Again - you're projecting completely skewed exaggerated "facts" about PS. The entire NORTHPARK neighborhood is within 250 meters of either 261, Portola Parkway, or Culver or Irvine Blvd. The entire place. And yet, Very few homes brush against the 250 meter perimeter from 241 in the Portola Springs. The remainder are much farther away than 250 meters.
Same with Laguna Altura. 100% of the neighborhood is within 180 meters of 133 where it actually has traffic going to Laguna. On the other side, most of the neighborhood is swallowed by the 250 perimeter of 405.
Go on and on, Quail Hill (most of it within 300 meters of 405 and 133), Cypress Village (no need to measure anything here), Eastwood (Portola Parkway, Irvine Blvd, Jeffrey literally border the place).
And yes, don't kid yourself and don't offer "delete post" blah blah. I don't need any deletion or adjustment of your posts. Go ahead and leave whatever you want. Posts in these forums DO end up putting fears into people's minds, and that's what's going on around the country, create fear (aka Fox News) and rule. And this is what you guys, the professional posters of these forums, are completely doing.
I also don't think the higher MR of PS truly changes the math equation that is $400/sqft vs ridiculous pricing that is Orchard Hills at $550/sqft. Truly? That's a 25-30% increase in the actual price of the home. Does PS truly has SUCH HIGH MR that it offsets the ridiculous pricing in OH or EW? Do the math for me and i'll gladly concede you're "right" on this one if the math truly works out the way you say it does.
Again, you're trying your best to prove your points. It's just not working out.