What law did she break?
HomeOwner Irvine said:This exact discussion shows how polarized our country has become. We start ignoring facts to support "our" candidate rather than accept when something is just plain wrong. What Hillary Clinton did is just plain wrong. Period. When a person has to evoke that someone else did it so her breaking of the law is not a big deal, we know something is wrong. Also, her aides cite Powell and Rice, who BTW sent a handful of emails, one personally sent by Powell and a few by Rice's aides, note Rice did not use email at all.
In this case, Clinton sent emails through a private server, not one, not a handful but hundreds. Over a hundred of those emails were deemed classified and many were deemed top secret (highest level of classification). I would hate to have a president that ignores common sense and does what s/he thinks best because it suits them. Let's remember that Obama was a big fan of his iPhone when he came into office, but he swapped it out for a Blackberry because it was required by the Secret Service.