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Dr. Fords testimony was compelling but the one thing that I can?t get past is that she can?t remember how she got home.  She was so focused on escaping, she ran from the house as quickly as possible.  She didn?t have a drivers license at the time, there were no cell phones at the time, the party house wasn?t in walking distance to her own home, and she can?t remember how she got home or how she left the area!?

No way, not possible.  I don?t remember a lot of my High School minutae but I had a very traumatic experience at a party once and I remember the details very clearly.  This had nothing to do with sexual assault it was with some kids and a firearm of their fathers that they shouldn?t have had access to.  I feared for my life that night and felt the same ?I have to do whatever it takes to escape the house? feeling.  I can tell you to this day exactly where I went and what I did as soon as I escaped the home, and I clearly remember how I made it back home.  The ride home is so clear because you can physically feel yourself getting further and further away from a place extreme trauma and the further away you get the more relief you feel.

There?s no way she doesn?t remember how she got home that night, and it?s odd that she?s not revealing that information.  Maybe because the driver of the car remembers something that would negatively impact her case or maybe some other reason but I?m sure she knows how she got home.  The actual escape is something you just don?t forget when you?re doing everything in your power to flee the scene.
but guys, she definitely has no reason to come forward!  she even plugged the gofundme sites during her testimony and tried to play dumb about who was paying for everything!

GoFundMe campaigns to support Christine Blasey Ford raise more than $700K

"We are working directly with all campaign organizers and guarantee the funds raised will be transferred directly to the Ford family," Katherine Cichy, a spokeswoman for GoFundMe, told ABC News.

oh, too scared to fly, but you frequently travel for island vacations?

and you claim to be a sexual assault victim when you were a teenager, but you host random google teenagers in your home?

let's get on with this dog and pony show so we can seat kav next week

Prosecutor who questioned Christine Ford says she wouldn't prosecute Brett Kavanaugh

Rachel Mitchell, the Arizona prosecutor who questioned Christine Blasey Ford at Thursday's Senate Judiciary Committee, privately told GOP senators she would not prosecute Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh based on the evidence she heard, according to the Washington Post.
The amount of effort you guys have spent digging up links from breitbart, drudge etc and dissecting dr Ford story to discredit her

Have you even given 10 percent of that same effort to wonder if kavanagh May be lying ?

He is not being prosecuted and put in jail, rather , does he QUALIFY to be on the Supreme Court seat . The statue of limitations is way past the date he can be actually held liable anyways

Would you let a preppy teenager with the behavior kavanaugh has displayed anywhere near your own daughters ?

Is he entitled to a Supreme Court seat ? Is there no other candidate who doesn?t have a history or debauchery and bad partisan behavior on national tv , while he is sober ?
And on that angle, he is superbly qualified. Take away this whole circus and that point is true without question. As for would I let pubescent boys like that around my daughter? The answer is, I do every day. Most boys are a lot like that, my daughter is smart enough to handle herself around them.
Irvine Dream said:
Well, why Ford and the countless other protestors, are not concerned about the collateral damages to the wife and daughters, who are really the innocent parties here?

Don't tell me that Ford waited till this time since she thought that his previous behavior is not suitable only for the Supreme Court Justice position.  By the way do anyone think his past behavior is the one that is going to govern his actions as Supreme Court Justice instead of his ideology? Will Democrats/Ford ready to accept a nominee with same ideologies as Kavanaugh but without a checkered past?

By not acting at the time of the incident or even a little later , don't they lose their right to bring it up this now?  After all, if they had brought it up before, may be his wife wouldn't have married him, may be his daughters wouldn't have been born.  Why should they be subjected to this revelation now?  Anyone concerned how this will affect the daughters life?

Irvine Dream: Sorry but the Kavenaugh investstion by the Senate pre 9/28/18 is a kangaroo court. Do you think the GOP judiciary committee members wanted an FBI investigation? (besides J Flake)

Look up kangaroo court.
morekaos said:
fortune11 said:
morekaos said:
If you think I am callous wait until this guy is seated next week and watch all the caring dems discard this women like yesterday?s newspaper because she will have lost her usefulness. Ask in a week who cares and then the answer will one

She has a masters from Stanford and a PhD from USC, my purple genius . She lives in Palo Alto, a wealthy suburb. She didn?t need to come forward for her 2 minutes of fame like the real housewives of Orange County .

She does not need to be ?used? and ?discarded? . This is the problem w macho misogynists in the GOP . Do you even believe educated women have any free agency ?

So credibility is based on resume and not on evidence? Interesting.

To most jurors, selective amnesia is viewed with suspicion. Selective amnesia from a witness with a masters from Stanford and a PhD from USC is simply beyond belief. Of course, unlike jurors, senate Dems already checked the boxes and signed their verdict forms before the witness even took the stand.
I hate posting links if I can avoid it but this is a good one on ?qualifications ?

The American Bar Association had concerns about Kavanaugh 12 years ago. Republicans dismissed those, too.

So now we are going back to arguing whether he is qualified to be a Supreme Court Judge regardless of his sexual misconduct allegations?
Irvine Dream said:
So now we are going back to arguing whether he is qualified to be a Supreme Court Judge regardless of his sexual misconduct allegations?

No ? we are trying to bring it back to the original discussion by not allowing MAGA duds to use ?qualification ? as an excuse . Read the thread properly .

People here are used to claiming #winning all the time by moving goalposts as they please.
fortune11 said:
I hate posting links if I can avoid it but this is a good one on ?qualifications ?

The American Bar Association had concerns about Kavanaugh 12 years ago. Republicans dismissed those, too.

why are you bringing up ratings from 12 years ago?  kavanaugh was nominated based on his qualifications today.

and today, he is unanimously well qualified.

it looks more like you're trying to move the goalposts here

American Bar Association gives Brett Kavanaugh a unanimous 'well-qualified' rating

Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh is ?well qualified? to hold a seat on the Supreme Court, the American Bar Association said Friday, giving President Trump?s nominee another boost heading into next week?s confirmation hearing.

The ABA?s federal judiciary committee gave its unanimous rating to Judge Kavanaugh, who has sat for a dozen years on the circuit court of appeals in Washington, earning high marks for his approach to judging.

Though conservatives don?t put as much stock in the rating from the liberal-leaning ABA, Democrats have called it the ?gold standard? for evaluating whether a judge should be confirmed.
fortune11 said:
Pretty incredible poll here ?- If Ford's claims about Kavanaugh are true, Republicans say 54-32 he should be confirmed anyway. I suspect many just want to signal support.

Even so, history shows that democracy is difficult to sustain w/ this level of partisanship

That's the right question to ask though, at this point. Accepting everything Ford said as true, should this disqualify Kavanaugh from the Supreme Court? Remember, we're not discussing his liberty/freedom, nor losing his current job, just whether he's the best Federalist for SCOTUS. Due to the Reps shitting themselves in fear over the mid-terms, they've been unwilling to move on.

You can reasonably rationalize this. e.g. Despite Kavanaugh's insistence he just drank beer, never to excess, and only on Saturdays, because he was in church all day Sunday, every Sunday ... maybe he partied hard one night, happened to be really drunk that night, got too aggressive with a girl, and fortunately nothing advanced beyond what happened. He simply misread her signals and was too drunk to behave normally.

Of course, then you also have to get past the complete bull shit he was selling in his testimony. His real concern now, should be the FBI recommending perjury charges.
Well , now well ? so much for the fbi investigation ...

The FBI cannot ask the supermarket that employed Mark Judge for records verifying when he was employed there . NBC reporting that the FBI will also not be able to examine Kavanaugh?s drinking at Yale.
Perspective said:
fortune11 said:
Pretty incredible poll here ?- If Ford's claims about Kavanaugh are true, Republicans say 54-32 he should be confirmed anyway. I suspect many just want to signal support.

Even so, history shows that democracy is difficult to sustain w/ this level of partisanship

That's the right question to ask though, at this point. Accepting everything Ford said as true, should this disqualify Kavanaugh from the Supreme Court? Remember, we're not discussing his liberty/freedom, nor losing his current job, just whether he's the best Federalist for SCOTUS. Due to the Reps shitting themselves in fear over the mid-terms, they've been unwilling to move on.

You can reasonably rationalize this. e.g. Despite Kavanaugh's insistence he just drank beer, never to excess, and only on Saturdays, because he was in church all day Sunday, every Sunday ... maybe he partied hard one night, happened to be really drunk that night, got too aggressive with a girl, and fortunately nothing advanced beyond what happened. He simply misread her signals and was too drunk to behave normally.

Of course, then you also have to get past the complete bull shit he was selling in his testimony. His real concern now, should be the FBI recommending perjury charges.

Yes , fair enough . Beer , beer and more beer . I haven?t seen anyone love beer that much as he did in this hearing .

Also the opposite of the choir boy image he was trying to project in his Fox News interview earlier in the week

Ultimately , My personal view is he was ?overacting ? a lot with all that hysterical sobbing and shouting. Psychologically this is typical of abusive men who play the victim , similar to people who claim that being called a racist (rightly or wrongly so) is the same level of hurt as those actually suffering the effects of actual racism .
fortune11 said:
Well , now well ? so much for the fbi investigation ...

The FBI cannot ask the supermarket that employed Mark Judge for records verifying when he was employed there . NBC reporting that the FBI will also not be able to examine Kavanaugh?s drinking at Yale.

Kangaroo court?
So what is it? Limititation or no limitation on FBI investigation.

(The White House says limitation, but Trump?s says no limitation.)

A White House official had confirmed earlier Saturday that Swetnick's claims would not be pursued as part of the reopened background investigation into Kavanaugh. Trump described that as incorrect in a tweet late Saturday. The Wall Street Journal had also reported that Swetnick's allegations would not be investigated.

Trump said the FBI had "free rein" in the investigation.

"They?re going to do whatever they have to do," he said. "Whatever it is they do, they?ll be doing?things that we never even thought of. And hopefully at the conclusion everything will be fine."

Perspective said:
A very angry Matt Damon guest stars as Brett Kavanaugh on 'SNL' premiere

They should've added more when Kavanaugh talked about "working his butt off."

e.g. "I worked my butt off to get into Yale! I chose my parents VERY CAREFULLY! Did you? DID YOU? I worked my butt off to get into an elite private high school! You don't just get there by being born into a wealthy family of a lobbyist and attorney! Duh. Elite private preparatory high school, to Yale undergrad, to Yale Law School ... These aren't just typical steps on an elite ladder of success. I WORKED HARD! Maybe you should've chosen your parents more carefully! SAD!!!"