Newer Irvine listings with crazy WTF asking prices from equity sellers

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
Title company data access will tell you if the buyer financed or paid cash.

I wonder if someday the Feds will crack down on realtors who have only sold homes to specific ethnicities as a fair housing issue.

Nah.... The $$$$ is too great.
Title company data access will tell you if the buyer financed or paid cash.

I wonder if someday the Feds will crack down on realtors who have only sold homes to specific ethnicities as a fair housing issue.

Nah.... The $$$$ is too great.
Actually - foreign buyer needs to fill out some forms iirc… but “FCB” of this thread might hold GC or even citizenship per se.
My luck is just shit. The only consolation I take from this is that at least I will get to experience a bit of that "Irvine pain". Not A LOT like the sellers 6 months ago, just a little bit, but better than nothing.

We started listing it, but timing may be bad since a lot of people are vacationing right now. A lot of realtors came in at the broker preview, but Open House was kind of slow. It doesn't help that a couple other Bluffs 2 popped up on the market at the same time, one view lot and the other one listing at $100k less. Not to mention that my neighbor (Bluffs 1) started listing a week before us.

Good luck with the sale CalBears. On a slightly related noted, the seller of 118 Poppyseed brought me in as one of the 3 agents to interview for the listing in June. I told the seller that I'm seeing a slowdown with buyers pulling their offers and/or not responding to counters as well as cancellations (including the one I had on my Westpark listing). I also told them that the Bluff homes weren't moving very well and maybe to wait until after Labor Day to list when inventory comes down a bit including the other Bluff homes on the market or price it more aggressively. At least they took my advice on installing vinyl flooring (they had standard builder car and 12x12 tiles).
Good luck with the sale CalBears. On a slightly related noted, the seller of 118 Poppyseed brought me in as one of the 3 agents to interview for the listing in June. I told the seller that I'm seeing a slowdown with buyers pulling their offers and/or not responding to counters as well as cancellations (including the one I had on my Westpark listing). I also told them that the Bluff homes weren't moving very well and maybe to wait until after Labor Day to list when inventory comes down a bit including the other Bluff homes on the market or price it more aggressively. At least they took my advice on installing vinyl flooring (they had standard builder car and 12x12 tiles).
We were also going to interview their realtor, but he was the last one and my wife already decided to go with the realtor we talked to in the morning, who was the third one, and he was the fourth one in the afternoon. So my wife cancelled the appointment with him, at which point he told us he was representing our neighbor. Yeah, our neighbors didn't have much upgrades when they moved in.

I originally was going to list after Labor Day since I can't close escrow until after Sep 16th (that's when I closed escrow on my Eastvale home 2 years ago), but our agent reminded us that this is when the FCBs are on vacation in the US, so we decided to list earlier. I think Bluffs 1 don't move as well as Bluffs 2 since it's not as desirable, but our neighbor already got an offer. From what I heard, it's below listing price, how much I don't know.
We were also going to interview their realtor, but he was the last one and my wife already decided to go with the realtor we talked to in the morning, who was the third one, and he was the fourth one in the afternoon. So my wife cancelled the appointment with him, at which point he told us he was representing our neighbor. Yeah, our neighbors didn't have much upgrades when they moved in.

I originally was going to list after Labor Day since I can't close escrow until after Sep 16th (that's when I closed escrow on my Eastvale home 2 years ago), but our agent reminded us that this is when the FCBs are on vacation in the US, so we decided to list earlier. I think Bluffs 1 don't move as well as Bluffs 2 since it's not as desirable, but our neighbor already got an offer. From what I heard, it's below listing price, how much I don't know.
Still near ATH? You can never time the market perfectly…
Still near ATH? You can never time the market perfectly…
Yes, it's true that you can never time the market perfectly. Just like @Danimal mentioned, both times I was selling, it's past the peak and when the market goes from seller's market to buyer's market. It just really sucks seeing inferior Bluffs homes (tiny lots with barely any upgrades) getting offers immediately 6 months ago while we don't even get many buyers visiting at Open House.

But I guess I can't really complain since we will be making profit anyway, just not as much as we had hope. And of course, buyer's market makes us anxious as the house has to sit on the market longer.
How are these homes selling at these ridiculous inflated prices when the market is slowing down? Something is fishy, especially the one that has same agent representing both buyer and seller. Someone needed to clean their money, I guess.