I know a lot of people claim that FCB can't hurt our market if it becomes a buyers market but here's some food for thought.......... what if those same FCB also had significant amount of money in the stock market and it went south. What if they started getting margin calls and they couldn't keep buying houses here or if they had to sell off some of their properties here? What would that do to the Irvine housing market? If Irvine drops, Tustin is not going to hold up because people will buy/rent in Irvine.
Not saying any of this will happen, but it could and if houses come down basically the areas that were propped up by FCB, the fed isn't going to stop raising rates which will only make houses more unaffordable here, exasperating the problem.
So you say, then rentals will be good but not so fast............ lots of rentals start popping up. Flippers couldn't get out, divorces or other issues and people say well we can't get out even, we'll rent it out for a year or two.
Just some food for thought........... FCB were responsible for the prices here and they own a lot of properties here.