Opinion on a very important topic

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<p>Effen....you and the .jpg's....</p>

<p>Reason. <em>"But unfortunately, it's majprity rule. Otherwise, why do we have elections? The ones with the most votes win". </em>Unfortunately this is not true either, if so, Al Gore would have been President by over half a million votes. MAN did that piss me off.</p>

<p>RE: Saggy pants. As much as I hate them, the actually help me ! Suspects wearing baggy pants run....find them around their ankles quickly....in handcuffs shortly thereafter. ;)</p>
<p><em>Is it a big fashion faux pas to wear black shoes with a navy skirt?</em> </p>

<p>Okay, I admit I'm a little bit "fashion police." With a navy skirt black shoes will do and most people won't even notice, but white shoes would be better. Red shoes, however, would be fabulous and very now. Me, I actually have all those and navy shoes...but then I admit I have too many shoes.</p>
<p>Oooh, red. Yes! That would be perfect. </p>

<p>I had some great navy flats, but donated them in my "I have too much crap" phase. I do have navy slingbacks that would have been great, but I need to do a fair amount of walking today (Recorder's Office, here I come!), so it had to be flats. </p>

<p>This gal is going shoe shopping tonight.</p>
OK cf, guy fashion question. Boot cut jeans... All the kids are wearing them with flip-flops. What about a situation were you need to put on normal dress-casual lace-ups. Switch to straight-leg jeans?
<p>Eff - I'll try to answer this, but Vogue, W and Style.com don't cover a lot of men's fashion. :-)</p>

<p>In my experience boot cut jeans are worn to balance out your proportions so a larger middle (hips on women) just looks "right". I don't know that it's the same for men. Straight leg jeans would be appropriate with lace-up shoes, however IMHO your body type will be the first thing to look at when deciding the cut of your jeans. Shoes come second, although since some add height they can be important and will also alter your proportions. </p>

<p>The flip-flop-all-the-time thing is pretty much only acceptable in SoCal, and only then because of Jennifer Aniston and the like walking around LA in flip-flops and capris. </p>

<p>I just looked at bananarepublic.com and saw what shoes they had the models wearing with boot cut and straight leg men's jeans. It appears that according to those examples you don't need to switch to straight leg jeans, but I think it does look better. :-)</p>
Eff - Just so you know, <a href="http://tlc.discovery.com/fansites/whatnottowear/whatnottowear.html">Stacy and Clinton</a> would be very down on the flip flops.
<p>I was at the Costa Mesa DMV today... Probably 40% flip-flops down there. Young and old alike.</p>

<p>I'm thankful that they're so prevalent around SoCal... I enjoy wearing them, not for the look but for the comfort. Shoes are like little prisons for my feets. But yes, they're not exactly high fashion and they aren't always appropriate.</p>
<p>I hear ya, Effie. My feet are in flip flops constantly - all year long. They are now at the point where they rebel when I put shoes on -I get blisters.</p>

And I just got back from buying my <em>very</em> cute red flats. Thank you for the suggestion Cayci!

<a href="http://www.zappos.com/n/p/dp/15557501/c/89.html">These</a> are them.