Opinion on a very important topic

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Just because kids think that they can throw a tandrem and be rebellious at home. Disrespecting their parents. Does not mean these same youngsters can go into public and behave the same way they do at home. Home is home, do whatever you want. But in public, it's not a free for all.
reason. . . the problem with that is who's moral and standards are we to impose? With all due respect, I do not agree with you on what people should and should not be able to wear outside of their homes thus why should I live up to your standards? I wear a suit and tie everyday to work because it is expected in my profession but that does not apply for everyone. Parents, not government, need to teach their kids morals and standards.

Based on your post, there should be laws about kids screaming in a public place or crying or doing anything that you disapprove of.

Tattoos were taboo twenty years ago and now are largely accepted in the workplace. . .
<p>It's not my standard. But rather the norm. We can disagree till our faces turn blue. But you honestly think someone with his pants sagging pass his butts is normal? You really think it's normal for this individual to attend church dressing this way? </p>

<p>Again, I agree it's the parents responsibility. But it seems to me there's a lack of it.</p>

<p>At issue is clothing. Not screaming. Not hair do's. This is going off tangent.</p>
Heh...you can now <a href="http://forums.irvinehousingblog.com/extension.php?PostBackAction=PFC">take it to chat!</a>
<p>Just as parents have standards at home for which they enforce. There are also standards in public. </p>

<p>And if we want to go off tangent. Maybe we shouldnt have speed limit? Who says you are speeding but yourself? Since you have your own standard of what is fast or slow? So you can just drive 80 mph thru a residential area? </p>
Again, what's the norm? Who's norms. . .I can tell you that saggy pants are the "norm" for a large segment of the population. . . what about miniskirts, low-cut dresses, skimpy bikinis. . . those were considered "improper" twenty or thirty years ago.

As for the church question. . . It's depends on the church you go to. The church I go to does not really care how you dress. . .their focus is on whether people show up to worship God. Also, you're assuming that the norm is based upon people who go to churches. . .

While clothing is the manifestation that triggered the discussion, the main issue is what the government should or should not be involved in. . .to me, establishing social "norms" is not what the government is set up to do. . .(see Taliban)
Has anyone seen the new tactic in movie theaters - the crying baby sound - it's really clever!
<p>And we are free to disagree. I still stand by mine. And you''re free to stand by yours. You say u're right. I am saying I am right. It can go on and on. </p>

<p>But I am for such law. </p>
<p>Out of the blue you hear a loud crying baby sound.</p>

<p>It makes everyone gasp in horror - then they ask for people to "please, be courteous to others". It always makes everyone laugh.</p>

<p>I, for one, hate when folks let the kids cry during a movie - they should be shot!</p>

The issue of community standards is at the core of all forms of censorship. That is why it isn't just a clothing issue, it is any issue you chose to impose a community standard.

BTW, I don't disagree with what you are saying about baggy cloths. I think it looks ridiculous, but I think people should be allowed to be ridiculous in public if it isn't harming anyone...
<p>But the legislators who initiated the law are elected by the community. Could it be their constituents wanted this law? If so, it's the community not the govt. imposing this.</p>

<p>Same for restaurants.</p>

<p>Don't ruin my $35 filet mignon - take 'em outside. Damn it!</p>
reason. . .one of the most important ideological foundations that this country was founded upon is the idea that the majority should not be allowed to oppress the minority. . . While the majority may have a say on how the country should be had, it should not (and cannot) be allowed to step on the rights of the minority to get there.

I am not trying to say that you're wrong reason, I'm just presenting my point of view. . .it's a discussion. . .