So what's on your playlist?

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So, what are some of the songs you guys have gotten the lyrics confused on?

For the first 17 years of my life, I thought this very famous song was called "Broken Arms". I couldn't figure out why they were singing about broken arms. It doesn't sound romantic. One day when I was at work with a coworker who happened to be a huge Journey fan, it came on the airwaves. I told her about my thoughts on this. Then I learned it didn't involve casts or slings.  :)
thatOSguy said:
He's going to be at Honda Center! We bagged a couple of tix... looks like a fun show and definitely on my bucket list.

Cool! Have a great time! I didn't even know he is playing at the Honda Center! When I checked their page a couple days ago to find the closest venue, I only saw San Diego as the nearest. Hmm, I wonder what's up with that. I wonder if the tickets are really pricey. I read a couple comments about people saying they were surprised how expensive they were.
I like the Spanish version of bailando. Saw the video recently. He should have put Anna kournikova in the video. The only annoying part is listening to him pronounce the letter z. In some parts of Spain they pronounce the z as th. Corazon = corathon, cerveza = cervetha. So it sounds like he has a lisp.