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Due or with, cases are rising which is what is triggering LA?s mask mandate.

And the point I was making was that masks are effective or else hospitals wouldn?t be enforcing them.

Are you challenging the efficacy of masks?
irvinehomeowner said:

Due or with, cases are rising which is what is triggering LA?s mask mandate.

And the point I was making was that masks are effective or else hospitals wouldn?t be enforcing them.

Are you challenging the efficacy of masks?

Sorry, this was your comment:  It's about preventing the system from being overwhelmed.

With or without masks, the system has no chance of being overwhelmed if the rise in hospitalizations isn't due to severe covid-related symptoms.
Post games again.

My response was to morekaos' post about LA not being overwhelmed at the moment, my response is that rising cases, whether due to or with Covid can result in that scenario like it has in the past.

So weird someone with your penchant for data and facts is on the other side of this because of your political leanings.

And as per usual, no answer to my question about the efficacy of masks, which is the topic of this thread.
You are so dumb 😂
Only rising hospitalization due to Covid counts, and it is not rising.
Who cares if people gets hospitalized with COVID, if not due to Covid? Mask won't help there.

One can argue people who are overweight are more likely to be hospitalized; we should have a boot camp mandate all the fat people should pay out of pocket and attend.

irvinehomeowner said:
Post games again.

My response was to morekaos' post about LA not being overwhelmed at the moment, my response is that rising cases, whether due to or with Covid can result in that scenario like it has in the past.

So weird someone with your penchant for data and facts is on the other side of this because of your political leanings.

And as per usual, no answer to my question about the efficacy of masks, which is the topic of this thread.
We are all going to get this, and we will never be rid of it?mask or no mask? quadruple vaxed or not vaxed.

President Biden tests positive for Covid-19, has mild symptoms

President Joe Biden has tested positive for Covid-19.
The president, who is fully vaccinated and has received two Covid booster shots, is experiencing ?very mild symptoms,? press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said in a statement.
irvinehomeowner said:
So weird someone with your penchant for data and facts is on the other side of this because of your political leanings.

And as per usual, no answer to my question about the efficacy of masks, which is the topic of this thread.

I don't think we'll ever have a precise measure of the efficacy of masks.  At this point, it just doesn't matter because the virus isn't causing the same problems that it was early on.
@LL: I didn't ask for a precise measure, just if you agree or disagree they have enough efficacy to warrant healthcare requirements and/or mandates based on infection rates. Stop dancing.

@morekaos: Have you been to a hospital recently? Do you tell them that you don't believe in masks?
Japan just had the single day record of COVID cases; mask wearing is a cultural norm there and over 60% population is boosted. Does mask work? Does vaccinations work? Only low IQ people like iho who got brainwashed by the media and government will think so.
irvinehomeowner said:
@LL: I didn't ask for a precise measure, just if you agree or disagree they have enough efficacy to warrant healthcare requirements and/or mandates based on infection rates. Stop dancing.

@morekaos: Have you been to a hospital recently? Do you tell them that you don't believe in masks?

I don't agree with a countywide mandate to wear masks indoors.  If hospitals or individual businesses want to require it, that's fine with me.
Since morekaos likes to post his anecdotes about masks:

It all depends on where you are... when I go to South County... zero masking... Irvine is getting that way too but there are still pockets of masking.

Went to San Francisco a month ago, in Chinatown, outdoors, all the older people were wearing masks.

And a friend of mine went to Vegas with his family (BTS concert?), one of tested his kids positive for Covid there... masked up in the car on the drive back... over 4+ hours and the rest of the family did not catch it. So I guess masks do work... or vaccinations... as none of them had "sweet natural immunity".
I was at Kohl's off of Jeffery yesterday and was really surprised at the number of people wearing masks.  I would estimate that there were about 90%+ masked.  For example all the Kohl's workers were masked, and out of the 11 people in line at the cashier station (this includes people already at the cashier counter), 9 people were masked.

So I thought maybe I missed some news on TV regarding some super new variant and people were masking up for that...
A friend and his wife got covid last week.
They were having internet problems so they called Spectrum Cable.

Spectrum sent out a tech 3 days ago.
No on was wearing masks.
Just got back from a week in Cabo. No masks at all except for all the poor employees at bars and resort.  None on plane either way.  Dr Jill just got it after 4 shots and masking?.we are ALL going to get this?. ;D ;D >:D
?Masks Don?t Stop Viruses ?and It Turns Out They?re Actually Harmful? ? Dr. Simone Gold from America?s Frontline Doctors

By Joe Hoft

Published June 6, 2022 at 6:00pm

The US government forced Americans to wear masks for the past two years.  Now we know that masks don?t work and actually are harmful.

You still cannot go through an airport without seeing individuals wearing masks.  Unfortunately, these individuals don?t know that the masks don?t protect them from viruses and are actually harmful.  Dr. Simone Gold from American Frontline Doctors shared a report today.

The National Pulse reported on the results of a recent mask mandate study:

Mask mandates caused higher COVID-19 death rates, according to the bombshell claims made in a new medical journal report analyzing fatality rates across the state of Kansas.

The observational study ? ?The Foegen Effect: A Mechanism by Which Facemasks Contribute to the COVID-19 Case Fatality Rate? ? was published in Medicine in February 2022, authored by German doctor Zacharias F?gen.

The paper analyzed ?whether mandatory mask use influenced the case fatality rate in Kansas? during the time period of August 1st, 2020 to October 15th. Kansas was used for comparison because the state allowed each of its 105 counties to decide whether or not to implement mask mandates, with 81 counties deciding against the measure.

?The most important finding from this study is that contrary to the accepted thought that fewer people are dying because infection rates are reduced by masks, this was not the case,? summarized the paper.

?Results from this study strongly suggest that mask mandates actually caused about 1.5 times the number of deaths or ?50% more deaths compared to no mask mandates.?

We knew back in June of 2020 that the masks didn?t work and they actually hurt when used for a lengthy amount of time.

Well what we have been saying since the very start turns out to be true…go figure..full stop!😆😆😆

'Gold standard' analysis of 78 studies and 1million people finds face coverings made 'little to no difference' to Covid infection or death rates

· Wearing a mask reduced the risk of flu or Covid-like illness by just five percent

· The Danish researchers said wearing one 'probably makes little or difference'

· The study casts doubt on ongoing mask recommendations from the CDC
Well that should put it to bed (not DM but NYT)….”settled science” now…

The Mask Mandates Did Nothing. Will Any Lessons Be Learned?

“From a broad public-health standpoint, at the population level, masks work at the margins — maybe 10 percent,” Fauci explained.

From saying we should have all worn masks earlier in the pandemic, to now admitting that, at best, they’re about 10 percent effective in the general public?
There’s no evidence that they’re even 10 percent effective, but even allowing for that, the tremendous harms of mask wearing would far outweigh any marginal benefit.
Especially considering that COVID is endemic and will be contracted by everyone, regardless of what they do. And that his assertions were used to forcibly mask children for years, a practice that somehow still continues in defiance of reality.
Fauci then contradicts himself, again, saying that at an individual level, high quality masks are effective.
“But for an individual who religiously wears a mask, a well-fitted KN95 or N95, it’s not at the margin. It really does work,” he claimed.
There is no evidence that this statement is true, and much to suggest that it isn’t. But that also stands in direct opposition to what he’s previously said.
He himself wore cloth masks and repeatedly told the public that using anything of any fabric would be effective. Now he’s limiting it to only claiming a “well-fitted KN95 or N95” is effective?
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