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tim said:So who can I vote for that has never broken a law?
We all have to choose from among the candidates that we have. Each person, including me and including you, makes value judgments that affect which imperfections we are willing to live with. It looks to me that we will get to pick between Clinton and Trump. For all of Clinton's faults, they don't come anywhere close to Trumps faults. Note that that is not a statement of fact. That is a statement of opinion, based on how I value imperfections.
I see Clinton's use of this email server not as some nefarious thing. I think she was trying to do her job, but this was bad judgement. I can't find a candidate that hasn't made worse decisions, including her. This one just doesn't seem that bad.
Invading Iraq for no good reason and destroying the amazing goodwill that the USA had after 9/11? Really bad decision. Having sexual relations with an intern in the White House? Really bad decision. Iran-Contra? Really bad decision. Using your own email server? Not that bad. YMMV.
Her decision to host her own email server might not be nefarious, but it was naive. I want a commander-in-chief that can understand implications of cyber security and not make a naive mistake such as this. I hope this not too much to ask, given that we live in the information age.
Btw, both potential candidates scare the s*%t out of me.