Real Housewives of OC update

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<blockquote>It?s the one that is listed as mission viejo. $20K/yr and paid up to date.

$20k per year in taxes - YIKES!

I certainly wouldn't want that tax bill.
[quote author="CalGal" date=1229249515]<blockquote>It?s the one that is listed as mission viejo. $20K/yr and paid up to date.

$20k per year in taxes - YIKES!

I certainly wouldn't want that tax bill.</blockquote>

And the Mello Roos portion of that is not deductible. Ouch!
[quote author="awgee" date=1229256756][quote author="CalGal" date=1229249515]<blockquote>It?s the one that is listed as mission viejo. $20K/yr and paid up to date.

$20k per year in taxes - YIKES!

I certainly wouldn't want that tax bill.</blockquote>

And the Mello Roos portion of that is not deductible. Ouch!</blockquote>
I wonder how many people write the Mellow Roos off illegally.

I've heard that lots of people write it off as part of their taxes.
[quote author="CalGal" date=1229258663][quote author="awgee" date=1229256756][quote author="CalGal" date=1229249515]<blockquote>It?s the one that is listed as mission viejo. $20K/yr and paid up to date.

$20k per year in taxes - YIKES!

I certainly wouldn't want that tax bill.</blockquote>

And the Mello Roos portion of that is not deductible. Ouch!</blockquote>
I wonder how many people write the Mellow Roos off illegally.

I've heard that lots of people write it off as part of their taxes.</blockquote>

99% of those who prepare their own return. The same with mortgage amounts over $1,000,000. That is one of the ways I get audit clients.
[quote author="CalGal" date=1229249395][quote author="Mr. Yuk" date=1229235876]I didn't know this (probably wasn't paying attention in the first place - the right amount of attention for these people, BTW), but look who's also in the real estate business:

<a href="">Veriya Real Estate Team</a>

<a href="">Her DRE License Info</a>

And look at who her emplying broker is - the same broker who employs <a href="">this housewife</a>!</blockquote>
Tammy Knickerbocker is a realtor?

That's news to me.

Oh, great. Another person who thinks she can do real estate.</blockquote>

I had noticed this before. Jeanna did say in the episode after Lou (Tammy's ex) died that he was the one that got her into real estate so it makes sense he got his then-wife into it too.
This show never disappoints on showing how screwed up we are. I couldn't stop laughing at Vicki's lecture on how dysfunctional Jeanna's marriage and divorce is. Man these are serial divorce's on this show. They are ALL DYSFUNCTIONAL!!
^ I think Vicki is a little mean to her husband. He seems like a nice enough guy. She takes trips without him and says he can't come when he expresses interest. Then she cries about how he doesn't do enough for her. Huh??
I just caught a part of this while channel surfing and saw where one of them was short selling a house for a client.

She said something about how in a short sale the owner gets no money from the sale and that's sad but it's okay for her as long as she gets paid. Man... so heartless.
[quote author="SoCal78" date=1229563715]^ I think Vicki is a little mean to her husband. He seems like a nice enough guy. She takes trips without him and says he can't come when he expresses interest. Then she cries about how he doesn't do enough for her. Huh??</blockquote>


I dispise most women who are like this. I had a bipolar GF for a while, it was a relief when she said she wanted her space. I purposely made myself scarce if she ever changed her mind (which she did several times).

Anyways, I just laugh at the stupidity and crazyness...

0h well.

Looks like Josh will be in Jail a little longer too.

Leaving the scene of an Accident.

Sounds like another 6 months in the County lockup.

<a href=""></a>
[quote author="bltserv" date=1230688678]Looks like Josh will be in Jail a little longer too.

Leaving the scene of an Accident.

Sounds like another 6 months in the County lockup.

<a href=""></a></blockquote>

From the Register;

<strong>"Turns out that little drug bust was not the onlylegal problem he was facing at the time ? although not even his lawyer knew it until Monday. Back in April he was busted in a hit-and-run. According to the D.A.'s Office, Waring was exiting the freeway near the Irvine Spectrum at around 100 mph when he hit another car. While victim was talking to witnesses, police say, Waring put the hood of hiscar up, ran to a friend's car, hopped in and drove off.

Although it happened before the drug bust, for some reason the case trailed it in the court system. He is scheduled to be arraigned Wednesday. Kathleen called his attorney, Jeffrey Stivers, who said Josh hadn't told him about it.

"I'm sure I'll be getting a call from him," said Stivers, another in a long line of adults who have tried to help Josh.

At least he's a good bet to show up for court. He's still doing his drug time in the Central Men's Jail."</strong>

If it's that offramp just to the west of the Spectrum that ends quickly at that funky little intersection, then the kid is lucky to not be charged with felony public endangerment. That offramp is one of the worst in OC, and there's no exuse for some punk to be flying down it at 100 mph. (Not that there's an excuse for going 100 mph on any offramp). This loser kid is going nowhere fast, and if he makes it to age 30 it will be minor miracle if he doesn't spend the rest of his lives behind bars at taxpayer expense.

<strong>These housewives are an embarassment to the good people of Orange County.</strong> It's just not even funny any more. They live their lives like poor white trash with a better credit rating. At least their credit is good for now, until their foreclosures kick in and Nordstrom cuts them off. But they still give the rest of the county a bad name on national television each week, in living color.
Looks like Jeana Keough Uber-agent is hanging up her spurs. She left Remax for for her ex's firm California Real Estate Services. She is "hanging" her license there for what looks like part time work or extended sabbatical. Good career choice considering the market.
After watching last weeks episode and seeing how horribly trashy and tasteless <strong>Tamra Barney</strong>, <strong>Simon Barney</strong>, and Tamra's creepy son <strong>Ryan Vieth </strong>behaved at their <strong><em>"formal dinner party"</em></strong> and date rape event, I am very curious to hear what the latest is on the Barney's home and career path.

As a proud OC'er with OC roots that go back four generations, I am now convinced that these OC Housewives have brought utter shame and humiliation to our county on national television. At first I thought they were funny and entertaining, but now it's just embarassing and sad. I would not feel the least bit sorry for them to learn they've lost the Ladera Ranch McMansion and have moved to a trailer park in Barstow where Tamra runs the trailer park clubhouse gossip ring and Ryan lurks around the 7-11 looking for his next victim.

It looks like the house is still on the market (81 Days and counting), but they haven't lowered the price in six weeks. It's still at 1.49 Million. But the pictures have been edited and changed a bit in the last month. They removed the photo of the cheesy "sitting garden" out front with the blue Port-A-Potty elegantly staged in the background. That's a shame, as it was one of my favorite pictures on redfin.
Ryan went to High School with my son at Aliso Niguel.

From what he tells me he is as creepy now as then.

When Gretchen was wasted Ryan looked like a Vulture looking to get lucky.

Looks like he is having some Law enforcement issues as well.

I almost died when he was going to try and be a CHP Officer.

My son tells me he has like 20 traffic tickets on his record.
I watched this show for the first time. I saw two episodes, one where they were having an elegant dinner party which was far from elegant. Also, another one where they were at a race track. The dinner party showed me how "classy" people can be not so "classy". The race-track showed me how little they understand cultures, backgrounds, and people around them.

In general if you are born rich and never experience poverty, you'll tend to have no respect for someone that is in that situation. You believe that you deserve the situation you were born into, and those that aren't as fortunate are nothing but scum. Even amongs each other, they show dis-respect. Probably isn't your fault, you just lack the experience when it comes to understanding people.

This doesn't mean that all that are born rich are this way, but in general they are.

Same way if you are born poor and made it...through hard work. You tend to remember and respect those that aren't in the same situation as you. Now money does change people and in the same way not all that are born poor and make it, respect the lower class. Some change...and turn into the rich classless snobs.

Just be careful who you piss off...once in a blue moon there will be a poor scum who will rise up fueled by revenge and determination to destroy you and your existence.

(This obviously isn't directed to anybody here, just talking about the type of people that are on that show, which is somewhat entertaining in its own way)
He gives me the creeps... That episode with Gretchen made him look pretty bad. That's what his mom gets for trying to get someone drunk and set them up for disaster--turns out she made her own son look like a total scumbag!
Those people are just a bunch of posers. They all just have really low self esteem since they all just constantly flaunt their pseudo-wealth and talk behind each other's back. I wouldn't shed a tear if they all went bankrupt.
I would in no way classify these OC Housewives and their families as "rich". At best they are upper-middle class, but since they've been living off of HELOC's and credit cards for much of the last decade, even the upper-middle class category is a bit of a stretch. But in no way are these people "rich" in the broader sense of the one or two Billion other people on the planet who live in advanced societies with truly rich people at the upper levels.

The OC Housewives are typical of the early 2000's generation though; HELOC'ed and credit carded their way to an appearance that makes them look like they are a couple of steps higher up the socio-economic ladder than they truly are. Tamra and Simon Barney appear to have no college degrees to their name, do not appear to have much social grace, and are only an out of work realtor and an out of work car salesman.

In the big ball game of life, these people do not have a lot of status when you take away the Saks card and the leased Mercedes. When the show eventually goes off the air, and if this season is any indication that time is rapidly approaching, they will have even less status but a lot of bills left to pay. And a creepy, beady-eyed son who made a buffoon of himself on national television.
[quote author="MightyAlweg" date=1232539424]And a creepy, beady-eyed son who made a buffoon of himself on national television.</blockquote>

Can you imagine the stigma that poor bastard will have to live down going to every job interview for the rest of his life?
[quote author="no_vaseline" date=1232547362]

Can you imagine the stigma that poor bastard will have to live down going to every job interview for the rest of his life?</blockquote>

Yeah, no kidding. But I don't feel sorry for him one bit.

I did a few stupid stunts in my college years, fueled by alcohol of course. But I would <strong>NEVER</strong> go into the gutter like that in front of my parents at one of their dinner parties in their home. That's just so creepy and scuzzy and disturbing on so many levels that it's not even funny, and you can't even cut that kid slack for being buzzed off his Dad's cornball tequila. It's just so over the top wrong and slimy that the tequila shots don't explain away how disturbing it is. Simon and Tamra Barney and their son Ryan Vieth have lots to work through, as the national TV audience has now seen.

It's just a shame the good people of OC get dragged into it via the notorious nature of the TV series. And seriously, who would buy their Ladera McMansion now with that kind of infamy attached to the patio and the kitchen and the guest bathroom?