President Trump Tests Positive for COVID-19

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Soylent Green Is People said:
The one drug I've not heard anything about in this whole event: Hydroxychloroquine.

He was given Zinc, an additional mineral recommended when taking Hydroxychloroquine, but still no mention of HDCQ itself. There might be drug interactions with all of the specialized stuff taken so far (justs a guess....) but one would think someone in the MSM would be asking about it.

My .02c

Bleach wasn't mentioned either...  ;D
qwerty said:
He is going home!!! If an old, out of shape, man can beat covid why the hell are states closed?

If I get it I%u2019ll just ask for the Trump treatment.

Let%u2019s get this show rolling!!!

1. No one can get the same treatment as Trump as of now. (Who knows when Trump has covid. There are many rumors that he has it before the twitter announcement.)
2. There is a hiccup with the vaccine. (complications during trial testing. It is all over the news.) If Elon does not think the covid vaccine is safe. I will not take it either. Yo
Trump pressuring the FDA to fast track a vaccine is a recipe for disaster.
qwerty said:
He is going home!!! If an old, out of shape, man can beat covid why the hell are states closed?

If I get it I?ll just ask for the Trump treatment.

Let?s get this show rolling!!!

You can only get that treatment if you?re orange. You?re brown...
bones said:
qwerty said:
He is going home!!! If an old, out of shape, man can beat covid why the hell are states closed?

If I get it I?ll just ask for the Trump treatment.

Let?s get this show rolling!!!

You can only get that treatment if you?re orange. You?re brown...

eyephone said:
2. There is a hiccup with the vaccine. (complications during trial testing. It is all over the news.) If Elon does not think the covid vaccine is safe. I will not take it either. Yo

Please tell me that's a joke...
marmott said:
eyephone said:
2. There is a hiccup with the vaccine. (complications during trial testing. It is all over the news.) If Elon does not think the covid vaccine is safe. I will not take it either. Yo

Please tell me that's a joke...

1. Elon will not get the vaccine.

2. But maybe I will get the vaccine after the proper testing. Trump wants to like skip a phase and rush it before election.

NIH ?Very Concerned? about Serious Side Effect in Coronavirus Vaccine Trial?

The test was halted when a participant suffered spinal cord damage, and U.S. scientists launched an investigation

A person can be perfectly fine and then get the vaccine and go straight to the icu.

Even if Trump was too sick to go home... he was going home.

Just like his limo ride yesterday... he's trying to not look weak.
morekaos said:
He'll be fine...will use this to just bolster his "no big deal" point of view...It'll drive everyone crazier!! ;D ;D :) >:D

Orrrrr....he really is just fine. >:D
marmott said:
Why is Elon even in the vaccine conversation? He has ZERO expertise in the matter...

Idk about Elon. I just brought up Elon because I know many people on TI like him. But regarding the vaccine trial it is concerning that it is not going smoothly. That?s what happen when you get rushed.
eyephone said:
marmott said:
Why is Elon even in the vaccine conversation? He has ZERO expertise in the matter...

Idk about Elon. I just brought up Elon because I know many people on TI like him. But regarding the vaccine trial it is concerning that it is not going smoothly. That?s what happen when you get rushed.

Axios-Ipsos poll: Americans won't take Trump's word on vaccine

Barely two in 10 Americans would take a first-generation coronavirus vaccine if President Trump told them it was safe ? one of several new measures of his sinking credibility in the latest wave of the Axios-Ipsos Coronavirus Index.

It looks like I am not the only who does not take Trumps word regarding the covid vaccine.
Its painful watching political optics over ride sound medical decisions.

We will see how 'going home' with top line 24x7 full medical team goes. The whitehouse will basically have a portablw ICU room ready.

Meanwhile, Darrel America, might be able to get a test today if he didnt get too sick to rush to the ER over the weekend if he found out he was exposed last Thursday and felt run down.  In about week, he'd get the results.  Again provided he didnt progress warranting an ER run.  If lucky on the weekend with fever and mild cough, maybe he would have gotten into the hospital.

Once there he wouldnt have gotten anything Trump has gotten, unless he got really sick.

And his doctors wouldnt lie for him.

Or let him take an SUV ride.

Guess we all get to wait and see if Trump, trumps himself into a 2nd week crash.

PS> had to go pick up some home supplies today.  Noticed an obvious increase in chin diapers and non-maskers compared to the last two weeks.
irvinehomeowner said:
Even if Trump was too sick to go home... he was going home.

Just like his limo ride yesterday... he's trying to not look weak.

It was a joy ride for Trump, but probably not for the secret service agents assigned to his car.  ;)
I have ?evolved? my views and now predict Trump WILL attend the next debate....should be fun. Town hall format, informal, Trump loves that.
eyephone said:
marmott said:
Why is Elon even in the vaccine conversation? He has ZERO expertise in the matter...

Idk about Elon. I just brought up Elon because I know many people on TI like him. But regarding the vaccine trial it is concerning that it is not going smoothly. That?s what happen when you get rushed.

Elon's drive to make Tesla a success... yes. His personal views on Covid and what he names his kid... NO.
His purpose is served. It is nauseating that every single news channel is on repeat loop all day long today with Trump, his covid, his homecoming...blah blah..

There is more happening in the world besides Trump-rona.

Party allegiance aside, the news media is not serving the public. They are in the business of sharing news....not just take one topic and waste everyone's time on hours end so that they can increase the viewership.
well- heres another...

Common side effects of Dexamethasone-

blurred vision
decrease in urine
fast, slow, or irregular heartbeat
mental depression
mood changes

And hes carrying the codes to a thermonuclear arsenal.