Kings said:democrats this morning
Unbelievable. Again Trump said multiple times open investigation, but now we found it?s not.
Is that moving the goal post?
Kings said:democrats this morning
eyephone said:Happiness said:So the Dems demand an FBI investigation and now they say an FBI investigation is uncredible.
Boy, didn't see that one coming.
Dude if someone robbed your house. I think you expect the police to investigate who did it. But if they only look at your neighbor and not camera footage from your ring camera or witness that saw a car with people running from your house.
I think you might be appalled if that happens. But what do I know.
Kings said:eyephone said:Happiness said:So the Dems demand an FBI investigation and now they say an FBI investigation is uncredible.
Boy, didn't see that one coming.
Dude if someone robbed your house. I think you expect the police to investigate who did it. But if they only look at your neighbor and not camera footage from your ring camera or witness that saw a car with people running from your house.
I think you might be appalled if that happens. But what do I know.
scenario: a guy from two blocks over was walking his dog near your home that evening was seen by one of your neighbors. your neighbor accuses that guy of breaking into your home, but nobody can corroborate your neighbor's story. the police do an investigation and can't prove the guy walking the dog broke in. however, you and all your buddies presume that person is guilty because your neighbor says he did it even though your neighbor can't remember what time or how he broke in. sound familiar?
OCAgentGold said:They should have never listened to the woman, nor held a single hearing. You never validate underhandedness.
OCAgentGold said:Pretty funny to watch this thread. Kavanaugh was well liked by all until Trump picked him. Clearly Swinestein just held on to Ford as a hail Mary. It took about two minutes of her testimony to determine the cheese had slid off that woman's crackers years ago and that her life probably moves from one crisis to the next. BUT, lets elect a blue wave in November so we can have an insta recession and 30 year olds can move back in their parents homes...
morekaos said:Mark my words, even if they get all of this new testimony they will get nothing new to add. All the votes will remain exactly the same. This is a colossal stall tactic, all ?witnesses ? will simply re read their current sworn affidavits and nothing new. He will be seated for the next session
OCAgentGold said:I did, its right above your this post, the other guy just responded before me ... conspiracy theory ? I'm in Laguna Altura if you wanna come by....
fortune11 said:Banana republic = A president who is under investigation for conspiring in the subversion of his own election and obstruction of justice ?- apparently rigged the investigation of his Supreme Court nominee ?- who lied to the senate under oath and who thinks presidents shouldn?t be investigated.
But now we own the libs , so yes #winning !
As I said before , this is the ideal outcome for midterms . Just because he is confirmed doesn?t mean you will stop hearing about him and the leaks from other FBI agents etc
nosuchreality said:That's the same problem the Dems are having, getting primaried from the left.
Frankly, it's why I will vote for Katie Porter in the CA-45. It's two years. She help stifle Trump and she can be replaced in two years if Trump heads out. If Trump doesn't then she may stay longer. Or she'll just be completely ineffective making no difference.
Of course, now that I've said that, she'll get in, stick like a tick and we'll have Californiaesque one party super majority in 2020 at the Federal level...
I wonder who will get the coveted air resource board appointment at the newly created federal equivalent? And who will be the $250K/yr orange county homeless czar? Will it be a single Federal appoint or will be need twelve regional homeless resource boards?
BTW, you should vote on the gas tax, Prop 6. Aka Eliminates certain road repair...
I know, you're thinking but a yes vote removes the tax, it does. But that's winning just the battle losing the war mindset. You'll get spanked down again as the legislature will pass more onerous taxes.
You really need to vote no.
That's right, vote no.
Make all the people in the State pay the ___ing taxes that they keep clamoring the legislature for by sending the people to the legislature. Nothing makes people evaluate their government better than paying the bill.