Obamacare on Life Support article

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"With standard deduction, no IRA, no 401K, not other deduction, just $50K gross W2, after child tax credit, their federal tax bill is $1756."

Sounds about right, with the assumptions provided. This family of four likely spends hundreds monthly on employer-provided healthcare insurance, which would not be included in their Taxable Income, lowering the federal income tax toll.
Insurance 101 For Paul Ryan: The Healthy Are Supposed To Help Pay For The Sick
The AHCA?s mandate replacement doesn?t make sense to me

I?m having a really hard time with this. I?m going to try and walk through my dilemma in the hope that someone will be able to make me understand.

The Republicans hate the individual mandate. I get that. I don?t necessarily understand their rationale, but I accept it. They also, however, understand the need for some sort of carrot/stick to get healthy people to buy insurance so that we don?t get adverse selection and see the private insurance market enter a death spiral. So they need to replace it.

We have discussed this before. There are many ways to solve this adverse selection problem without a mandate. Open enrollment periods, penalties for not signing up, loss of protections, inducements for keeping coverage, etc. We have written about this again and again and again and again and again and again. So I?m not saying that you can?t replace the individual mandate.

Many wonks believe that too few healthy people are joining the exchanges. This is leaving the risk pool too expensive and leading to higher premiums. To fix that, we could increase the size of the mandate penalty (stick), increase the size of the subsidies to make insurance cheaper (carrot), or both (carrot and stick).

The AHCA plan, though, goes at this sideways. It eliminates the stick. It reduces the carrot. And it then puts in a new plan ? the 30% insurance markup if people lose continuous coverage.

In theory, making people pay a lot more if they don?t buy insurance as soon as they need to will make healthy people join the market. If they know it will cost a lot more if they wait until they are sick, or if they know it will mean they won?t have community ratings if they don?t purchase plans early, they should buy in ? reducing adverse selection.

But this plan doesn?t really do that. It?s a one-time, one year, 30% markup on insurance. That?s a tiny, tiny penalty in the scheme of things.

Let?s say I?m single and I?m in my late 20?s, and insurance costs me $3000. With the promised $2000 subsidy, I?d have to pay $1000 more to get insurance. Or? I could just forego it this year, and if I need it next year, it will cost me $3900 (I will owe $1900). In just one year, I make money. If I skip a number of years, I can save even more. I?m not sure this is much of a stick.

They could fix this by increasing the size of the stick or by sweetening the deal with carrots, but they didn?t.

Moreover, the incentive is totally in the wrong direction. The individual mandate punishes those who don?t buy insurance ? every year. As long as I remain uninsured, I will be penalized. I will be hit again and again, until I buy insurance. That?s a stick.

The new AHCA penalty works in the opposite direction. Once I?m out of the market, I?m left alone. It?s not until I re-enter that I?m hit with the penalty. The longer I stay out, the longer I avoid the pain. It?s an inducement to remain uninsured.

We know what needs to happen to reduce adverse selection. We need to make the carrots and/or sticks stronger. This seems to do the opposite. I don?t get it.


P.S. I?m also not entirely sure that this aspect of the law can pass muster for reconciliation. It?s an insurance regulation, not part of the federal budget.
My inner Republican has been unleashed. We need to repeal the ACA, or push this Ryan plan through, so that poor/middle income folks who voted for Trump feel the pain of their foolishness.
peppy said:
Don't forget this part: "substantially raising premiums for older people"
That part scares me.  It wont affect me currently, but will in the future. 

Maybe we will have universal health care by then...
Medicare is already means tested.

With no changes to Obama care, 14% of Medicare recipients will pay additional premiums compared to 5% in 2012.

Either you raise premiums for more affluent recipients or you cut benefits for all.

So keep taking out the max in your 401K. I'm sure the government will be happy with your taxes down the road and it's effect on your social security and Medicare benefits/costs.

spootieho said:
peppy said:
Don't forget this part: "substantially raising premiums for older people"
That part scares me.  It wont affect me currently, but will in the future. 

Maybe we will have universal health care by then...

The plan is to choose to be healthy, just like we should choose our parents better at birth.  :-[
Perspective said:
spootieho said:
peppy said:
Don't forget this part: "substantially raising premiums for older people"
That part scares me.  It wont affect me currently, but will in the future. 

Maybe we will have universal health care by then...

The plan is to choose to be healthy, just like we should choose our parents better at birth.  :-[

The fine portion is questionable?
Ready2Downsize said:
Medicare is already means tested.

With no changes to Obama care, 14% of Medicare recipients will pay additional premiums compared to 5% in 2012.

Either you raise premiums for more affluent recipients or you cut benefits for all.

So keep taking out the max in your 401K. I'm sure the government will be happy with your taxes down the road and it's effect on your social security and Medicare benefits/costs.

This is mostly about block grants to Medicaid and upping the cap on premiums from 3x to 5x. Has nothing to do about Medicare. For example, 64-year-old making $26,500 would pay $14,600 for insurance in 2026 ($1,700 under Obamacare).
How does Trump get around this issue? He and the Republicans have promised repeal of ObamaCare for so long, and villified ObamaCare sourcing every bad healthcare issue to ObamaCare. He also promised better and cheaper healthcare insurance, and that no one would lose healthcare insurance. These are very specific promises, opposed to each other.

The best political outcome for Trump is probably the Freedom Caucus and centrist Republicans killing this bill. He can then blame the typical cast of characters: the establishment, swamp in Congress, elites, economists, educated ivory tower types, etc.

Tax reform/cutting should be slightly easier...
Perspective said:
How does Trump get around this issue? He and the Republicans have promised repeal of ObamaCare for so long, and villified ObamaCare sourcing every bad healthcare issue to ObamaCare. He also promised better and cheaper healthcare insurance, and that no one would lose healthcare insurance. These are very specific promises, opposed to each other.

This best political outcome for Trump is probably the Freedom Caucus and centrist Republicans killing this bill. He can then blame the typical cast of characters: the establishment, swamp in Congress, elites, economists, educated ivory tower types, etc.

Tax reform/cutting should be slightly easier...

Perspective said:
How does Trump get around this issue? He and the Republicans have promised repeal of ObamaCare for so long, and villified ObamaCare sourcing every bad healthcare issue to ObamaCare.
The same way Obama got around the issue.  He promised not to sign a bill with the conditions that the ACA had.  He promised to wait before signing the bill.  When it landed on his desk, though, he signed it right away and owned it.

Promises that candidates make while campaigning are pretty empty.  It's nice to see a candidate make the effort to fulfill his promises.  We understand when he can't, however.  Also, keep in mind that the president can't repeal Obamacare without congress repealing it first.

Once he signs it, he can get vilified or praised for signing it.  I agree that if the bill dies, it would be good for Trump and that he could blame others.