New Car

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
Yeah... and also why buying in a city where the commute is longer is not a really good option for us.

While housing prices may continue to stay flat or drop... not sure what gas prices will do. I need Doc Brown to hurry up with that trash engine.
I'd expect the Avalon to sell for 32K+ttl, 31K would def be a great price. Here is a tip, don't get the maintenance plan when you get the car. A common trick is to reuce margin on the car and make it back on the maintenance contract. You can shop around for a better price, I believe a dealer Kansas sells it close to cost. You can buy the plan anytime before 3yr or 36k since it gets tacked on to the back end.

About the A7, you should checkout audiworld for more feedback. When I had an Audi I found their boards full of great insight.
Optimus(sub)Prime said:
One more thing about the A7, I think the 6 series gran coupe is going to own this segment. The msrp difference might be big, but BMW will probably raise their residuals to get competitive lease deals. The interior is stunning:

Maybe when I hit my midlife crisis... so to all car owners with white leather interior... what's the best way to clean?  would you ever buy white interior car seats again?
kalbi said:
Optimus(sub)Prime said:
One more thing about the A7, I think the 6 series gran coupe is going to own this segment. The msrp difference might be big, but BMW will probably raise their residuals to get competitive lease deals. The interior is stunning:

ooooooh, i like!

The new 6 Gran Coupe will be a lot more expensive than a similarly equipped CLS or A7. It is proabably closer to size and pricing of the larger and uglier Porsche

Also those photos of the interior are BMW  individual trim, not a standard option in the US. Most BMW individual options for ext paint or interior trim/leather colors cost $5k extra from the US and are special order
Some dealer just quoted me OTD price of $31,932 for MSRP $38,844.. this is OTD price which means this beats my old deal of $31,000 + ttl = OTD by quite a bit.. so to compare apples to apples.. my first deal

$31,000 + ttl (~10%) =  $34,100

this deal is

$29,029 + ttl (~10%) = $31,932

difference of $2000... I'm thinking this new dealer is trying to hook me in and when I walk in they'll do the I made a price mistake tactic... I asked the guy clearly over the phone, I write a check out for $31,932 and get to drive the car home.. he said yes... mentioned something about president's day sale.. but that's just false hoopla... they do have three identical MSRP Avalons.. but still doesn't make sense to be so far from all the other quotes I've gotten from dealers (emailed about 15-18 dealers in the area). 

one thing that really worries me is he first sends out a quote of $25,000 for the Avalon.. I called him and questioned him three times about the price... he's $6000 lower then the next best offer... it's cheaper then buying used for crying out loud... he called me back in a few and said he did make a mistake and will resend the actual price... that's when i got the $31,932 OTD quote..I'll find out Saturday

He'll probably say $31,932 +ttl. If he does say out the door, then you should run down and get it.

The Gran Coupe will be more, but no one buys these cars anyway. I'm sure the residuals will be set high to get the lease in the ballpark of the CLS or S7.
Man, this dealer's got horrible yelp reviews (but which toyota dealer does?).. mostly 1 star reviews... at least Power Irvine got 2 star average reviews... have  feeling i'll be wasting a trip out to the IE...  what's there to do or eat in Corona?
So at what point do you draw the line to save a couple hundred dollars?  If you can save 2-3k I can see the hassle being worth it. But for under 1k, all the headache doesn't seem worth it. Can't remember if this has been covered already but are u a Costco member?  A lot of Toyota dealerships have a prenegotiated price for Costco members. If your settling for an Avalon because you are getting 5,6 or 7k below msrp that doesn't mean anything. It just means it is not priced correctly and you are now paying what the car is worth. Just spend a little more and get a car u want. Get an Acura and join Boston in the special under the radar Acura club.
qwerty said:
So at what point do you draw the line to save a couple hundred dollars?  If you can save 2-3k I can see the hassle being worth it. But for under 1k, all the headache doesn't seem worth it. Can't remember if this has been covered already but are u a Costco member?  A lot of Toyota dealerships have a prenegotiated price for Costco members. If your settling for an Avalon because you are getting 5,6 or 7k below msrp that doesn't mean anything. It just means it is not priced correctly and you are now paying what the car is worth. Just spend a little more and get a car u want. Get an Acura and join Boston in the special under the radar Acura club.

I love car to getting a refi for my mortage and doing my taxes.. for some reason love to crunch numbers.. but only if it involves me saving money... I am a frequent Kirkland Signature shopper....but their car buying service is for wimps who use to buy Saturns... I can get a much better deal myself...  If you don't like to haggle (for some reason most people don't) use Costco, or carsdirect, but you won't get the best deal..

Acura's pricing is preventing me from joining the under the radar club... right now '11 Avalon gives me the most bang for the buck...

I'm still bitter about my first buying experience, I was 18 and mom got me a Civic.. we didn't know anything about buying cars and had poor credit... we paid sticker plus finance at 19%... we didn't know we can haggle on the window price..  and thought the salesguy was nice to offer us financing due to our lack of credit... it wasn't until a mutual friend found out how much we are really paying for the civic..we paid it off right away...  I hate being taken advantage of financially and will squeeze every dime nickel penny from now on to get the best deal (this applies to big purchases only like house, car, mortgage, etc..) 

The gas money you save with hybrids is paid to the dealer when you buy the car... not worth it.. and can you picture me driving a Prius?  Looks ridiculous.
ps99472 said:
The gas money you save with hybrids is paid to the dealer when you buy the car... not worth it.. and can you picture me driving a Prius?  Looks ridiculous.
I didn't rec a hybrid to save money on gas... I suggested it to be more earth friendly and to cut down on our reliance on fossil fuels (although one can argue that to make the batteries and then to dispose of them is a net zero proposition).

Not all hybrids look like a Prius... they make mid-size cars and even full-size trucks with hybrid engines now.

I know you don't want to go "anyong ha sae yo" but this commercial is funny (esp the guy shaving) and relate-able (the smoke detector hunting):
