[quote author="trrenter" date=1256968945]To Funny.
<a href="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33555007/ns/travel-news">Southwest kicks mom, cranky kid off flight</a></blockquote>
Personal admission of guilt:
I have a better time controlling RE prices than I do controlling my two sons' behavior. Some of the bloggers here could bear witness to that fact. The boys (2 and 4 years) have their good days and bad, and even with the best preparation (crayons, snacks, books, etc.) they misbehave. I stand accountable and apologize to anyone I've offended by <strong>my actions </strong>and <strong>my parenting skills</strong>. My wife and I do our best but sometimes admittedly come up short. It is extremely embarrassing when it happens and we do try to be considerate of others around us to the best of our ability.
Worst experience:
One of the sellers I had worked with in the past proposed an "incentive" (beyond commissions) if their home sold above a certain price. The carrot on the stick was a paid vacation to Hawaii. The home did not sell above that price, but after the transaction, sellers surprised us with vouchers for flights and accommodations for a week.
Mrs. IR2 and I debated on whether to bring the boys with us. I voted that they would be better off staying in CA with grandparents, who had generously offered to watch them. The deciding voter, however, opted to bring the boys with us. All four of us went, along with 2 car seats, a double-stroller, and all the accoutrements that come with the youngsters. Did I mention that I voted against bringing the boys?
We spent the week alternating between their two sleep schedules, and shuffling between fine dining establishments whose main requirement was an offering of some form of chicken nugget on the menu, but in spite of the limitations, we had a great time and built amazing memories. Life is short.
The return flight was the problem, though, and in spite of bringing gum, juice, and balloons to try to help the kids discomfort during pressure change on our final descent, our oldest got unruly. I mean, crazed, lunatic-fringe unruly; screaming, kicking the seat in front of him, and general wailing and gnashing of teeth. My wife and I did everything we could and felt the red-hot glares from other passengers for the longest 5 minutes of my life, but nothing we did seemed to work.
I finally did violate the seatbelt code and unbuckled, hunched over my seat, and turned around to address the rest of the cabin:
I'm very sorry for bothering you with trying to settle my son. We are doing everything we can and we apologize...
<em>(holding up an open hand)</em> but for five dollars, we are willing to sell him to any of you.
His ears must have popped at that point, because he stopped crying right about then.
True story.