songkou said:
Where do you get a copy of the Design Guideline? It mentioned in the Stonegate HOA CC&R but I didn't find it in the CD that Saratoga salesperson gave me. Is the plan submitted to Stonegate HOA, or Saratoga HOA? Is there even a separate body governing Saratoga HOA? Is there a website for the HOA? Can someone provides some contact info on the HOA? Thanks.
I've attached all the documents you need. They're for all of Stonegate, so you just need to find the sections that apply to your specific community. (It'll either say Saratoga explicitly or "detached condominiums.") I can't attach the full CC&R document because it's over 9MB. The CD they gave me didn't work either, so they emailed it to me. Just ask the sales office.
There is one HOA for all of Stonegate, Professional Community Management (PCM), in Lake Forest. Their website is You should be able to find contact info there. If you have specific questions about the design restrictions, you can ask Rick Zarski.
Oops, looks like one of the design files is too big at 2MB. Again, ask the sales office and they'll email all you need. : )