eyephone said:
Mety said:
eyephone said:
Mety said:
So the bottom line, not much changed?
Does this tell us in any way that the housing market will be back to bull run again? Or are the buyers still fed up with ridiculous prices?
It did change it effected real estate. Go to the housing analysis thread.
It did affect the market for sure. I agree with you like you suggested not to buy last year as I also think last year was the worst time to buy IMO. But people kinda stopped buying because of the seasonality, ridiculous listing prices and also the fear of this new tax plan would not benefit like it used to. It seems though because of other factors, people are not much affected by it in the overall tax calculations or even got more benefits for some reason as some TI members are saying. The housing tax alone might have been a little less attractive, but because of new bracket systems, maybe it turned out not as bad? I could be wrong. I?m just guessing from how people including myself thought it was going to be so bad, but surprised to see some benefits at the end. Well, I was only interested how it would affect the housing market so I guess we will see how it plays.
Read the article from the NY Fed. Don?t be foolish and rely on TI responses. (You should know better.)
Mety: take a look at these poll numbers
Politico Article: On Tax Day, Trump tax cuts remain deeply unpopular
A recent NBC/Wall Street Journal poll found that just 17 percent of Americans believe their own taxes will go down as a result of the bill. A CBS News poll found that 40 percent said they saw no change from the tax bill. And more said it drove their taxes up (32 percent) than lowered their tax bill (25 percent.)
The bill itself has been unpopular from the start and remains so.
A Pew Research Center survey conducted last month found that 36 percent of Americans approve of the tax-cut law while 49 percent disapprove. Even the number of Republicans who strongly approve of the law dipped in the latest Pew survey.
White House officials? response to the unpopularity of the tax cut is basically: Who cares?