Prepare to get the shaft from the State of California

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So it looks like the State Legislator will pass the following measures for the State's budget shortfall:

1. Sales Tax increase of 1%

2. State Income tax income across every tax bracket

3. Doubling of car registration fees

4. Increase in gas tax

If I can land a job in Vegas, I'm out of here for a while.
[quote author="usctrojanman29" date=1234442794]So it looks like the State Legislator will pass the following measures for the State's budget shortfall:

1. Sales Tax increase of 1%

2. State Income tax income across every tax bracket

3. Doubling of car registration fees

4. Increase in gas tax

If I can land a job in Vegas, I'm out of here for a while.</blockquote>

Thats interesting. I have no trouble walking away from this state. As a matter of a fact, I have no trouble walking away from this country. Just keep F-ing around with people.
<a href="">One source.</a>

Unfortunately I can't do too much about the income tax, but I'll make it a strong goal to not spend more on gas, registration or sales tax in '09. Mercury Ins just sent me a bill with a ~10% increase, so I'm making changes that will reduce that bill by 64%. And thank goodness for Amazon. I get my toothpaste and shampoo from them, and I bet I can find a lot of other things they're willing to sell me (with free shipping).
They are cutting services too.

Taxes paid have been far too low for the level of services recieved by the citizens of California.

When do we get Gray Davis back? Since it's obvious now he was never the problem, but Daryl Issa certainly was.
[quote author="Daedalus" date=1234444550]And thank goodness for Amazon. I get my toothpaste and shampoo from them, and I bet I can find a lot of other things they're willing to sell me (with free shipping).</blockquote>

I know where you can find inexpensive <a href="">toothpaste and soap.</a> Soda too.
California is going to be a pretty neat place at the end. No manufacturing because of treehuggers. No retail because of the sales tax -- everything comes in by mail from internet sales. No education because the state can't afford it. No construction because too many homes have been built. It will be the world's first FUN-BASED-ECONOMY! Theme parks, entertainment, lifestyle gurus, surfing.

There was a book about a utopia where the beutiful class of people living on the surface didn't even know about the class of untermensch that lived under the surface. Can't be arsed to look it up.
[quote author="usctrojanman29" date=1234442794]So it looks like the State Legislator will pass the following measures for the State's budget shortfall:

1. Sales Tax increase of 1%

2. State Income tax income across every tax bracket

3. Doubling of car registration fees

4. Increase in gas tax

If I can land a job in Vegas, I'm out of here for a while.</blockquote>

1. Great more incentive to buy on the Internet plus everyone now is survival mode so i see sales continue to drop...

2. Well everyone is making a third of what they used too if they even have a job.

3. Say good bye to car sales especially high end even though that is the tank. Expect more fraud in private sales to save a buck.

4. Sounds good if you had a job. More fuel for people to save money and cut back on paying your silly tax.

What about cutting the bloated State Government? Thank you California for shooting yourself in the foot and screwing the economy and its people and causing more pain. Ass-clowns, I'm voting against every incumbent from now on...
[quote author="usctrojanman29" date=1234442794]So it looks like the State Legislator will pass the following measures for the State's budget shortfall:

1. Sales Tax increase of 1%

2. State Income tax income across every tax bracket

3. Doubling of car registration fees

4. Increase in gas tax

If I can land a job in Vegas, I'm out of here for a while.</blockquote>

We are #1.......Highest income tax rate in the nation. Highest state sales tax in the nation. Highest gasoline tax in the nation. One of the highest business taxes in the nation. This was before the latest hike.

CA as one of the highest taxed states in the nation still has a $40 Billion Deficit. Incredible!!!
If you disagree with this, then call your representative and yell at 'em!

Find and contact your state legislator <a href="">here </a>and your state senator <a href="">here</a>. Call, email, write letters, these are YOUR representatives.

If you are from the Irvine area, here's the info:

Assemblyman <a href="">Chuck DeVore</a>

(949) 863-7070

State Senator <a href="">Tom Harman</a>

(714) 957-4555
[quote author="OCCOBRA" date=1234504314]

What about cutting the bloated State Government?</blockquote>

Myth. The "piles of excessive government waste" don't exist. 85% of the budget is used in prisons, schools, and medical.

Proof? Where's my audit Arnold?!??!

<a href=""></a>

<blockquote>Schwarzenegger told the large crowd of journalists that he's still researching many issues, including the budget. He said he will order a complete audit of California's budget to "go line-by-line" looking for waste.

"We don't really know what the current operating deficit it is," Schwarzenegger said. He explained that estimates of the budget's deficit have ranged during the campaign from $6 billion to $10 billion.


<blockquote>Thank you California for shooting yourself in the foot and screwing the economy and its people and causing more pain. Ass-clowns, I'm voting against every incumbent from now on... </blockquote>

Why waste your time? Thanks to term limits they can't serve more than two terms. You really think getting somebody else in there is going to fix the problem?

<a href=""></a>
If my wife would let me i'd head back to AZ or Texas (Tex-ass) :lol: .

But alas its a little more difficult than that. It does seem that our business is going to be shipped to Mexicali. While it may be cheaper, these are high end aerospace equipment and you'll have a bastard of a time getting these parts into and out of the USA or to customers.... joy. Some high end business exes. just don't get it...


Did anyone take a look at the shock and awe propositions for saving money in the San Juan Capistrano school district? NO administrators at any level, higher class size, no high school sports and the elimination of Kindergarten altogether. There will be a revolution when Californians realize that they are going to be asked to pay more to get 1/2 as much. I already have classes of 40 students, latest union prediction is that if all of the cuts to education go through, our classes will increase by 50%. Yet the state continues to spend millions and millions on a ridiculous testing program to comply with NCLB and line the publishing companies pockets with gold. We have no supplies and the publishers offer free nights in hotels to come and listen to a one hour presentation for their textbooks, then the state hands over $100 per student, per subject area to them.

I'm sure the car companies are loving this one while they are all ready to go BK. I'm sure the retailers are ready to flee. Maybe I'll start buying toothpaste on Amazon also.
[quote author="tmare" date=1234525602]Did anyone take a look at the shock and awe propositions for saving money in the San Juan Capistrano school district? NO administrators at any level, higher class size, no high school sports and the elimination of Kindergarten altogether. There will be a revolution when Californians realize that they are going to be asked to pay more to get 1/2 as much. </blockquote>

I hadn't till you mentioned it.

<a href=",cntnt01,print,0&cntnt01articleid=230&cntnt01showtemplate=false&cntnt01returnid=15">,cntnt01,print,0&cntnt01articleid=230&cntnt01showtemplate=false&cntnt01returnid=15</a>

As I'm keen to say, the voters of California have demanded far too many services and paid too little in taxes for too long. It appears that train has ran to the end of the dirt road.
[quote author="no_vaseline" date=1234519937]

Myth. The "piles of excessive government waste" don't exist. 85% of the budget is used in prisons, schools, and medical.


<blockquote></blockquote>the voters of California have demanded far too many services and paid too little in taxes for too long.<blockquote></blockquote>

No_vas, these were some of your comments. I was looking for the sarcasm off in your emails but didn't find it.

"85% of the budget is used in prisons, schools and medical". Yes, that's where the bloated salaries/retirement packages for prison guards, teachers, administrators reside plus the fraud in the medicare system. CA is one of the highest taxed states and we have terrible prisons, terrible schools and terrible medical services to show for. Texas has similar demographics and it's citizens pay about 50% less taxes than Californians. That alone should prove to you that this state is run by a bunch of incompetence and spineless morons, being controlled by the powerful unions.

The budget doubled in the last 10 years (almost tripled if you count the deficit), way exceeding population growth. Who are you trying to kidding with your comments above?
[quote author="waiting2buylater" date=1234599918][quote author="no_vaseline" date=1234519937]

Myth. The "piles of excessive government waste" don't exist. 85% of the budget is used in prisons, schools, and medical.


<blockquote></blockquote>the voters of California have demanded far too many services and paid too little in taxes for too long.<blockquote></blockquote>

No_vas, these were some of your comments. I was looking for the sarcasm off in your emails but didn't find it.

"85% of the budget is used in prisons, schools and medical". Yes, that's where the bloated salaries/retirement packages for prison guards, teachers, administrators reside plus the fraud in the medicare system. CA is one of the highest taxed states and we have terrible prisons, terrible schools and terrible medical services to show for. Texas has similar demographics and it's citizens pay about 50% less taxes than Californians. That alone should prove to you that this state is run by a bunch of incompetence and spineless morons, being controlled by the powerful unions.

The budget doubled in the last 10 years (almost tripled if you count the deficit), way exceeding population growth. Who are you trying to kidding with your comments above?</blockquote>

No sarcasm. You are living in denial of reality. Which makes you pretty standard for a California voter, or you have been listening to Jon and Ken and drinking thier koolaid. The piles of government waste don't exist. Pete Wilson took care of them a long time ago.

The MediCAL system is near colapse because doctor reimbursements have been slashed and will likely get worse.

<a href=""></a>

<blockquote>A coalition of California hospitals, healthcare associations, pharmacies and Medicaid recipients has filed suit in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles to block the 5% cut in Medicaid rates that is scheduled to go into effect March 1.</blockquote>

Those "overpaid prison guards"? They are babysitting roughly double the population the facilities were designed for. If you look at it that way, we are getting a huge discount. Last Monday the Feds gave notice to expand bedspace or dump 60,000 prisioners.

<a href=""></a>

Your comments on teachers show you to be totally detached from reality.

I don't care if they close schools, shut down all the prisons, stop mental health care and disabilty payments for the disabled. We can shut down all the rest homes. We can radically increase taxes on, well, somebody. I frankly don't give a shit which we choose. But we have to do something.
I just don't get how Califorina's budget has gotten all out of wack when other states (all-be-it smaller) can run effectively at a considerably lower cost structure? I mean it's bad enough that we have one of the highest state income taxes in the US, but also dealing with one of the highest gas taxes and sales taxes just pours salt into the wound. Is it that we demanded so many services and weren't willing to pay for them? Or is Prop 13 the real issue here?
[quote author="no_vaseline" date=1234602681][quote author="waiting2buylater" date=1234599918][quote author="no_vaseline" date=1234519937]

Myth. The "piles of excessive government waste" don't exist. 85% of the budget is used in prisons, schools, and medical.


Like I said a big waste of money. Get rid of the Unions. And thanks to the stupid US government for not reimbursing all the money we spend on general health care of illegal aliens in the emergency room. Three strikes is a stupid law and i am tired of the politicians saying where tough on crime. BS, you sell false security by locking everyone up with a system that is a meat grinder and just throw people away and cost us money because the DA wants to look good. The whole system is crap and no one seems to give a shit in Sacramento...Shoving new taxes down our throat is only going to cause less spending and work against what you are trying to do asshats.
[quote author="OCCOBRA" date=1234606794][quote author="no_vaseline" date=1234602681][quote author="waiting2buylater" date=1234599918][quote author="no_vaseline" date=1234519937]

Myth. The "piles of excessive government waste" don't exist. 85% of the budget is used in prisons, schools, and medical.


Like I said a big waste of money. Get rid of the Unions. And thanks to the stupid US government for not reimbursing all the money we spend on general health care of illegal aliens in the emergency room. Three strikes is a stupid law and i am tired of the politicians saying where tough on crime. BS, you sell false security by locking everyone up with a system that is a meat grinder and just throw people away and cost us money to jail because some DA wants to look good and move up the ladder. The whole system is crap and no one seems to give a shit in Sacramento...Shoving new taxes down our throat is only going to cause less spending and work against what you are trying to do and prolong this reccesion for a long time asshats. You just watch, next year at this same time they are going to be in the same boat and will start taxing more. Makes me sick.</blockquote>