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[quote author="akim997"] I was eavesdropping, and it sounded like he said the downstairs of (i dont know which plan) Montecito was going to cost him well in excess of $20K to floor... what the heck?[/quote]

doing what uncle kims do best.

CK - No drama at all. It's already all worked out. See, I'm commenting on his posts like I promised.
[quote author="haiku"]
CK - No drama at all. It's already all worked out. See, I'm commenting on his posts like I promised.[/quote]

That's all great, but I still want to go out for soju bombs. Or maybe alternate between soju bombs and jaeger bombs, to celebrate our multicultural society here in Irvine?

Akim's comments could be argued as joking as yours did about Chinese.

So Koreans can't clown on Koreans... but they can clown on fellow asians? And you can make light of a Japanse art form with your screen name?

I call "Asianism"!
[quote author="irvinehomeowner"]@haiku:

Akim's comments could be argued as joking as yours did about Chinese.

So Koreans can't clown on Koreans... but they can clown on fellow asians? And you can make light of a Japanse art form with your screen name?

I call "Asianism"![/quote]

Clown? Of course, even if you're not korean and you got a funny joke about us, I'll laugh. The problem is he wasn't joking...read one of his posts I copied below.

First, I feel I can say this because I'm Asian... 90% of the potential buyers were Chinese or Korean... Even though I'm Asian, I just feel this is a negative...

As much as I like Korean and Chinese food (WHAT ABOUT THE PEOPLE???), the last thing I want of Irvine is the next Monterey Park/ Fullerton... Sorry if I offend anybody, but that's how I really feel.
[quote author="haiku"]
[quote author="akim997"]mr. haiku:
haha... wow... strong words!!! well, i am korean... and actually very proud of it. and i am proud to the point that i expect more from the overall community. i make comments and references because all my friends are korean and it's something we joke about all the time. while i live in irvine, i have friends who refer to "escaping" fullerton...

i grew up near LA, and grew up amongst a large chinese/tawainese population. i knew a lot of parachute kids from well to do families, so i joke about the whole FCB deal too... (well i guess it's not actually a joke). sorry you are so offended, but unlike many people i talk about things i know and thing i have ACTUALLY experienced. i've trolled k-town almost 20 years so i know the deal... does every guy at le cercle or VR really claim he's a surgeon/lawyer/investment banker? no, but that's just the running joke. does every k-town girl talk in a fob/valley girl accent, say "ohhh llleeely? (oh really) and obsess over LV and chanel bags? (well uh... that's up for debate...lol). do a lot of koreans live in shabby k-town apts while paying $800 to lease a car? no, but i've met and seen a lot in that situation. fine, i'm degrading my people by making generalizations, if that makes you dislike me there's nothing i can do about it. personally i want/expect more from people...

i'll admit i was also wrong... i vented at tenants and this is not the correct forum to do so. i guess i'm also angry at myself for underestimating how difficult real estate is. when you try to be a good, honest landlord everyone in the world wants to take advantage of you. we actually learned the lesson the hard way... we started remodeling apts with all the amenities, and soon found out that it is a big mistake. tenants dont respect what u own, and use apts as a consumable good. they demand demand demand... and then stop paying rent while they have a leased luxury car in the garage. i dont thnk its fair to call me out, when you don't know how it is. i've been talking to other landlord/property managers in the area, so now i'm learning the biz. unfortunately, sometimes u've got to be an ass, and u have to treat people like the animals (they sometimes) are... and by the way, i made no derogatory references to koreans as tenats... because anybody can be a bad tenant!!!

i'm not sure what else you have against me. i complain about the prices, and you tell me "maybe you can't afford it"... i made a reference to the alt min tax and i'm swinging a big chaj? what's ur deal? i pull out of montecito, but the fact i looked made me TIC's beeyatch? everything i say or write comes from my real experiences, every comment you have made has been an assumption of who i am. do you know how many people the amt affects? do you realize it can be viewed as a "middle class tax" due to the exemption phased out limits (i do believe they will extend the patch for 2010)? am i really swinging my dck because i'm a part of the middle class that is paying a tax that was originally intended for wealthy low-tax paying individuals (i think rockefeller was one)? just because i had my name on the list means i was subscribing to TIC? on the contrary, i decided it wouldnt hurt to have my name on the priority list so that if prices go down, i would be in a good position to pick one up.

you have no idea who i am or where i'm from. you don't know that as much as i joke about koreans, i love being korean. you don't know that i'm actually actively looking in hawks pointe (cheaper per sq ft, nice layout, hillside view, no mellos). just because i happen to be a value investor (including in equities), doesn't mean u should hate me for that. i believe in getting value for a purchase. i love irvine, but i'm not going to pay too much for it. i haven't been waiting since 1999, since i purchased in 2001... don't know where you got that information... who did u want me to be? do you think i should have a shaved head with bangs with a chinese character tatoo on my back while sporting dickies, cortez and a hat from the compton swap meet that says AZN NVASN or something? well, im sorry to dissapoint... maybe you will be happy to know that i am still into cars... and yes, at this age i still lower them, but now i can afford coilovers instead of cutting the stock springs...


So much to say but I'll tell you a story instead.

In college, I started a fight w/ 2 non-asians while by myself (I have to work on my smart mouth if you can't tell by now). Anyways, 2 total strangers who were Korean jumped in to fight. This is an example of where Koreans ONLY do certain things for each other even if for a total stranger...could be a good or bad thing. Anyways, I'm sure panda or any other korean reading this understands this.

On the other hand, when you see an Uncle Tom...errr Kim like yourself, it attracts the exact opposite reaction from fellow koreans. If you read my past posts, I'm all for jokes, but none of your comments regarding koreans sounded like a joke. Hence my issues w/ you and why I said this only applies if you're korean. Again, I'm sure Panda and all other koreans can see/understand this point also.

Or maybe I just don't get it. BK has accused me of horrible intuition while you were able to steal 2 pebbles from his hand.

Finally, it was an absolute joy interacting w/ you. I look forward to commenting on your future posts. ;D[/quote]

Hand with 2 pebbles is not better than Tai Chi buddies anti speeding in the diamond lane.
[quote author="gld42"]Irvine IS the next Monterey Park/ Fullerton!!!!!

What makes Monterey Park is the diversity of Chinese. Irvine lacks the poverty that made MP and Alhambra eateries and market a bargain.
Wealthy Asians don't wanna live in Monterey Park. That's for the po people. Irvine is a great place to live. Not only does it have Asian amenities, but it is close to the beach(for the weather, not the beach), and has top rated schools. I would say those are the main reasons for picking Irvine.

TIC really did a good job making a community that people want. They were smart to market the Asians, as the Asians have the money these days, plus Asians want to live in CA. It's closer to Asia.
[quote author="zubs"] Asians have the money these days, plus Asians want to live in CA. It's closer to Asia.


More like closer to LV and Chanel stores at SCP is the better reason.
hey, my nephews call me uncle kim too!!! but ill take uncle kim over korean douchebag any day!!! D&G sunglasses, tight jeans and white dress shoes are the korean man's equivalent to ed hardy t-shirts and affliction wear on the round-eye.. believe me, you DONT look cool...
[quote author="akim997"]hey, my nephews call me uncle kim too!!! but ill take uncle kim over korean douchebag any day!!! D&G sunglasses, tight jeans and white dress shoes are the korean man's equivalent to ed hardy t-shirts and affliction wear on the round-eye.. believe me, you DONT look cool... [/quote]

You stayed up until 1:00 am last night and this is what you came up with??? I see your nephews are smart and see right through your banana peel.
My point is proven again uncle kim...generalizing your own people like the HUGE twinkie you are.
Apparently, you're the new fashion guru of TI. As such, can you please tell us how you dress? You hit it on the head. I wear tight jeans and white dress shoes to bed and my D&G sunglasses even at night.
Btw, it's not you'd rather be, it's you're both...an admitted uncle tom and now a huge douche.
Finally, its been fantastic interacting with you. I look forward to your future posts where you hang yourself further. Have a great day ;D
[quote author="scubasteve"]how old are you guys again?[/quote]


You came over and you don't even remember I'm 5?

~ Julian Koufax
[quote author="IrvineRealtor"]Too much name-calling.
Warnings unheeded: strike two.
Have a super day.[/quote]

Unheeded? Hey now, I've made it a point to end comments w/ ;D and to wish everyone the best. Give me some credit.

Anyways, onto something more important. I've always wanted to apologize to you regarding my earlier comments about realtors. Not everyone can get a license right? There's people out there who don't know how to read...c'mon.

Hope you have a wonderful day by getting off the internet and going out to sell sell sell! Drive to the nearest brokers open and claim your free lunch so you're fully energized when following someone through the security gate to throw your magnetic notepad on their driveways...in your mercedes benz of course ;D

And yes, I've still yet to learn the fine art of learning when to stop. You're getting a dose of what my staff gets daily. I'll stop here and go back to them.
so much angst... ok, ill stop now. get over yourself... my first generation in-laws and parents agree with me on some of the disputed subject matter... so lets just agree to disagree instead of flinging mud... irvine is just not the same city it used to be... ill get over it...

i work late at night b/c i can get some add'l work done. how else will i afford irvine?

btw... i'm not a fashion guru... i look like a bum when not at work, but i wouldnt have it any other way... so have a good day.

the white-washed korean, who sometimes prefers 7grand to ktown, who cant dress, who hates on FCB's because he cant buy a house in cash, swinging his middle class dk around town...

my only goal in life now is to grow up to become the EVP of east coast television and microwave programming!!!
Reviving an old post and hopefully we stick to the topic this time.

Has anyone done an upgrade of Oval Tub surrounds or shower walls after the close of escrow?
They come standard with 6" white tile and I was wondering how much hassle it is to take them out and put in something nice.  Also, what is the risk of damaging the tub or the glass shower wall/door?
I've seen enough HGTV that you have to remove the glass shower walls/door if you plan to retile... unless your walls are not screwed into the tiled area (which I doubt).

The tub is easier I think as there is usually no hardware and it's just the top area that needs to be replaced.