<p>liz, do the unicorns specify which orifice must not be deflowered or is it just a general advocacy of abstinence? If it's the latter, are unicorns, in fact, undercover agents of the religious right exploiting their cuteness to indoctrinate little girls so when they grow up they keep their legs closed and vote Republican? Judging from the Unicorn Code, it would seem that this is the case; their prohibition against drug use smacks of Nancy Reagan's influence. I demand Congress appoint a special prosecutor to investigate this.</p>
<p>For the record, Mary Jane deserves to get dumped. Having read the trials and troubles of Peter Parker aka Spiderman since age 6, I think it's about time that he dumped that trainwreck and moved on to a nice girl without all the emotional baggage.</p>
<p>Stones and glasshouses, Trooper, that's "WTF".</p>
<p>(The preceeding post is heavily laden with Sarcasm, a form of Humor that isn't recommended for those with heart conditions, poor health, high blood pressure, or PMS. If you are offended by sarcasm, please feel free to kiss my backside.)</p>