Newer Irvine listings with crazy WTF asking prices from equity sellers

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
Burn That Belly said:
aquabliss said:
The outside of Terrapin house really looks like the OC men's central jail.

It's just so bad... god honestly... charging people so much money and MR...and they build these boxy low-income looking homes. Absolutely appalling.


My man, remember

1) 8s are lucky af
2) the path to citizenship in the greatest country to ever exist... EVER...  believe me... I know a lot of great countries...  is paved with investment dollars, which do not discriminate based on race, economic background, boxiness, or stucco-ness
3) xi jingping can't touch this investment once escrow is funded
Burn That Belly said:
aquabliss said:
The outside of Terrapin house really looks like the OC men's central jail.

It's just so bad... god honestly... charging people so much money and MR...and they build these boxy low-income looking homes. Absolutely appalling.

In 30 years, this will look exactly like Santa Ana.
Burn That Belly said:
Mety said:
Traditional looking homes are better and will last longer in my opinion.

You mean like 90s Northwood homes?

Some of those are nice too.
I guess I should have said "timeless design."
Many homes from OH, WB, QH, and PP kinda have that. I don't like trendy stuff in general, but I guess younger folks might think it's cool.
Let's see...ugly granite, busy backsplash, and cheap tiles/carpet yet price it $50k over the last model match that closed 10 days ago?  I'm always amazed at how some sellers/listing agents come up with these prices.  haha

But I'm sure I'll be spending a thank you note to this listing agent as my client's condo is more upgraded and will be priced around the closed comp.  Thank Paul, much appreciated!
Burn That Belly said:
aquabliss said:
The outside of Terrapin house really looks like the OC men's central jail.

It's just so bad... god honestly... charging people so much money and MR...and they build these boxy low-income looking homes. Absolutely appalling.

This is what Beacon Park will look like when the big one hits:


Burn That Belly said:

The demographic in that area is changing...
