Solar Panel Batteries & Additional Panel Installation

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
Some electricians will install it and not tell edison....shhhhh
I'd be careful here. I believe utility companies have a way to see if you have additional panels and other equipments installed. If for example you install a battery and you did not initially have one before, I'm sure their system will detect that and flag your account. Especially with NEM 3.0, SCE has every incentive to implement this type of monitoring and profit off of it.

I'd say if you are going to do it, you might as well consider the cost of installing enough panels + battery to be 100% not reliant on the grid throughout the year. You'll then be on NEM 3.0 but it wouldn't matter.
I am with PG&E for electricity and did some additional research but I'm still now getting a clear answer on their website regarding the effect of upgrading a NEM2 solar system with batteries after the April 2023 NEM3 deadline.
