Ready2Downsize said:
Lower resale isn't likely going to drag down new home prices but new home developments can drag down resales if the market softens and builders just tack on incentives. There are always people who have to sell for whatever reason but there isn't always people who want to buy and when they do they'll gravitate toward newer and better neighborhoods which is a problem for those in Greenwood and surrounding resale devlopements partly thanks for TUSD and their failure to provide new schools and insistence upon making the assigned schools what they are.
Not saying things are going to soften, but it's a risk for flippers.
It goes to more than schools, but YES! That is the issue with TUSD. There has been a lot of discussion about this in other threads including a new school that was built but isn't being used as an elementary school.
so what is the point of 1.7% MR when no new schools are going to be built? isnt that the whole point of the higher rate MR here?