New TI Member (Long time first time) looking for some help

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
if I'm in the mood to be romantic I don't need a fire to keep my flesh warm... now if they utilized the space and made it into something else... say a pole... ::)

SoCal78 said:
There are some things an IPhone app can't do, namely: keep your flesh warm.

Ditto for candles.
I think the thing is - for white people, we like to feel close to nature. Water (bath) + a fire = sexy.

It's the same reason we like pretending we're good gardeners by growing our own herbs and vegetables. It reminds us of our agricultural roots.  :P
irvinehomeshopper said:
You are asking for the impossible. The 3CWG is a round hole and the Greatroom plan is a square peg. The two will never fit.

Well, only in the emerald city and the immediate surroundings is that a reality.  If you venture into the enchanted forest (areas further south), you will find all you desire.  Watch out for the flying Monkey's though. 

USCTrojanCPA said:
irvinehomeshopper said:
You are asking for the impossible. The 3CWG is a round hole and the Greatroom plan is a square peg. The two will never fit.
Maybe a builder can get smart and put the two together.  :-X  :-\

If you build it, they will come..

I don't know why I am in a movie mood today.
rkp said:
SoCal78 said:
There are some things an IPhone app can't do, namely: keep your flesh warm.

Ditto for candles.

actually an iphone can heat you up nicely.  sadly my ears and hands are on fire when when i hold my wifes iphone too long :/
Yep... play a few hours of Angry Birds or watching Netflix and an iPhone can get warmer than a candle. :)
Question for some of the brokers on the board..

I have my own agent license and is currently hanging it at my buddy's brokerage firm (he does not require commission from me). If I see a house I like and would like to put a offer on.. should I go through my buddy's broker or just use the listing agents?

I believe the advantage of using the listing agent's would be that the price of the home can be lowered directly and I would pay no income tax on the transaction. Are there any advantages in doing the transaction through my buddy ?
Crispy3 said:
Question for some of the brokers on the board..

I have my own agent license and is currently hanging it at my buddy's brokerage firm (he does not require commission from me). If I see a house I like and would like to put a offer on.. should I go through my buddy's broker or just use the listing agents?

I believe the advantage of using the listing agent's would be that the price of the home can be lowered directly and I would pay no income tax on the transaction. Are there any advantages in doing the transaction through my buddy ?
Most listing agents will be loathe to give up their full commission if you don't have your own agent/represent yourself.  I've gotten a lot of pushback from listing agents when I've requested the seller drop the price of the home by my commission rebate to my buyers.  You can ask your friend to be your agent on the transaction (where you do all the work) and then they will be able to credit you a portion of the commission up to your total closing costs (assuming you are using financing).  The remainder of the commission will be taxable for you. 
But if I am able to find a listing agent that will work with the seller to drop the price directly? I assume the seller would prefer that since he/she would pay less capital gains tax as well. I'm just thinking if there are any advantages in representing myself (or have my friend represent me).
Crispy3 said:
But if I am able to find a listing agent that will work with the seller to drop the price directly? I assume the seller would prefer that since he/she would pay less capital gains tax as well. I'm just thinking if there are any advantages in representing myself (or have my friend represent me).
I would go in with either yourself representing yourself or your broker friend representing you.  Don't assume that a listing agent will do you any favors.  The lender will not allow you to credit yourself any of the commission for your closing costs if you represent yourself as the buyer's agent but they will if your broker friend represents you.  My advice would be to make the deal first and then try to negotiate the price/commission drop via an addendum once you open escrow. 