Presidential Elections

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No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.
Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
Neither of those statutes applies to the sitting President.

Secondly, nobody has been convicted of insurrection -- not one person. Therefore, it's not possible to have incited an insurrection if nobody took part in an insurrection. It will be interesting to see by what margin of victory the Supreme Court decides this in Trump's favor.

If an insurrection against the United States did in fact take place, I would ask where were the guns? How did they intend to overthrow the US government without firearms? I mean these are pro-2nd Amendment people. Surely, they have gun collections at home.

And why were so many of the insurrectionists taking selfies instead of focusing on killing the Capital Police, Congressman, and other government officials? The only person executed was a harmless protester shot by a Capital Police officer.
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All I know is that if all of those people were black not a single one of them would have been alive. It would have been an absolute massacre by the police
Neither of those statutes applies to the sitting President.

Secondly, nobody has been convicted of insurrection -- not one person. Therefore, it's not possible to have incited an insurrection if nobody took part in an insurrection. It will be interesting to see by what margin of victory the Supreme Court decides this in Trump's favor.

If an insurrection against the United States did in fact take place, I would ask where were the guns? How did they intend to overthrow the US government without firearms? I mean these are pro-2nd Amendment people. Surely, they have gun collections at home.

And why were so many of the insurrectionists taking selfies instead of focusing on killing the Capital Police, Congressman, and other government officials? The only person executed was a harmless protester shot by a Capital Police officer.
Sorry LL, just lost all respect for you. To say there were no guns when it was proven there was is unreal. I don't even think morekaos would say that. And why do guns have to be present to attempt insurrection? You need to find a dictionary.

If you don't think Trump was trying to prevent the outcome of the vote, that even adds to your delusion.

Good luck... you should have just stuck to being wrong about Irvine real estate.
you’re wrong, the only gun there was the one that shot an innocent Trump supporter. Like Biden said, “if you’re gonna overthrow the government, you need F-15s.”… This was just a bunch of yahoos wearing bison horns trespassing.🤷🏽‍♂️. Doesn’t really matter. Trump can be president again pretty soon anyway.😂😂😂
All I know is that if all of those people were black not a single one of them would have been alive. It would have been an absolute massacre by the police
The difference between your prejudice and the prejudice which you accuse millions of people you've never met is that you've proven yours is real.
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The difference between your prejudice and the prejudice which you accuse millions of people you've never met is that you've proven yours is real.
I live in reality. I have eyes. I’m not blinded my any political beliefs as you have proven you are.

You have proven your blindness is real.
I live in reality. I have eyes. I’m not blinded my any political beliefs as you have proven you are.

You have proven your blindness is real.
If this blindness you speak of means giving everyone a chance to prove their character without my prejudice, then I wholeheartedly agree, I am blind.

Try this out: next time you see a public servant with a badge in person, go ahead and inform them that based on the fact that you have eyes, you are certain they would massacre black people given the opportunity. Let me know how that works out for you.
you’re wrong, the only gun there was the one that shot an innocent Trump supporter. Like Biden said, “if you’re gonna overthrow the government, you need F-15s.”… This was just a bunch of yahoos wearing bison horns trespassing.🤷🏽‍♂️. Doesn’t really matter. Trump can be president again pretty soon anyway.😂😂😂
Simple internet search will tell you that you are mistaken. Unless you are trying to be technical and define "there" as a specific location. If you think no "protestor" had a firearm outside the capital or near it, you are just in denial. There is evidence that says otherwise. And like LL said, why wouldn't an 2nd Amendment proponent be packing?

And again, an attempt at insurrection does not require guns. And an attempt doesn't mean successful either.

And it's not just Jan 6... but whatever... no need to get into it because it's pointless to have a discussion when the goalposts keep moving.
Sorry LL, just lost all respect for you. To say there were no guns when it was proven there was is unreal. I don't even think morekaos would say that. And why do guns have to be present to attempt insurrection? You need to find a dictionary.

If you don't think Trump was trying to prevent the outcome of the vote, that even adds to your delusion.

Good luck... you should have just stuck to being wrong about Irvine real estate.
This is like chess... I can see three moves ahead and already know what you are going to say.

An insurrection is an armed rebellion.[2]

Now please post your evidence that the 750 people charged with trespassing in the Capital were armed.
Simple internet search will tell you that you are mistaken. Unless you are trying to be technical and define "there" as a specific location. If you think no "protestor" had a firearm outside the capital or near it, you are just in denial. There is evidence that says otherwise. And like LL said, why wouldn't an 2nd Amendment proponent be packing?

And again, an attempt at insurrection does not require guns. And an attempt doesn't mean successful either.

And it's not just Jan 6... but whatever... no need to get into it because it's pointless to have a discussion when the goalposts keep moving.
maybe you didn’t watch the January 6 committee presentation that is quoted directly in that CNN article. officer Ibraham was the only one caught with guns on the grounds that day. Can’t have an armed insurrection without arms…. but you sure can have a riot.😂😂😂
This is like chess... I can see three moves ahead and already know what you are going to say.

Now please post your evidence that the 750 people charged with trespassing in the Capital were armed.
You must have lost quite a few chess games, this is what I mean by moving goalposts... the actual definition of "insurrection" didn't fit so you went to Wikipedia. Use a dictionary and you will find the common use for insurrection:
  1. The act or an instance of open revolt against civil authority or a constituted government.
  2. A rising against civil or political authority, or the established government; open and active opposition to the execution of law in a city or state.
  3. A rising in mass to oppose an enemy.
Trump was already inciting insurrection by claiming the vote was rigged and his attempt to get Georgia to change their count... also counts as opposition to the execution of law. Or in layman's terms... sore loser.

And where did I say 750 people were armed? I didn't even bring up guns... you did because it fit your flimsy argument of what an insurrection is.

And I'll pull an LL.,.. what does "armed" mean?
  1. Furnished with weapons of offense or defense; furnished with the means of security or protection.
  2. Furnished with whatever serves to add strength, force, or efficiency.
So, yeah... could be other things than just guns.

Respect-o-meter keeps dropping.

maybe you didn’t watch the January 6 committee presentation that is quoted directly in that CNN article. officer Ibraham was the only one caught with guns on the grounds that day. Can’t have an armed insurrection without arms…. but you sure can have a riot.😂😂😂

Maybe just fact check for yourself... but what can I expect from someone who kept saying Teslas were $100k cars when the Model 3 had been out for years.

Here let me help (or you can ask your kid):

From CNN:

Here's another:

So this is what it's like to be good at tennis.
guns in their cars parked far away, guns in their hotel rooms, guns at their houses in Missouri?….lame.I have guns in all those places…so? No guns where an armed insurrection would need them…on the capital grounds…only gunshot killed an unarmed trump supporter, even after that no one returned any fire. Any other deaths happened later or were unrelated. Hardly an armed insurrection which is why no one was charged.😂😂😂😂
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the actual definition of "insurrection" didn't fit so you went to Wikipedia. Use a dictionary and you will find the common use for insurrection:
The Wikipedia article I quoted cites the Oxford English Dictionary which I helpfully linked in my post. You just didn't bother to click on it--> [2]

You also keep forgetting something -- Trump was the sitting President. Therefore, he was the civil and political authority, as well as the leader of the constituted government. Your definitions all fail to establish that Trump took part in insurrection.

Check & mate.
The Wikipedia article I quoted cites the Oxford English Dictionary which I helpfully linked in my post. You just didn't bother to click on it--> [2]

You also keep forgetting something -- Trump was the sitting President. Therefore, he was the civil and political authority, as well as the leader of the constituted government. Your definitions all fail to establish that Trump took part in insurrection.

Check & mate.
Such a dancer.

That's not the definition you posted... this is what your reference says in regards to Oxford definition from your Wiki page:

The action of rising in arms or open resistance against established authority or governmental restraint; with pl., an instance of this, an armed rising, a revolt; an incipient or limited rebellion.

So still does not have to have guns.

And now you are saying that because he was a sitting president he couldn't take part in an insurrection? Use your brain... he was inciting the insurrection to rebel against the authority of the vote.

Keep moving that goalpost.

Just like your predictions for Irvine... you keep failing.