Real Housewives of OC update

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[quote author="MightyAlweg" date=1232539424]I would in no way classify these OC Housewives and their families as "rich". At best they are upper-middle class, but since they've been living off of HELOC's and credit cards for much of the last decade, even the upper-middle class category is a bit of a stretch. But in no way are these people "rich" in the broader sense of the one or two Billion other people on the planet who live in advanced societies with truly rich people at the upper levels.

The OC Housewives are typical of the early 2000's generation though; HELOC'ed and credit carded their way to an appearance that makes them look like they are a couple of steps higher up the socio-economic ladder than they truly are. Tamra and Simon Barney appear to have no college degrees to their name, do not appear to have much social grace, and are only an out of work realtor and an out of work car salesman.

In the big ball game of life, these people do not have a lot of status when you take away the Saks card and the leased Mercedes. When the show eventually goes off the air, and if this season is any indication that time is rapidly approaching, they will have even less status but a lot of bills left to pay. And a creepy, beady-eyed son who made a buffoon of himself on national television.</blockquote>

People like this who have a few financially productive years get cocky and believe that they are worth what they are being paid. They believe they will continue to make that kind of money forever. You have to be honest with yourself and take stock of your education and the future potential in your career before you start living like a movie star. I always advise people to live below their means and save, save, save. This strategy may never make you rich, but you will never be in a position like Tamra and Simon, who will most likely lose their lifestyle and overpriced home to foreclosure.
When will these two real estate bareness's learn that when you wanna move real estate in a totally disastrous market you gotta cut, cut, cut. Otherwise you rot out there for 83 and 244 days respectively

<a href="">2 Altimira</a>

<a href="">3 Pointe Circle</a>
[quote author="morekaos" date=1232598224]When will these two real estate bareness's learn that when you wanna move real estate in a totally disastrous market you gotta cut, cut, cut. Otherwise you rot out there for 83 and 244 days respectively

<a href="">2 Altimira</a>

<a href="">3 Pointe Circle</a></blockquote>
Altimira has been for sale for a lot longer than 244 days. It was "relisted".
[quote author="morekaos" date=1232598224]When will these two real estate bareness's learn that when you wanna move real estate in a totally disastrous market you gotta cut, cut, cut. Otherwise you rot out there for 83 and 244 days respectively

<a href="">2 Altimira</a>

<a href="">3 Pointe Circle</a></blockquote>
Yup, especially when 5 Altimira is listed for $749k or $232/sf. haha
I thought these ladies pulled in $74,000 / episode.

Or am I thinking of LC of the hills?

Anyway, this TV show pays them, so maybe they can live rich like.
My wife just started watching this show (she loves to see how stupid and ridiculous these people are), forcing me to view it as well. It seems that most of these women are transplants and don't really represent Orange County. It seems the production selectively casted a particular type of personalities to create conflict, envy, curiosity, sex appeal, and shadenfreude for the sake of interesting television. Their clash of values and behaviors creates trainwrecks that people stare at like an addiction. Personally, I think the production tries to make them more outrageous than their true nature. My wife noticed that they don't really show them ordering real food at Charlie Palmer. Leaves us to assume the production is trying to stretch their budget.
After reading this entire thread, I am conflicted. On one hand, I am grateful I have not spent one second watching this show. On the other, I just spent twenty minutes reading all these posts and now I feel dirty.

Does no one else see the irony in gossiping on the internet about people who gossip on TV?
[quote author="zubs" date=1232605882]I thought these ladies pulled in $74,000 / episode.

Or am I thinking of LC of the hills?

Anyway, this TV show pays them, so maybe they can live rich like.</blockquote>

No way these lame-brains make that kind of money for each episode - maybe for the entire season, though.
[quote author="Oscar" date=1232606736]After reading this entire thread, I am conflicted. On one hand, I am grateful I have not spent one second watching this show. On the other, I just spent twenty minutes reading all these posts and now I feel dirty.

Does no one else see the irony in gossiping on the internet about people who gossip on TV?</blockquote>

Part of the fascination is the slow drive by a car accident thing. Besides there is a real estate connection here. Several of these fools have deep ties to the RE market.
[quote author="kwong7" date=1232606604]My wife just started watching this show (she loves to see how stupid and ridiculous these people are), forcing me to view it as well. It seems that most of these women are transplants and don't really represent Orange County. It seems the production selectively casted a particular type of personalities to create conflict, envy, curiosity, sex appeal, and shadenfreude for the sake of interesting television. Their clash of values and behaviors creates trainwrecks that people stare at like an addiction. Personally, I think the production tries to make them more outrageous than their true nature. My wife noticed that they don't really show them ordering real food at Charlie Palmer. Leaves us to assume the production is trying to stretch their budget.</blockquote>

Welcome to ALL of "reality" TV, this is no different.
[quote author="usctrojanman29" date=1232603202]

Yup, especially when 5 Altimira is listed for $749k or $232/sf. haha</blockquote>

Agreed but in fairness 2 Altamira is easily the best house on the street (which you shouldn't buy I know, I know). The other homes are regular tract homes and this one has a much bigger lot with lots of open space, a tennis court, etc. So I could see paying a premium per square foot but certainly not double as Vicki/Jeana are asking $424/sf.

I feel dirty for typing that. Thanks Oscar :(
[quote author="SoOCOwner" date=1232607822][quote author="zubs" date=1232605882]I thought these ladies pulled in $74,000 / episode.

Or am I thinking of LC of the hills?

Anyway, this TV show pays them, so maybe they can live rich like.</blockquote>

No way these lame-brains make that kind of money for each episode - maybe for the entire season, though.</blockquote>

Rumor has it that the entire family is paid about $ 200K a season.

And they have ZERO rights to residuals/re-runs. And Zero rights to marketing

themselves outside the show. No Commercials or Appearances for profit.

Very restrictive contract. Only people making money are the Producers/Network.
[quote author="bltserv" date=1232675383][quote author="SoOCOwner" date=1232607822][quote author="zubs" date=1232605882]I thought these ladies pulled in $74,000 / episode.

Or am I thinking of LC of the hills?

Anyway, this TV show pays them, so maybe they can live rich like.</blockquote>

No way these lame-brains make that kind of money for each episode - maybe for the entire season, though.</blockquote>

Rumor has it that the entire family is paid about $ 200K a season.

And they have ZERO rights to residuals/re-runs. And Zero rights to marketing

themselves outside the show. No Commercials or Appearances for profit.

Very restrictive contract. Only people making money are the Producers/Network.</blockquote>

Well it seems like some of them are trying to use their "notoriety" to <a href="">spawn other ventures.</a> Vicki already makes appearances as she offers cruises where she is the main attraction - under the guise of an insurance seminar, I believe. She calls it <a href="">"Coto University"</a>. (Click on the "Cruise" tab.) If she sees any boost in ticket sales it's undoubtedly because of the show. She was also named <a href="">spokesperson </a>for Duzoxin. They may not profit directly from making appearances for the show but I definitely think they will see profit indirectly because of it as they will get attention with any business ventures (Vicki's insurance, Lynn's cuff bracelets, etc.) I think they will find ways to milk it.
[quote author="NewToOC" date=1232614714][quote author="usctrojanman29" date=1232603202]

Yup, especially when 5 Altimira is listed for $749k or $232/sf. haha</blockquote>

Agreed but in fairness 2 Altamira is easily the best house on the street (which you shouldn't buy I know, I know). The other homes are regular tract homes and this one has a much bigger lot with lots of open space, a tennis court, etc. So I could see paying a premium per square foot but certainly not double as Vicki/Jeana are asking $424/sf.

I feel dirty for typing that. Thanks Oscar :(</blockquote>

It seems 2 Altimira was reduced by $125,000 today. Another $400,000 reduction and it may be competitive.
[quote author="awgee" date=1232801441][quote author="NewToOC" date=1232614714][quote author="usctrojanman29" date=1232603202]

Yup, especially when 5 Altimira is listed for $749k or $232/sf. haha</blockquote>

Agreed but in fairness 2 Altamira is easily the best house on the street (which you shouldn't buy I know, I know). The other homes are regular tract homes and this one has a much bigger lot with lots of open space, a tennis court, etc. So I could see paying a premium per square foot but certainly not double as Vicki/Jeana are asking $424/sf.

I feel dirty for typing that. Thanks Oscar :(</blockquote>

It seems 2 Altimira was reduced by $125,000 today. Another $400,000 reduction and it may be competitive.</blockquote>
Well they picked it up near the top of the bubble at $1.65MM with a $1.32MM loan from Countywide so they already lost some equity IF they close at list. The question is will all of their equity evaporate and this listing turns into a short sale??? Even at $1.32MM it's still overpriced.
[quote author="usctrojanman29" date=1232802222][quote author="awgee" date=1232801441][quote author="NewToOC" date=1232614714][quote author="usctrojanman29" date=1232603202]

Yup, especially when 5 Altimira is listed for $749k or $232/sf. haha</blockquote>

Agreed but in fairness 2 Altamira is easily the best house on the street (which you shouldn't buy I know, I know). The other homes are regular tract homes and this one has a much bigger lot with lots of open space, a tennis court, etc. So I could see paying a premium per square foot but certainly not double as Vicki/Jeana are asking $424/sf.

I feel dirty for typing that. Thanks Oscar :(</blockquote>

It seems 2 Altimira was reduced by $125,000 today. Another $400,000 reduction and it may be competitive.</blockquote>
Well they picked it up near the top of the bubble at $1.65MM with a $1.32MM loan from Countywide so they already lost some equity IF they close at list. The question is will all of their equity evaporate and this listing turns into a short sale??? Even at $1.32MM it's still overpriced.</blockquote>

Compare 2 Altimira to the listing I just posted on the Coto thread, 3 Palomino.
[quote author="IrvineRenter" date=1226392812]I couldn't help myself. I lookup up their property records:

On 9/6/2007 they took out an Option ARM for $1,240,000 and a HELOC for $77,500.</blockquote>

Redfin shows 3 Pointe Circle as <em>The most recent listing for this property has gone off the market.</em>

Anybody have the scoop?

Did it sell?


Are they switching agents?

Maybe they are listing with Jeana or Gretchen?
[quote author="morekaos" date=1232598224]When will these two real estate bareness's learn that when you wanna move real estate in a totally disastrous market you gotta cut, cut, cut. Otherwise you rot out there for 83 and 244 days respectively

<a href="">2 Altimira</a>

<a href="">3 Pointe Circle</a></blockquote>

Scratch the both houses. They just couldn't find that Perfect Sucker, errh, buyer for their hovel. Guess Taquilla is paying the rent.

<a href="">Real Housewife takes O.C. house off market</a>

According to Jeana Keough, also a member of the cast, Barney and her husband had received a couple of ?lowball offers? and decided to wait out the market at this time.

?We gave it a few months and didn?t get offered what we wanted,? said Barney