="irvinesinglemom"]Oh hi, I was planning to go to the new model homes all by my lonesome so this gathering sounds like a lot more fun. It looks like nobody signed up to bring salad yet? I'll bring that since it's basically all I eat these days. Spinach, mandarin oranges, cukes, tomatoes, carrotts, zucchini, grated parmesan, and TJ's Champage Pear Vinegarette.

By the way I also live at Woodbury Place if we want to reconsider using the clubhouse here. [/quote]

Alright! Thanks ISM... with you and Spin around, your Club House would be a sweet place to meet!

So, I understand that they changed the rules and like our club house, we need to get the fob key from the leasing office with a driver's license... would you mind checking to see if the 30th is free? Also, ask if you can have some friends over... how many, when and all that... again we don't want to get in trouble...

the plan is still from 2-5... I'll grill at home and bring over the food... it'll be great as long as someone's inside and can open the door for guests... the Woodbury Place club house by the way has a direct access from the parking lot, just go up the stairs.. you don't have to go thru the leasing office...[/quote]

BK said there is a BBQ grille directly behind the 2 story clubhouse by the pool. There is a demonstration kitchen with Micro and oven to keep food warm. This should minimize the hardship in your personal kitchen.

Bring a large rubber door stopper or brick to keep the french doors ajar and use the outside stucco stairs for guest access. No FOB key is required. Fob key is needed for the restrooms.

Use the elevator for the heavy items and bring an igloo or cart with wheels.

There is also an upper level true and original "California Room" with a fireplace overlooking the pool that BK conceived 8 years ago for this project.
Humph. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> No joy. Brittanie in the WP leasing office showed me the scheduling book; they are already booked for the 30th all day. Back to the drawing board.
[quote author="irvinesinglemom"]Humph. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> No joy. Brittanie in the WP leasing office showed me the scheduling book; they are already booked for the 30th all day. Back to the drawing board.[/quote]

Thanks for trying ISM... keep posted everyone... if some of us Woodbury residences can think of anywhere else, we might change locations still...
Thanks for trying, ISM. I wasn't too surprised to see that it's booked. I think people are feeling more comfortable knowing we have tighter security there now and won't be blamed for all those breakins since they don't happen anymore. *ahem*

I live in WP, too! How funny! I'm still hoping I can make this GTG. We may have to meet up another friend with our company in town (of all the weekends, seriously. We have to have the one where an out of state guest is visiting!!!) that wants to see them.

However, we *may* be able to at least stop by and say hello. Put a face to the name and all.
So, what's the latest scoop on the meet-up? The clubhouse idea fell through so we're back at the patio, correct? I hope it does not rain. I'm looking at the 10-day forecast and it shows a mostly sunny week, with one day of rain mixed in and cloud coverage on Saturday, the 30th.
there are two other Woodbury apartments club houses left... Lane & Square... wonder if anybody here lives there? Otherwise I'm afraid we are left up to the elements, I know some church acquaintances from square.. but you know how it is... I hate to call or visit just when you need something, otherwise you don't... if it does rain, I guess we have to cancel, or just crash the party at the Palm Club...!

Alright everybody... looks like Saturday is partly cloudy... 67'... before I forget, gotta go shopping...!

Location has not changed,,, Woodbury Court - Court Yard... 2-5pm