President Trump Tests Positive for COVID-19

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Dr. CA Real Estate said:
I now don't feel bad after reading this meme that says RBG argued her first case in heaven.

Everything they're doing 'right' to treat him so he can survive, you  likely cannot do because of policies they've forced to be implemented due to their actions creating to shortages of test, delays in test results, limitations in treatment supplies and health system concerns over capacity.
It's interesting his doctors chose to put him on a experimental drug, Regeneron (monoclonal antibody) in addition to Remdesivir (antiviral drug). Regerneron hasn't received emergency use authorization and is still in early testing. There must be unpublished data with decent results.

Trump?s Covid Treatments Are Aimed at Preventing Severe Illness 
Outside experts pointed to the therapies as signs that the president?s health may not be as good as his doctors said. His age, weight and gender put him at high risk.
To help President Trump get the full COVID-19 experience, let's make sure he loses his job and is evicted from his home next month  >:D
It sounds like they are unloading all of the ammunition early in hopes he doesn?t get too sick. Seems to make sense.
iacrenter said:
It's difficult to tell how sick he is based on limited information in the press briefings. His doctors started him on dexamethasone yesterday, a steroid usually reserved for patients on a vent or supplemental oxygen.

He maybe okay. But the troubling thing is many key figures in the GOP party and WH are getting covid.
The WH suppose to be the safest place in the world regarding covid with access to 5 minute testing. There are rumors that the so called rules were not actually followed.

If you look at the super spreader event at the Rose Garden. I want to say nobody wore masks. (okay I saw a few)

Don%u2019t touch me or cough at me bro!
By Tuesday he could be back at a campaign rally or could be dead.

Frankly, I'm betting on he was mildly sick and they gave him all the cutting edge stuff either out precaution or to satisfy his ego.

They've contradicted themselves enough that it could be anything.  However the drugs they have said they've giving him are usually used for severely ill patients.

Oh, and it's possible the super spreader in the Rose Garden may have been Trump. Of all the people in close contact with him regularly getting sick, there's only one not getting tested daily.
I looks like Trump had a mini parade in front of the hospital. Trump left the hospital not to go back to the WH, but to drive by the supporters. Another example he turns things into chaos and makes it a circus.
It looks like the secret service and several police agencies were there.
That event probably cost tax payers a lot of money for that drive by.
Send his campaign an invoice for that mini parade event!
The one drug I've not heard anything about in this whole event: Hydroxychloroquine.

He was given Zinc, an additional mineral recommended when taking Hydroxychloroquine, but still no mention of HDCQ itself. There might be drug interactions with all of the specialized stuff taken so far (justs a guess....) but one would think someone in the MSM would be asking about it.

My .02c
He is going home!!! If an old, out of shape, man can beat covid why the hell are states closed?

If I get it I?ll just ask for the Trump treatment.

Let?s get this show rolling!!!