ps9 said:These motorcourts, so far, seem to be priced a bit higher than its similar SFR siblings (high 1 mil vs mid 1 mil). Why would buyer pay more for motorcourt?
ps9 said:Off all the Orchard Hills products, these floorplans are the ones I truly want to walk through. Maybe not to buy but just to enjoy something different. These motorcourts, so far, seem to be priced a bit higher than its similar SFR siblings (high 1 mil vs mid 1 mil). Why would buyer pay more for motorcourt?
OCgasman said:I saw these on Thurs along with TNHC homes. La Vita was a virtual ghost town compared to the throngs of ppl at TNHC. The floor plans are nice. But the motorcourt kills it. Who the hell would pay that kinda money for a motorcourt?! Epic fail on the motorcourt design. Also, great views off the back houses into...wait for it...the apartments below. I predict major street parking problems for owners and guests. Stupid and an obvious money grab. Brookfield, you're better than this. I see these languishing on the market and predict major upgrade incentives to move this product.
I wasn't invited to preview these and not sure if they had a preview. I did not go thru prequal for those. I'll go look at these today along with all the other minions. I know ppl are down on KB and justifiably so based on their rep, but I'm intrigued with the floor plans. Actually, I'm looking forward to seeing all the Grove homes. Man, hope it's not too much of a zoo today.ps9 said:OCgasman said:I saw these on Thurs along with TNHC homes. La Vita was a virtual ghost town compared to the throngs of ppl at TNHC. The floor plans are nice. But the motorcourt kills it. Who the hell would pay that kinda money for a motorcourt?! Epic fail on the motorcourt design. Also, great views off the back houses into...wait for it...the apartments below. I predict major street parking problems for owners and guests. Stupid and an obvious money grab. Brookfield, you're better than this. I see these languishing on the market and predict major upgrade incentives to move this product.
What about Capella/Vicenza/Messina? Were they ghost towns like La Vita?
nytransplant said:Are these true motor courts, i.e. no parking on the street right outside your house?,2917.msg71580.html#msg71580test said:This dude has a really long way to drag is garbage can.
But this dude has a really, really long way.
Garbage pickup policy: Collection.pdf