Santiago Canyon Fire in Orange by Irvine Lake

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
smells really bad outside..with windows closed, I can smell a bit via vents, etc. KCAL9 just said there is no evacuation....they think they can hold the fire away from portola...
As of 9:10 PM:

<strong>Residents of Orchard Hills and Portola Springs areas of Irvine may voluntarily exacuate to the Lakeview Senior Center at Lake and Barranca. Other residents are asked to stay at home with windows and doors closed.</strong>
I just closed my vents but it's bad inside and I went outside about 8PM and it was intolerable. Thickest smoke I've ever experienced bar none.
irvine123, keep an eye on this page (refresh it every few minutes):

<a href=""></a>
According to KCAL 9's inverview with the Irvine police, you can tune in to radio station 1640 am for the latest info, and/or call the emergency hotline at 714-628-7085. The OCFA's site was last updated at 5:55 pm and much has burned since then. Also I heard that if evacuations were to be ordered, they have a phone system set up to telephone residents (although I don't know how this would work in practice considering cell phones, etc).

We are in Tustin Ranch, off Jamboree near Portola. I hear sirens as I am typing this. I have gotten a few things together in case we are evacuated. It's gotten me rattled but I'm trying to mellow out. Hope I don't have to meet any of you guys at any shelters!

BTW, this is my first post after lurking for a while.
JW - No, you're not the only one. The smoke seemed much more black than usual.

I was just watching KCal 9 and wouldn't you know, they showed a bunch of eucalyptus trees on fire. I cannot tell you how absolutely short-sighted the City Council has been in <em>requiring</em> TIC to maintain the eucalyptus windrows in each of its communities. This is a luxury in the coastal areas, but <a href="">those sticks of dynamite</a> are just stupid in high fire areas.

Best to all in Portola Springs. The news says its in your neighborhood.
The dozers at a landfill constantly cover areas with dirt and then add another layer of trash and then cover with dirt and then add another layer and then ...
jw - Sorry, I don't know if the dirt is thick enought to stop fire, but it can't hurt. I guesss the not so good thing is I think rotting trash produces methane which is highly flammable and I have no idea how that might affect a fire.
I concur w/ Awgee, but will note that after a period of time, the waste turns to methane. The good news is that no toxic waste is allowed at Bowerman.
My friend lives in Portola Springs. The new places we looked at just the other day north of Portola according to him some have burned down. I saw on the news the nursery on the south side of Portola just west of the south end of Portola Springs has burned. Wife and I went out to eat and yes it is very smokey. Even in our place the smoke is getting in here. Going to keep calling the hotline. Hope everyone is OK out there!!
No, this will definitely give pause to anyone considering either Portola Springs or Orchard Hills.

Heck, I feel exposed here in Northpark now.