Obamacare on Life Support article

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
Actually, there is one other group of winners and this being talk Irvine, applies.  That ACA tax on joint incomes over $250K ($200K single) thing is gone.  So if you're in the over $250K crowd, bonus win!
nosuchreality said:
Perspective said:
nosuchreality said:
Perspective said:
spootieho said:
Is there a site that lays out all the pros and cons of the new proposal in a very easy to read format and is also unbiased?

I'd like something like what ballotpedia offers for local elections.

Read the CBO's report and The Economist article I posted today. Those are unbiased.

It really depends on were you get your coverage today.

Fortune 500, you won't see much difference.
Small but over 50 firm, depends on your employer, my guess, they run for the door.
smaller firm under 50, you were porked then, you're porked now.
Individual market over 400% FPL, in California you need a completely new plan if you want it to qualify for the tax credit.  Hey, you get a tax credit if you get the new plan.  if you're over 50, haha, not enough to cover the 5X spread porking.  40ish, you break even, 30ish and under, yea! you get a credit and lower rate, if you get a compliant plan, which California currently has I think one.
Thru CoveredCA, you're porked.
Thru medicaid expansion, you're okay, until (AND IF), the State cuts due to block grants after 2018.

And if you have a pre-existing condition, no difference really between ACA and proposal, unless you want to play coverage gap roulette, which could be quite lucrative.

Sounds like a pretty accurate summary from what I've read.

There is one other thing for the Fortune 500 / Russell 2000 type employers, there is a give-me in it for them regarding the 'voluntary' health assessment things they due for employees that let's them be more intrusive and expand the excess premium if you don't 'voluntary' get health assessed.

Genetic testing may be included in this category (as currently proposed in the AHCA).
nosuchreality said:
Actually, there is one other group of winners and this being talk Irvine, applies.  That ACA tax on joint incomes over $250K ($200K single) thing is gone.  So if you're in the over $250K crowd, bonus win!

That's just the additional Medicare 0.9% tax. There's also the 3.8% ACA tax on Net Investment Income. This tax isn't as straight forward in application, but if your income is in the top bracket (and the investment income can bump your total income into the top bracket), there's an additional tax on most investment income, which includes interest earned in savings/checking accounts.
Perspective said:
nosuchreality said:
Actually, there is one other group of winners and this being talk Irvine, applies.  That ACA tax on joint incomes over $250K ($200K single) thing is gone.  So if you're in the over $250K crowd, bonus win!

That's just the additional Medicare 0.9% tax. There's also the 3.8% ACA tax on Net Investment Income. This tax isn't as straight forward in application, but if your income is in the top bracket (and the investment income can bump your total income into the top bracket), there's an additional tax on most investment income, which includes interest earned in savings/checking accounts.

Is getting rid of the Employer Sponsored Insurance tax exclusion still on the table with TrumpCare? That could be a hefty bump in taxes. I remember the Heritage Foundation pushing for abolishing it or at least capping it.
peppy said:
Perspective said:
nosuchreality said:
Actually, there is one other group of winners and this being talk Irvine, applies.  That ACA tax on joint incomes over $250K ($200K single) thing is gone.  So if you're in the over $250K crowd, bonus win!

That's just the additional Medicare 0.9% tax. There's also the 3.8% ACA tax on Net Investment Income. This tax isn't as straight forward in application, but if your income is in the top bracket (and the investment income can bump your total income into the top bracket), there's an additional tax on most investment income, which includes interest earned in savings/checking accounts.

Is getting rid of the Employer Sponsored Insurance tax exclusion still on the table with TrumpCare? That could be a hefty bump in taxes. I remember the Heritage Foundation pushing for abolishing it or at least capping it.

Nope. That would enrage too many voters.
Perspective said:
peppy said:
Perspective said:
nosuchreality said:
Actually, there is one other group of winners and this being talk Irvine, applies.  That ACA tax on joint incomes over $250K ($200K single) thing is gone.  So if you're in the over $250K crowd, bonus win!

That's just the additional Medicare 0.9% tax. There's also the 3.8% ACA tax on Net Investment Income. This tax isn't as straight forward in application, but if your income is in the top bracket (and the investment income can bump your total income into the top bracket), there's an additional tax on most investment income, which includes interest earned in savings/checking accounts.

Is getting rid of the Employer Sponsored Insurance tax exclusion still on the table with TrumpCare? That could be a hefty bump in taxes. I remember the Heritage Foundation pushing for abolishing it or at least capping it.

Nope. That would enrage too many voters.

I was getting some FB spam about Mimi Walters and the prospect of an increase in middle class taxes once this tax exclusion is repealed as part of the ACHA. I wasn't able to find anything concrete about it but that this tax exclusion amounts to $250bn of untapped federal revenue.

Perspective said:
The mandate is eliminated in the current RyanCare version, as well as most other features of ACA intended to help spread the risk - i.e. insurance.

The Parts of Obamacare Republicans
Will Keep, Change or Discard

That's old news though. They are still modifying whatever goes into GOPcare possibly just until the vote comes up with very specific additions to sweeten the deal for particular votes.
peppy said:
Perspective said:
The mandate is eliminated in the current RyanCare version, as well as most other features of ACA intended to help spread the risk - i.e. insurance.

The Parts of Obamacare Republicans
Will Keep, Change or Discard

That's old news though. They are still modifying whatever goes into GOPcare possibly just until the vote comes up with very specific additions to sweeten the deal for particular votes.

"GOPcare". Hmm. We need a name! Nobody wants to be associated with this bill. How 'bout the double entendre "TrumpCareLess"?
Looks like they will try to jam the bill through the Senate in one week if it passes in Congress (tomorrow). Obamacare took about 3 months to go through the Senate and then another 3 months back  in the house - and that was considered "jamming it through". What should we call the pace at which Trumpcare is being forced through?
peppy said:
Looks like they will try to jam the bill through the Senate in one week if it passes in Congress (tomorrow). Obamacare took about 3 months to go through the Senate and then another 3 months back  in the house - and that was considered "jamming it through". What should we call the pace at which Trumpcare is being forced through?

I will be very impressed if they manage to get this bill through the Senate that quickly. Seems like an impossible task, considering the effect this bill will have on millions of folks.
Perspective said:
peppy said:
Looks like they will try to jam the bill through the Senate in one week if it passes in Congress (tomorrow). Obamacare took about 3 months to go through the Senate and then another 3 months back  in the house - and that was considered "jamming it through". What should we call the pace at which Trumpcare is being forced through?

I will be very impressed if they manage to get this bill through the Senate that quickly. Seems like an impossible task, considering the effect this bill will have on millions of folks.

Support for it is waning so they need to do it fast. CBO should have new figures at the end of today that incorporate the latest changes. Although additional changes might happen overnight to gain support from select Congressmen.

Once/if it goes to the house, it won't even be a clean reconciliation bill (remember that premium penalty for lapses in coverage? That can't be part of a reconciliation bill). At the point the Rs have to blow up the Byrd Rule by essentially over-ruling the Senate Parlamentarian to get a vote on it.

"Do you really want to dramatically reduce healthcare access to your key constituents? This does not sound like a successful electoral strategy".

How would you feel if I suddenly were to be ineligible to qualify for MED-I-CAL (Medicaid)?

All I need to do is have my hubby decide to retire. We have plenty of cash in the bank to last a lifetime including money to pay for healthcare and a house that is free and clear complete with reduced property taxes but with OBAMACARE the asset test was eliminated. I can have a kazillion bucks in the bank with which to draw on and get Medicaid or a very large subsidy if I decide to get another plan other than medicaid on your dime and travel.

Boo hoo! I might lose that option because of Trump!
Ready2Downsize said:
"Do you really want to dramatically reduce healthcare access to your key constituents? This does not sound like a successful electoral strategy".

How would you feel if I suddenly were to be ineligible to qualify for MED-I-CAL (Medicaid)?

All I need to do is have my hubby decide to retire. We have plenty of cash in the bank to last a lifetime including money to pay for healthcare and a house that is free and clear complete with reduced property taxes but with OBAMACARE the asset test was eliminated. I can have a kazillion bucks in the bank with which to draw on and get Medicaid or a very large subsidy if I decide to get another plan other than medicaid on your dime and travel.

Boo hoo! I might lose that option because of Trump!

Half my  kid's school is Title I.  How many of them will end up losing coverage?