Portola High - more testing hearing

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
Because it will match up nicely with the overpriced GP homes and the even more ridiculous $200M Irvine/GP library.
I don't really get it....I mean are HS students gonna take grass that grows from toxic soil, roll it into a blunt and smoke it.  It's just soil, they aren't growing oranges and serving it for lunch there.  And the water is piped in from some treatment facility.

I mean, unless the toxins can emit from the soil as a gas and students breathe it in when they're playing soccer outside, what is the big deal?

Flint was drinking water contamination - stuff you actually ingest into your body.  But soil on a school?  What is a student's level of interaction with soil besides walking inside the building, the concrete, and grass that sits over it?
abosch00 said:
I don't really get it....I mean are HS students gonna take grass that grows from toxic soil, roll it into a blunt and smoke it.  It's just soil, they aren't growing oranges and serving it for lunch there.  And the water is piped in from some treatment facility.

I mean, unless the toxins can emit from the soil as a gas and students breathe it in when they're playing soccer outside, what is the big deal?

Flint was drinking water contamination - stuff you actually ingest into your body.  But soil on a school?  What is a student's level of interaction with soil besides walking inside the building, the concrete, and grass that sits over it?


From the section on how you can be exposed:

Trichloroethylene in air can easily enter your body when you breathe. Most of the trichloroethylene that you breathe in will go into your bloodstream and into other organs. A small amount of trichloroethylene in the air can also move through your skin and into your bloodstream.

You can be exposed to trichloroethylene in soil when small amounts of soil are transferred to your mouth accidentally, when your skin touches the soil, or when you breathe air or dust coming from the soil. You can also be exposed when trichloroethylene in soil evaporates and migrates into air spaces beneath buildings to enter the indoor air, a process termed vapor intrusion, and you breathe that contaminated indoor air.
aquabliss said:
abosch00 said:
I don't really get it....I mean are HS students gonna take grass that grows from toxic soil, roll it into a blunt and smoke it.  It's just soil, they aren't growing oranges and serving it for lunch there.  And the water is piped in from some treatment facility.

I mean, unless the toxins can emit from the soil as a gas and students breathe it in when they're playing soccer outside, what is the big deal?

Flint was drinking water contamination - stuff you actually ingest into your body.  But soil on a school?  What is a student's level of interaction with soil besides walking inside the building, the concrete, and grass that sits over it?


From the section on how you can be exposed:

Trichloroethylene in air can easily enter your body when you breathe. Most of the trichloroethylene that you breathe in will go into your bloodstream and into other organs. A small amount of trichloroethylene in the air can also move through your skin and into your bloodstream.

You can be exposed to trichloroethylene in soil when small amounts of soil are transferred to your mouth accidentally, when your skin touches the soil, or when you breathe air or dust coming from the soil. You can also be exposed when trichloroethylene in soil evaporates and migrates into air spaces beneath buildings to enter the indoor air, a process termed vapor intrusion, and you breathe that contaminated indoor air.

If that didn't end with a mic drop, i don't know what would.

Stay away High Schoolers!  Stay far far away!
Do you really think new HS would be No. 1 in Irvine? Cemetery acts like Asian repellent and I think they probably still want to choose NW or Uni .
fanliang179 said:
Do you really think new HS would be No. 1 in Irvine? Cemetery acts like Asian repellent and I think they probably still want to choose NW or Uni .

Might be a good thing.. a little diversity wouldn't hurt.  How many times do I have to walk by a 150K car parked outside in the glaring sun while it collects dust?  How many neighbors with all their windows shut and never talking to other neighbors?  Hate the stereotypes but it's true.. lots of asians can't drive (I think it's the FOBs).  Hmmm... maybe I'm changing my tune about the cemetery after all.  lol
jmoney74 said:
fanliang179 said:
Do you really think new HS would be No. 1 in Irvine? Cemetery acts like Asian repellent and I think they probably still want to choose NW or Uni .

Might be a good thing.. a little diversity wouldn't hurt.  How many times do I have to walk by a 150K car parked outside in the glaring sun while it collects dust?  How many neighbors with all their windows shut and never talking to other neighbors?  Hate the stereotypes but it's true.. lots of asians can't drive (I think it's the FOBs).  Hmmm... maybe I'm changing my tune about the cemetery after all.  lol

Hey man mind your own business ok?  I can park my Lamborghini outside if I want! jackass!
Homer_Simpson said:
jmoney74 said:
fanliang179 said:
Do you really think new HS would be No. 1 in Irvine? Cemetery acts like Asian repellent and I think they probably still want to choose NW or Uni .

Might be a good thing.. a little diversity wouldn't hurt.  How many times do I have to walk by a 150K car parked outside in the glaring sun while it collects dust?  How many neighbors with all their windows shut and never talking to other neighbors?  Hate the stereotypes but it's true.. lots of asians can't drive (I think it's the FOBs).  Hmmm... maybe I'm changing my tune about the cemetery after all.  lol

Hey man mind your own business ok?  I can park my Lamborghini outside if I want! jackass!

Car wash bro
So have they released the soil test result for the new high school ?

I read somewhere that it's supposed to be released on Apr 22?
Did some more digging, incredible. ... cancer cluster near the site, this is from an operational site in the 1940s-1950s, so almost 65 years ago?!!  These residents lived near the toxic site, not on the toxic site.

These things are hard to proof, it takes tragedies and many years before people start looking for answers,  by then the damage is done.

BTW, I notice some on this forum engage in personal attack, I am merely the messenger, I ask questions, learn what I feel is valuable from this forum and post what I learned on the subject to share. Anything else is irrelevant to me.
That article mentions nuclear waste?
I don't think there was nuclear waste at the air base?
That's why qwertoxic is raising his kids on Tustin Legacy soil so that when he moves to the Great Park, they will be immune when they go to Portola High.