Talk Irvine Get Together

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
Maybe we should just take over the California room in one of the model homes? They usually have free water in the fridge, so could save us some $$. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
Seriously, though --- are we committed to Woodbury? I'm sure we have members at other IAC communities or with an adequate HOA park...or maybe even a *gasp* --- backyard?
[quote author="ck"]Seriously, though --- are we committed to Woodbury? I'm sure we have members at other IAC communities or with an adequate HOA park...or maybe even a *gasp* --- backyard?[/quote]

Well they dont have those things you call "backyards" in Woodbury, I heard they have those out in like Tustin and Santa Ana or in the ole' "West Irvine"

I also heard there is some internet out there in Californi-way.
I thought it would be a good idea to have a get together on the same day TIC opens the collection; it would be convenient to have a get together close to the model homes; I don't mind hosting cause the amenities here make it easy to set up and clean...

I'll take pictures of Plan B this morning... if I don't get a good response, then we'll just plan it for another day... alright?
I have learned long ago that it's not what you do, who you're with or where you are; it's what you make of it. Saying that though, I totally understand that the situations are critical in making an good event.

Believe me the Court Yard, is far from ideal, but given the down to earth attitudes of some fine TI peeps here; if you still like to meet up, I'll be up for grilling up some burgers. I want to ensure that everyone feels welcomed, comfortable and have a good time, so if you guys don't think this court yard will work, let's just simply wait for a later date to be announced.

If I don't get any responses good or bad, we'll just wait. Sorry again, and thanks for understanding...






oops, gotta clean the camera...!
Nice pictures. I think that should do fine.

The round table and umbrella in the middle will make it hard to set up for Mahjong though.
They must have just built those, no? I know they recently added on to Woodbury Court, so I assume that's where they put this.

I'm a Woodbury resident as well, so if you need more Woodbury people around ... I'm going to try and make this anyway if at least for a little bit with company in town. We also have nice cabanas at Woodbury Place inside the pool area...
I'll stop by regardless of where/when this happens. Weekend of Jan 30-31st sounds like a good one. No NFL playoffs to interfere that weekend, just the silly Pro Bowl.
RC, is there a restroom nearby that people can use (maybe at the leasing office?) If there's a restroom then I think it would work fine. Oh, and I'd vote to change a location over the date... we should do this while Panda is in town.
thanks for the input people!

Spin, yeah, that is the newer part of Woodbury Court, that just opened last year. It is close to the leasing office, there are restrooms there.

I appreciate your hospitality to use the cabanas at Woodbury Place, you mentioned having guests over that weekend, do you think that might be get a little hectic, even if everyone else brings the food? I know you need a fob to get in the area right?

I know every Woodbury Place residence has access to your Club house, if you can let us in and there are no reservations, that would be a cool place to meet! As long as someone is inside to let people in that would work great.

I'll just grill at my place and just bring it over.. everyone else can just bring food and we have a get together!

You might need to check with the leasing office there, about the 30th and having a get together without a rental contract, like how many people, times and such... just so we don't have any trouble...

so... what I'm gathering is that the very least, the Woodbury Court Yard should work? We can keep the court yard as a back-up, I prefer to be at Woodbury Place's Club House...
RC, thanks for putting this together. I should be there as long as it is in the afternoon.
RC - I know they changed the rules regarding the clubhouse usage due to break-ins and residents breaking in after hours. I think the rules now are that you can use the clubhouse w/o reservation during leasing office hours by giving them your D/L and they'll give you a fob.

You do need a fob for the pool area access to the cabanas yes, it might get a little hectic if I don't stay the entire time - and you would need to have at least one resident there.

Having it at the Woodbury Court tables doesn't sound all that bad, honestly. It would save a lot of drama -- but the Woodbury parks may not be a bad idea, either. I think it's free to reserve a table section...
I agree with SoCal, we should keep the same date so we can meet up with Panda. Wherever in Woodbury you guys decide to meet up is fine with me.
thanks for the input everybody...

I'm quite busy today.. but I'll make up a Sign UP Sheet for stuff to bring, and a schedule with directions, map and such... looks like things are coming together!
Talk Irvine Get Together Sign Up Sheet

Saturday January 30th ~2-5pm
Woodbury Court - Court Yard

Hamburgers - roundcorners
Hamburger Meat Pattie Pack of 12 ? x2
Salmon Burgers Pattie x5
Hamburger Buns
Lettuce ? Tomato ? Onions ? Pickles
Ketchup Bottle
BBQ cooking set
Aluminum Trays & Foil

Utensils - roundcorners
Forks, Knives, Spoon - Combos
Plates, Bowls
Napkins or Paper Towels
Table Cloths

Salad - ISM
Croutons, etc?
Salad tongs

Drinks - Socal & Blueberry East
Soda, Diet (can or liter)
Ice or Cooler

Snacks - Panda
Cookies, Sweets
Vege-Platter / Fruit Bowl - Socal
Sandwiches Platter

Name Tags

Laptop with Internet Connection
(good background) Music

Anything I missed? Just put your name next to the items you want to bring; this is just a general guideline of things that worked before... I have a wagon to transport heavy items from your car to the tables... I'm getting an initial head count for about 8-12 people?
You Are Invited <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

Talk Irvine - 2010 Woodbury Collection - Get Together

Map & Directions

Above is a map of the picnic tables within Woodbury Court...

Here is Woodbury Court's website, in case you need to directions...

Saturday, Jan 30th, 2-5pm

I'll be down early to set up, and grill, say around 12:30 after I put the baby down. I'll probably set up the tables in the morning to ensure the spot. I probably need to take off right at 5 for bath time, but feel free to stick around. Take what you bring and clean up what you see... ^_^

If you need to get a hold of me, PM me for my cell number...

Looking forward to seeing everyone there!
Nice map, RC.

Put me down for a couple platters (whatever they have available at Coscto) and a cooler stocked with beverages... sodas, water and maybe some libations if anybody wants them.

I'm really sorry about this, but i just found out that my niece's birthday party will start in the afternoon and not in the morning on Saturday. It is a real bummer because I really wanted to be there.

I'll still pick up the items i signed up for and will deliver it to in the morning. PM me if you'll need me to pick up anything else for you.


Put me down for:
Cookies, Sweets, and Chips.

Another map of where Woodbury Court is in relation to all the model homes, we're pretty much in the middle, walking distance to Sonoma and La Casella...