So what's on your playlist?

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KidzBop 23 for $2.. try it out Homer

Also others for $2 (slim pickings.. got Pit for $2)
ps9 said:
Danza kuduro and Zumba both by Don Omar.... Try it you might like it....

i downloaded danza kuduro after seeing furious five. the other day on itunes i dowloaded Let it be, the burnell taylor version.
Didn't know it was in fast five.  Have to watch it again... Heard it on the radio while eating arepas in a Venezuelan restaurant in Florida on the day Chavez died... Weird...been stuck in my head since..

Also got this for my kid....

Subtitled in ???

Really liked the scene in the movie when his kid first plays the really captures the attention
Current playlist.. (courtesy of Songza for discovery)

Apollo - Hardwell (simple, melodic, loopy.. original mix the best)

Save the World - Swedish House Mafia

New Born - Muse

Sar? Perch? Ti Amo - Ricchi e Poveri
Bruno Mars - Treasure

Problem - Like Whaaaaaat????

Kendrick Lamar - B*tch don't kill my vibe

Trinidad James - All Gold Errrrthing lol..

Robin Thicke - Blurred Lines

Major Lazer - Bubble Butt
Get Lucky - Daft Punk

I Could be the one - Avicii & Nicky Romero

Million Voices - Otto Knows

Lot's of good music.. the Daft Punk song will get played out quick... enjoy it now, my pick for summer '13 anthem
ps9 said:
Get Lucky - Daft Punk
Lot's of good music.. the Daft Punk song will get played out quick... enjoy it now, my pick for summer '13 anthem

My patented dance moves flagrantly plagiarized at 0:45


I admit, I haven't bought music from iTunes in a long time, nor a CD.  I do use slacker a lot, search, name of song and let it build a playlist.