Liar Loan said:The reason people have immigrated to the US traditionally is because they were escaping sh*thole countries. I mean Europe from the 1770's to the 1940's was not a very good place to be. Lots of wars were fought on behalf of imperial monarchs while their people starved in the streets. There's a reason why things like Nazism and Communism took hold there. People were searching for a better way.
fortune11 said:Liar Loan said:The reason people have immigrated to the US traditionally is because they were escaping sh*thole countries. I mean Europe from the 1770's to the 1940's was not a very good place to be. Lots of wars were fought on behalf of imperial monarchs while their people starved in the streets. There's a reason why things like Nazism and Communism took hold there. People were searching for a better way.
Europe was full of s** hole countries ... in the 18th - 19th centuries .... umm compared to. ?
China and India that were being plundered by the British ? Congo and Africa where Belgians and German maxim guns were hunting natives as as if they were " big game " ? South America that was a satellite to Spain and Portugal?
Do you really think living conditions in the US were that much better than in Europe that was in charge of the entire globe's economy and free to "loot at will" at the peak of its imperial power in 19th century ? Remember, US economy didn't really start to dominate until well into the 20th century.
Immigration to US was people fleeing religious persecution initially , and then those seeking new opportunities on a blank slate. Not very different from the people trying to come here today. Only difference is the color of their skin. Are there any s*** hole countries that come to mind for Trump where the majority of people are white ?
fortune11 said:I was going to say " straw man argument " but maybe I should say " straw children " modeling it after you
The point is entire world was a s** hole back then , the European s *** hole was relatively better than others . but you would have to actually read or know something about the world history (and not just " white " or European centric history ) to understand that .
cant believe I used this word twice in the same sentence but I guess this is what this thread and the discourse in our country (thanks to Trump) has devolved to
Charles Blow in NYT®ion=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=collection
"I guess Donald Trump was eager to counter the impression in Michael Wolff?s book that he is irascible, mentally small and possibly insane. On Tuesday, he allowed a bipartisan session in the White House about immigration to be televised for nearly an hour.
Surely, he thought that he would be able to demonstrate to the world his lucidity and acumen, his grasp of the issues and his relish for rapprochement with his political adversaries.
But instead what came through was the image of a man who had absolutely no idea what he was talking about; a man who says things that are 180 degrees from the things he has said before; a man who has no clear line of reasoning; a man who is clearly out of his depth and willing to do and say anything to please the people in front of him.
He demonstrated once again that he is a man without principle, interested only in how good he can make himself look and how much money he can make.
Yes, he has an intrinsic hostility to people who are not white, particularly when they challenge him, but as a matter of policy, the whole idea of building a wall for which Mexico would pay was just a cheap campaign stunt to, once again, please the people in front of him.
Trump is not committed to that wall on principle. He is committed only to looking good as a result of whatever comes of it. Mexico is never going to pay for it, and he knows it. He has always known it. That was just another lie. Someone must have stuck the phrases ?chain migration? and ?diversity lottery? into his brain ? easy buzzwords, you see ? and he can now rail against those ideas for applause lines.
But he is completely malleable on actual immigration policy. He doesn?t have the stamina for that much reading. Learning about immigration would require reading more words than would fit on a television news chyron.
If Donald Trump follows through with what he said during that meeting, his base will once again be betrayed. He will have proved once again that he was saying anything to keep them angry, even telling lies. He will have demonstrated once again his incompetence and unfitness.
And once again, they won?t care.
That is because Trump is man-as-message, man-as-messiah. Trump support isn?t philosophical but theological.
Trumpism is a religion founded on patriarchy and white supremacy.
It is the belief that even the least qualified man is a better choice than the most qualified woman and a belief that the most vile, anti-intellectual, scandal-plagued simpleton of a white man is sufficient to follow in the presidential footsteps of the best educated, most eloquent, most affable black man.
As President Lyndon B. Johnson said in the 1960s to a young Bill Moyers: ?If you can convince the lowest white man he?s better than the best colored man, he won?t notice you?re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he?ll empty his pockets for you.?
Trump?s supporters are saying to us, screaming to us, that although he may be the ?lowest white man,? he is still better than Barack Obama, the ?best colored man.? "
Irvinecommuter said:morekaos said:Win!, Win! Win!...
So basically...they just made up a new matrix because Trump is so bad all of the other ones.
Kings said:The smugness from the author of this article was the reason Trump won in 2016, and it will be the reason he wins in 2020.
fortune11 said:Kings said:The smugness from the author of this article was the reason Trump won in 2016, and it will be the reason he wins in 2020.
You realize the irony in that statement ?
Any casual observer can see the smugness in trump supporters statements that tend to dismiss anything and everything as part of the grand plan and vision ? he is actuallly a genius playing nine dimensional chess
But I can see why that?s a good consolation to have when trump s poll numbers are in the tank despite a phenomenal economy and stock market.
You have to be totally ignoring on the ground reality in recent elections to be assuming he is coasting to victory again in 2020
LONDON ? President Donald Trump has canceled a trip to London to open the new U.S. Embassy, blaming the Obama administration for selling the old building in the city for "peanuts."
He criticized the move from "perhaps the best located and finest embassy," even though the relocation was initiated under the George W. Bush administration in 2008 amid wider security concerns after terror attacks such as the 1998 embassy bombings in Tanzania and Kenya.
Trump's decision was greeted with relief by London's Mayor Sadiq Khan, who said the president had "finally got the message" that he was not welcome in the British capital.
fortune11 said:To his crowd ?- ? you will win so much ... excuse me .. you will play chess so much your head will start spinning .. you will be begging ... mr trump please stop .... we can?t take all this chess .. our MAGA heads are hurting ?![]()
morekaos said:Irvinecommuter said:morekaos said:Win!, Win! Win!...
So basically...they just made up a new matrix because Trump is so bad all of the other ones.
This makes my point. This is a Presidency like no other. (I am sure we can all agree with that) In order to understand it you must not look at it in the traditional manner. I was telling people before the Republican primaries that this guy stood a fighting chance because he does not poll in the traditional manner. I found that many people supported him but were more than reluctant to admit it to anyone, let alone a pollster. This insight proved true throughout the election. It is the reason the traditional media and staunch politicoes can't figure this guy out. He will surprise them again because his support is under all the traditional radar. Until they look at this President in nontraditional ways they will be blindsided for the next 8 years.
morekaos said:If all these countries are sending us "their best and brightest" who are trying to escape the **itholes they live for whatever reason, are we not doing that country a disservice by taking their very "best and brightest" who should fight to make their native countries better? Are we not selfishly poaching the very people needed to make their home countries better?
USCTrojanCPA said:morekaos said:Irvinecommuter said:morekaos said:Win!, Win! Win!...
So basically...they just made up a new matrix because Trump is so bad all of the other ones.
This makes my point. This is a Presidency like no other. (I am sure we can all agree with that) In order to understand it you must not look at it in the traditional manner. I was telling people before the Republican primaries that this guy stood a fighting chance because he does not poll in the traditional manner. I found that many people supported him but were more than reluctant to admit it to anyone, let alone a pollster. This insight proved true throughout the election. It is the reason the traditional media and staunch politicoes can't figure this guy out. He will surprise them again because his support is under all the traditional radar. Until they look at this President in nontraditional ways they will be blindsided for the next 8 years.
I think you nailed it. I'd be willing to wager there are a lot "closet" Trump supporters out there who did vote for him and will probably vote for him again but they wouldn't be caught dead admitting it for the fear of being ridiculed by friends, family, and social justice warriors. Case in point, one of my good friends voted for Trump but lied to his wife and said that he voted for Clinton because he didn't want to hear it from her. haha
Irvinecommuter said:fortune11 said:To his crowd ?- ? you will win so much ... excuse me .. you will play chess so much your head will start spinning .. you will be begging ... mr trump please stop .... we can?t take all this chess .. our MAGA heads are hurting ?![]()
Trump has always been the great white hope even going back to the 1980s...his garish apartment and partying lifestyle were things that middle America white people thought being rich was about. Basically he is the person that poor white people want to be if they ever won a lot of money.
Irvinecommuter said:USCTrojanCPA said:morekaos said:Irvinecommuter said:morekaos said:Win!, Win! Win!...
So basically...they just made up a new matrix because Trump is so bad all of the other ones.
This makes my point. This is a Presidency like no other. (I am sure we can all agree with that) In order to understand it you must not look at it in the traditional manner. I was telling people before the Republican primaries that this guy stood a fighting chance because he does not poll in the traditional manner. I found that many people supported him but were more than reluctant to admit it to anyone, let alone a pollster. This insight proved true throughout the election. It is the reason the traditional media and staunch politicoes can't figure this guy out. He will surprise them again because his support is under all the traditional radar. Until they look at this President in nontraditional ways they will be blindsided for the next 8 years.
I think you nailed it. I'd be willing to wager there are a lot "closet" Trump supporters out there who did vote for him and will probably vote for him again but they wouldn't be caught dead admitting it for the fear of being ridiculed by friends, family, and social justice warriors. Case in point, one of my good friends voted for Trump but lied to his wife and said that he voted for Clinton because he didn't want to hear it from her. haha
Seriously...Trump lost to Clinton by 3+ million votes. Clinton got almost as many votes as Obama did in 2012.
Only reason why Trump won is because we still have a system in which geography is more important than population.
BTW: The polling was pretty darn close...RCP average had Clinton +3.3...actual was Clinton +2.1