March 24, 2022
…and now…

Trump’s Resurgence Draws Parallels to Reagan’s 1980 Upset Victory
It’s hard to recapture the contempt with which Reagan was excoriated by the best and the brightest, but it was just as visceral and widespread as the animus against Trump in 2016 and today.
“In many ways,”
Schoen noted, “the upcoming presidential election may mirror the 1980 election, when Jimmy Carter suffered a landslide defeat at the hands of Ronald Reagan.”
It’s hard to remember the texture of sentiment back in 1979 and 1980. Today, Ronald Reagan is nearly universally admired. He won the Cold War without firing a shot. He jump-started an economic miracle that led to the greatest accumulation of wealth in history. It was “morning in America.”
But during his campaign, he was roundly excoriated as a dunderhead, a mere actor who would involve the country in war, whose Neanderthal views would set back progressive causes by decades, and whose economic illiteracy would bankrupt the country. It’s hard to recapture the contempt with which Reagan was excoriated by the best and the brightest, but it was just as visceral and widespread as the animus against Trump in 2016 and today.
The 2024 presidential election is still more than 10 months away, but already there is a lot of déjà vu all over again about the festivity. The smart money—which does not, I hasten to add…